Zhou Qing was speechless after hearing this, and turned his head to look at Jia Zhangshi:

"Mother-in-law Qin Huairu, what are you doing here after you have enough to eat?"

Qin Huairu saw that Zhou Qing and her mother-in-law Jia Zhangshi were about to start again, so she twisted her little widow's charm with a clever move, and softly persuaded Zhou Qing:

"Don't be angry, don't be angry."

"Zhou Qing, you really blame us, I actually want to ask you for help and show my mother the legs."

"It's not that I heard that you are now working in the National Medical Center, presumably you will not refuse to save people, so..."

Qin Huairu said and leaned in, wanting to hold Zhou Qing and let him go to the house.

But Zhou Qing saw through Qin Huairu's trick at a glance, quickly dodged and refused:


"My medical skills can't save Jia Zhang's like this, don't plant something on my head when the time comes."

"And bones are this disease, you better go to the sixth hospital to see the orthopedic department."

Jia Zhangshi looked unforgiving and said,

"Take a look! Look what I said coming!

"I just said that he Zhou Qing won't help me, our Jia family's life is bitter!" This old bone of mine is like this, and you still have to say cool words.

"Just let my leg be wasted forever!"

Zhou Qing was most annoyed that Jia Zhang's whole death came out.

It's appetizing to watch.

He turned his head and was about to leave.

Li Tuo, who had been behind him, couldn't bear to watch this scene.

And looking at the old woman's legs, at most, ordinary bones are misaligned, a little bruised, apply some ointment and rest for a while and it will be fine.

If she really broke her bones, she wouldn't be able to stand up at all!

Seeing that Zhou Qing had left the courtyard and walked towards his house.

Li Tuo's healer was benevolent and planned to give the box of ointment, anyway, it was a matter of raising his hand, or a few cents of things.

You can also publicize the strength and reputation of the Chinese Medical Center, killing two birds with one stone.

After thinking about it, Li Tuo took out a box of bonesetting ointment from the bag and handed it to Jia Zhangshi:

"Aunt, this is the signature ointment of our Chinese Medical Center, you apply it to your leg every night before going to bed, within a week, the bruises can be dissolved, and you can walk normally."

But Jia Zhangshi was scolding people's interest, who cares who this old man in front of him is.

"Go and go, pug behind Zhou Qing, I don't want such a disgusting thing as you!"

Jia Zhang looked at the pungent ointment and directly waved it out.


The ointment happened to pass directly through the window of Xu Damao's house.

"Who wants your ointment! You roll me! "

What do you mean by giving people a box of black smelly things without even looking at it?" I've never seen a quack like you.

"Even the ointment that Zhou Qing gave my grandson to treat his leg last time is countless times more than your thing!"

Before Li Tuo could react, his hand was already empty.

Looking back, I didn't know where my ointment had flown away.


"Your aunt is also very ugly, she is really kind as a donkey's liver and lung."

"That's the best bonesetting medicine in our Chinese Medical Center! I don't know how to be evil! "

Li Tuo suffered a dumb loss here, and he was not in the mood to continue to stay here, and he turned around and left.

Anyway, the matter of Zhou Qing's prescription is not in a hurry at this time.

On the other side, Xu Damao's home.

The two who were cooking heard the sound of smashing in from outside the window, which really startled Qin Jingru and Xu Damao.


"Which one who doesn't have long eyes is so lacking in virtue and throws things around!"

"I can't bear this kind of anger, if I don't beat this grandson today, I won't be surnamed Xu!"

"Huh, what is this?"

Xu Damao took a closer look and found that the thing that flew in from the window was a small iron box, and he opened it angrily with the thing, and was about to take the evidence and curse outside.

But he fixed his eyes, not far away, isn't this the old gentleman from the previous Chinese Medical Hall?

And listening to him say this, this ointment can cure diseases, Xu Damao quickly stuffed the small iron box in his hand into his pocket, turned around and closed the door, his face was very happy:

"This is really a good thing from heaven!"

Qin Jingru saw that Xu Damao closed the door inexplicably, and said quite whisperingly:

"You went out and shouted!"

"Who did you see, look scared you."

Xu Damao's reaction was indeed a little abnormal, and Qin Jingru thought that he Xu Damao was seeing someone.

Who knew that Xu Damao stared at the box in his hand with one mind, Qin Jingru felt strange, and he was about to walk towards the door, complaining as he walked: "Xu Damao

, what's going on, others have bullied us, you are good, take a tin sheet and keep watching."

"What do you say we can do with this smashed pot? Whoever is so naughty, whoever does it will let him come and pay for it! "

Qin Jingru's words are talking about stick terriers.

It's not that she doesn't know that before she came, Xu Damao and Qin Huairu always looked back and forth, and she was worried that Xu Damao wanted to see Qin Huairu's face and was unwilling to pursue it.

Thinking of this, Qin Jingru was even more angry.

She walked to the door and saw that Xu Damao was still here, so she said:

"Damao, what are you doing stupidly, you don't go out and don't let me go out?"

Saying that, Qin Jingru stretched out his hand to pull Xu Damao away, but Xu Damao was not happy.

Xu Damao was originally very faceless because of the matter in the medical hall last time, and now the injuries on his body are not good, and this ointment falling from the sky is not God's will.

If Qin Jingru went out rashly, maybe he would have to send this ointment back.

When Xu Damao thought of this, he stretched out his arm to prevent Qin Jingru from going out:

"What to do!" You cook your meal, it's going to be dark so late, you don't hurry yet.

"Are you going to starve me?"

Seeing that he was so strange, Qin Jingru also refuted:

"Xu Damao, what do you mean?" Our things were smashed by someone who doesn't know, and you don't care, but now you're yelling at me.

"People who don't know think that the person who smashed your things is your wife!" Besides, this is about to celebrate the New Year, how obscure it is for someone to throw things at our windows!

"Hurry Ming wants that turtle grandson to pay for the flower pot!"

Qin Jingru is obviously a person who scolds and throws things, but in fact, he insinuates Qin Huairu.

She wanted to see what attitude this Xu Damao had towards Qin Huairu now.

However, Qin Jingru didn't understand at all where Xu Damao cared most about at the moment was the pretty widow of the next door, besides, Qin Huairu was going to marry Silly Zhu, Xu Damao had found a younger Qin Jingru, and he was not interested in her sister for a long time.

All he wants to protect now is his face as a man.

So Xu Damao was unceremonious:

"Such a broken flower pot, what are you doing with such a big fire?" You took the wrong medicine today!

"Then Jia Zhangshi is shouting at the door, what do you say we are going to muddy the water of this stall?" Okay, don't get cheap and sell well.

Qin Jingru saw that his strength was no better than Xu Damao, took off his apron, and questioned him:

"Yo, look what you said, get cheap and sell well?" Whose bargain are you?

Xu Damao didn't like to hear this tone, and immediately became angry.

It was dishonorable to secretly hide the ointment, and the reason why he didn't tell Qin Jingru was because the woman's mouth was broken, and it would be more troublesome if it was passed out.

And this thing is not worth a few bucks, if it weren't for the fact that he couldn't save this face to ask Zhou Qing and Li Tuo for help, would he do this kind of thing.

Xu Damao, who was angry, smashed the ointment on the table.


"Take advantage of what? What do you say you can take advantage of?

"I wonder why you mothers-in-law talk so badly? Didn't I just look at such a gadget, how did it come to your mouth and become me running out to take advantage of people?

"Is this kind of person with me Xu Damao?"

Xu Damao's defense was not convincing, but Qin Jingru looked at the small box on the table a little curious.

"What gadget, can this gadget lose our flower pot?"

Saying that, Qin Jingru opened the box and looked at it, and a smell of Chinese medicine rushed to his nose.


"What kind of medicine, it smells so choking."

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