Zhou Qing and Qing Yan returned to the house, and Zhou Qing couldn't help but ask Qing Yan:

"When you help me talk, aren't you afraid that they will scold you or even beat you?"

Qing Yan looked puzzled:

"Why are you afraid?" In fact, it is more uncomfortable to see them scold you than to scold myself.

"As for beating me, a bunch of old men and old ladies, they can still beat me to death, besides, there are so many people in the courtyard, you can't really watch everyone move."

Zhou Qingzang nodded with some turbulent emotions and changed the topic:

"Now that the time is almost up, let's see what is boiled out of the medicine pot."

Zhou Qing said and opened the lid of the casserole pot where the medicine was boiled, and saw that the medicine inside had been boiled into a sticky shape, and the color was also bright red.

Zhou Qing and Qing Yan both looked at the casserole, Qing Yan was silent for a while, a little apprehensive: "Zhou Qing,

won't there be any problem with this bright red color?" I've heard that a lot of poison is red.

Zhou Qing coughed lightly, and also pretended to be nervous:

"Cough, I don't know, maybe the medicinal herbs inside turned red after reacting, right?"

"Then forget it, I poured these medicines and boiled them again."

After Zhou Qing finished speaking, he was about to take up the medicine pot, and Qing Yan hurriedly stopped it:

"Zhou Qing wait!" If you pour this pot, what if the next pot is still red?

Zhou Qing also looked tangled:

"It makes sense, and the raw materials of this pot are not easy to find, and the next pot may not be enough."

Qing Yan was very curious:

"Zhou Qing, what are you boiling up?" You said before that it was boiled for me, if the raw materials are not poisonous, then let me drink it!

Zhou Qing fell into deep thought:

"The raw materials are not poisonous, but put together and boiled... It's hard to say.

Qing Yan swallowed his saliva, and finally looked heroic and righteous:

"No matter what, it is also your intention, even if it is poisonous, I will drink it!"

After Qing Yan finished speaking, he wanted to take the medicine pot from Zhou Qing's hand, and Zhou Qing had a black line:

"What are you in a hurry, I still have to make a pill."

Qing Yan was a little embarrassed:

"Ah, this way, okay then."

After Zhou Qing filtered this sticky medicine, he made a red enchanting ball.

Zhou Qing handed the balls to Qing Yan:

"Are you sure you want to eat it?" This color looks a little scary.

Qing Yan stared at the balls for a long time, and finally grabbed the balls and swallowed them as soon as his eyes closed.

But Qing Yan didn't expect that this ball just arrived in the mouth turned into a lot of small balls, Qing Yan only swallowed half of it, Zhou Qing said in a loud voice: "Qing Qing, don't

worry, the taste of this ball should be good, you chew it slowly and try it."

Qing Yan's eyes widened:

"Here, who eats poison and chews slowly?" You are clearly murderous!

Zhou Qing looked innocent:

"Did I say this is poison?" I just remembered this red color because I put a flower.

"Hey, Qingqing, don't get excited, this pill is not poisonous, why are you not happy but want to hit me?"

The expression on Qing Yan's face was blue and red, and he finally gritted his teeth:

"Do you not know the role of medicinal herbs if you study medicine yourself?" You are clearly playing me!

Zhou Qing quickly diverted Qing Yan's attention:

"Qing Qing, have you finished eating, I specially adjusted the prescription for you, how do you feel now?"

Qing Yan had already swallowed the entire Ice Muscle Jade Bone Pill at this time, and she smacked her lips:

"The taste is indeed okay, very fragrant, what is the name of your medicine?"

Zhou Qing smiled: "Ice muscle jade bone pill, eat beauty and beauty."

Qing Yan was a little suspicious: "Heh, I feel that I can't believe your nonsense now, I said before that you have any cheats to beautify and beautify, and now you get a Dan, am I that ugly?" Zhou

Qing explained:

"What are you thinking blindly, before that was to slowly change your physique, now this Ice Muscle Jade Bone Pill is to remove impurities in your body and help you lay a good foundation."

"Hey, I feel like you've definitely earned money by following me."

Qing Yan suddenly realized, and automatically ignored Zhou Qinghou's sentence:

"So amazing? So how do I feel that nothing has changed in my body.

Then Qing Yan said uncertainly:

"It seems that the skin is a little itchy and sweaty."

Zhou Qing smiled thieves:

"Then do you smell any strange smell on your body?"

Zhou Qing had specially made the effect of the pill so that the toxin dried and tasteless, and he knew that girls must love face and did not want to smell on their bodies.

As expected, Qing Yan immediately retorted:

"How is it possible! I take a shower every day! Even if you are this Dan, I won't stink!"

Then Qing Yan quietly sniffed her body, and then she breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately it didn't smell, but her body seemed to be wrapped in a layer of mud.

Qing Yan was uncomfortable, so he asked

Zhou Qing: "Zhou Qing, do you have a place to take a bath here?" I felt like I had a shell on my body. Zhou

Qing was serious:

"Of course, there is a place where you can take a bath, and I specially made a large bathtub before."

Qing Yan's eyes lit up:

"Really? I haven't taken a bath in a long time, I want to take a dip!

But Zhou Qing was a little distressed:

"I don't seem to have hot water, what should I do."

Qing Yan's expression froze, and then he pulled his head a little

shyly: "Then let's go to my house, I have hot water at home."

Zhou Qing's tone changed:

"I have spiritual spring water in my space, and this water temperature is just right for bathing."

Qing Yan's fist hardened:

"Zhou Qing, can you finish talking at once?"

In this way, Zhou Qing finally stopped talking nonsense, filled the special wooden bathtub with Lingquan water, and then closed the curtain to let Qing smoke take a bath.

In the end, Qing Yan washed five times before the water was washed to a clear level.

Zhou Qing poured water into the ditch of the yard, and at this time the gutter was just frozen, and the bath water with mud was not discharged into the drain in the gutter.

At this time, Jia Zhangshi just came out and saw that there was a lot of water in the gutter, and Jia Zhang's first reaction was to break his mouth and curse:

"Which thing lacks morality to pour water indiscriminately?" Is so much dirty water poured here to stink everyone to death? "

Huh? How does this dirty water not smell? Even with a little fragrance? Jia

Zhang was still cursing, but when she smelled the smell of this water, she was suddenly stunned.

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