"Oh my God! How did the heavens suddenly become like this, what are these? Am I blinded?

"Eighty percent is not, because I also saw it, you see that the fish turned into a bird, is it the legendary Kunpeng!"

"Oh my God! That direction is the suburbs, could it be that someone set off fireworks there?

"It's impossible, if it's fireworks, how can you make such a big battle, it's not scientific!"

"What's that! Could it be the Immortal Manifestation?

"Mom, such a big thing is in the sky, it's scary."

"What the hell is this monster!"

There were all kinds of exclamations from the crowd, people widened their eyes and looked at all this in disbelief, these people's eyes were glued to the sky, and a giant glowing monster fish turned into a peng bird circling and soaring, flying in the air, and the momentum was called a foot.

The miniature of the galaxy that appeared afterwards shocked everyone even more, and everyone was almost so frightened that they couldn't speak.

Because Zhou Qing's fireworks caused the illusion of the earth and galaxies that appeared in the sky, they originally belonged to things in the starry sky, and for a while everyone even suspected that the things in the sky were real.

"Mom-" Jia Zhangshi was also stunned, and even shouted, and only after a long time did she tremble and stretch out two fingers: "This... This..." The

rest of the courtyard was no better.

"Why has the sky changed?!"

"What are these things?"


"Lean, what are you pinching me for? Believe it or not, I beat you to death? People

talked about it a lot, they were all shocked, they couldn't believe all this in front of them, and finally they all felt that only the legendary immortals could do such a thing.

"Look! Someone came from that direction!

"Someone coming?" It seems to be Zhou Qing? Did he make this battle!

"No kidding, how can people have such powerful means? This is impossible! It must be Zhou Qing who happened to be there.

"Then let's just ask Zhou Qing what is going on in the sky, he may know what happened if he is close."

There were various voices in the crowd, and everyone decided to ask Zhou Qing what was the situation.

And the initiator of this incident, Zhou Qing, was also a little thundered, but he didn't expect that this fireworks would have such a big impact.

But if you think about it, this is normal, after all, this is something made by the system that does not know what the origin is, and the system can plant all kinds of flowers that will never wither in the yard, and it is not surprising that this kind of fireworks are released now.

This next Zhou Qing's special can be a little hidden, this is what Zhou Qing has long expected, but Zhou Qing still wants to work hard to continue to hide his identity.

Zhou Qing smiled bitterly with some helplessness, he watched the people of Four Nine Cities being frightened but still asked himself what happened, Zhou Qing's brain quickly came up with an excuse to explain.

Zhou Qing shouted loudly:

"Don't panic, I was just near the strange thing in the sky, this is something made by someone combining tricks and fireworks, that person didn't expect that the scene was a little big, he has been scared away."

When Jia Zhangshi heard Zhou Qing say this, she quietly clamped her pant leg that was scared and wet, and her face showed a complicated expression, not knowing what she was thinking, she pretended to be calm after her expression changed:

"Zhou Qing, I know it's you again, pretending to be a ghost, you think this can scare us?"

"Mom!" Qin Huairu on the side heard the words of her mother-in-law Jia Zhangshi, and immediately pulled the sleeves of Raja Zhangshi, signaling her not to talk indiscriminately.

"Mom, let's go into the house, it's too noisy here." Qin Huairu really didn't want Jia Zhangshi to be taught by Zhou Qing again and become a laughing stock after another tea and dinner in the courtyard, so she said worriedly.

“...... Well! Jia Zhangshi originally wanted to fight with Zhou Qing, but when she thought of her wet pant legs, she had to reluctantly agree and follow Qin Huairu to the house.

Zhou Qing looked at the figure of the two people leaving and shook his head, no matter what era it is, there are always so many people who are self-righteous and can't see the form clearly.

However, for people like Jia Zhang, Zhou Qing does not pay attention to it, if she is quiet, Zhou Qing is too lazy to deal with her, but Jia Zhangshi always likes to do things with a, which is what Zhou Qing hates the most.

At the same time, the people around him were suspicious after hearing Zhou Qing explain that the things in the sky were tricks, and then whispered about it.

"Tricks? Who have you ever seen a trick that can become like this?

"But no, children don't believe this explanation, but I think it could be Zhou Qing?"

"How can such a big firework be made by Zhou Qing, isn't this nonsense? Zhou Qing was alone at home all day and had no friends, how could he make such rare fireworks. Someone questioned.

"It's just, I don't believe it, it's not scientific at all!"

"I think it's a liar, or some kind of demon or monster, who specializes in confusing humans."

"Yes, yes, it's demons and monsters!"

People echoed one after another, some said that they were liars, some said that they were monsters, and some even said that Zhou Qing was a monster, a demon who changed and specialized in harming people.

Zhou Qing listened to everyone's words, and his face gradually became strange.

Are you a demon or ghost? It seems that it is not impossible, he traveled here from the 22nd century, but it is not very scientific.

Zhou Qing thought like this, and saw Qing Yan come over with a resentful expression.

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