When Zhou Qing saw this scene, he originally reflexively wanted to kick this guy out of bed.

But in the end, I held back.

Think, forget it, for the sake of just adopting you, you must establish a good image.

If you treat the cat violently at the beginning and leave a shadow on the cat, it is not good if the cat is discouraged and walks directly.

Although the black cat is not worth much, fate can not be sought.

Zhou Qing thought like this, silently withdrew the foot that had been raised, and checked Xiao Hei's body for insects and fleas.

After the examination, Zhou Qing was a little surprised.

This black cat is a male cat, it should not be a domestic cat, and there are no bugs on it.

But anyway, for the sake of safety, Zhou Qing decided to prepare an insect repellent pill for Xiao Hei the next day.

I haven't seen a sick person for a long time, and I almost forgot the Chinese medicine techniques that the system gave me for my longevity.

Zhou Qing thought back that these TCM techniques did not seem to be serious TCM techniques.

What 108 flavor Dihuang pill formula, living people into death, dead people into life, animals into essence secret method and so on.

Zhou Qing silently slandered, the six flavors of Dihuang Pill are already very supplemented, 108 flavors can not spiral to the sky.

In addition to these strange medical techniques, of course, there are also treatments for common diseases and uncommon diseases, such as deworming pills for pets.

What Zhou Qing didn't know was that the deworming pill was just a random name for the medicine to be used to keep a pet, and the effect was more than one kind of deworming.

Zhou Qing continued to sleep after finishing the plan.

And the black cat Xiaohei did not open his eyes under such a big movement.

In addition to the inexplicable peace of mind after having Zhou Qing, the owner, but also because of the carpenter's happy water coated on Zhou Qing's new wooden bed that has a calming effect and emits a faint fragrance.

Blackie has lived in the mountains since he was a child, catching insects and occasionally catching a hare every day.

Sometimes I also go to the small river to catch fish.

Recently, Xiao Hei was tired of the boring life in the mountains, so he ran out of the mountains and happened to come to the courtyard.

It saw that some of its kind actually lived with humans and could eat without moving.

Xiao Hei also had an idea in his heart, wanting to find someone with a lot of meat in the family to support himself.

Then I met Zhou Qing, who had both delicious meat and a comfortable nest.

Xiao Hei was very satisfied, but with a keen sense of smell, he found that Zhou Qing's bed was very fragrant and smelled very comfortable.

Just follow the instinct to get into Zhou Qing's quilt and fall asleep.

The next day.

Zhou Qing woke up early in the morning and found that Xiao Hei had already left the bed.

After scanning the room, I didn't see Xiao Hei's shadow.

Zhou Qing is also not worried that Xiao Hei will run away, he has eaten the meat he made, can he see other food?

Zhou Qing is very confident in her craft.

Seeing that Xiao Hei was not there, Zhou Qing began to wash and prepare to go to the medicine store.

As soon as he opened the door, Zhou Qing saw Xiao Hei carrying something in his mouth and walking towards him with small broken steps.

Zhou Qing saw clearly what was in Xiao Hei's mouth at a glance, both angry and relieved.

It turned out that Xiao Hei had half a box of cigarettes in his mouth.

Xiao Hei came to Zhou Qing, put the cigarette box in his mouth on the ground, and meowed twice.

Zhou Qing didn't need to guess what Xiao Hei meant, it was nothing more than knowing more about Entu and sending Zhou Qing something he loved.

Although Zhou Qing did not approve of Xiao Hei taking other people's things, it was always Xiao Hei's intention.

Zhou Qing casually threw the cigarette box into the space, touched Xiao Hei's head, and said softly:

"Thank you Xiao Hei for your intentions, but you can't go to other people's houses to steal things in the future."

Xiao Hei didn't understand what Zhou Qing was saying, but seeing that he put away the cigarette and had a gentle attitude, Xiao Hei felt that Zhou Qing must be very happy.

Little Dark rubbed and decided that since Zhou Qing was satisfied, he would reluctantly send him something every day.

So obediently continued to meow.

Zhou Qing was very satisfied, it seemed that this Xiao Hei had understood what he meant.

One person and one cat are completely brain supplement emperors, completely unaware that the other party has completely misinterpreted their own ideas.

So, the black cat and Zhou Qing went out together in a happy mood, and then went to get busy separately.

The black cat is wandering blindly, and Zhou Qing is going to find a pharmacy.

Zhou Qing finally bought all the medicinal materials from various pharmacies, bought some medicine making tools, and returned to the courtyard.

As soon as he entered the courtyard, Zhou Qing happened to see his aunt chanting at the door:

"What's the matter, Zhonghai woke up this morning and found that the smoke in his pocket was gone."

"Who is so daring that he even steals a grandfather's cigarette."

Zhou Qing touched his nose and did not speak.

If he guessed correctly, the eldest man's smoke was in his own space at this time.

Fortunately, he has educated Xiao Hei and believes that Xiao Hei will not take people's things indiscriminately in the future.

Zhou Qing looked at the time, it was still early for work, and he planned to make the deworming medicine for Xiao Hei by the way.

Zhou Qing processed the medicinal herbs, and unconsciously all of them had been processed and cooked in a casserole.

Zhou Qing realized later:

"Hey, how do I feel that the medicinal materials required for the formula of this insect repellent pill are more than 100 million points?"

Isn't it.

Just deworming, the normal situation can be solved with less than five kinds of medicinal materials.

And this time, the medicinal materials used by Zhou Qing turned out to be no more than 128 kinds!

Zhou Qing's mind turned, revealing an old fatherly smile:

"Alas, your own cat, of course, you have to pay attention."

"As a Chosen Traverser with a systematic body, you can't give cats a noodle to use!"

Zhou Qing was bored waiting for the medicinal herbs to be cooked, so he mixed the unused medicinal herbs.

Well, it seems that you accidentally mixed out 108 flavor Dihuang pills?

Zhou Qing hurriedly hypnotized himself, he was by no means curious for a moment, and specially bought 108 more medicinal herbs of Dihuang Pill.

After all, you have a health preservation book, and your body does not need to make up.

He just wants to find an opportunity for others to try this medicine is good to use, no, in the future, if he is too lazy to work, he can still sell medicine to make money.

Zhou Qing's medical skills are the inheritance of unknown bigwigs, and they are by no means comparable to some harmful quacks.

After doing it, Zhou Qing made a wooden bowl and a wooden dish for Xiao Hei.

One for eating, one for drinking.

It is carved with a cute pattern of Blackie.

Zhou Qing blew the carved little black special dishes, and he was very satisfied in his heart.

Seeing that the anthelmintic pill and the 108 flavor dihuang pill had been boiled, Zhou Qing put the finished deworming pill...

Zhou Qing looked at the slimy lump, well, it should be called insect repellent ointment, and put some into the wooden bowl he just made.

And put the remaining ointment in the space in case you need it.

Zhou Qing touched his chin and thought, will this black ointment Xiaohei eat it?

It should be, after all, there is catnip in the formula, and I just added a little more because I was not worried about whether Xiao Hei would not take ointment.

It's really a little, that's 3 times catnip.

Should...... No problem.

Zhou Qing saw that Xiao Hei had not yet returned, so he rubbed the 108 Dihuang Pills into regular balls one by one and put them into a glass bottle.

I added some spiritual spring water to the wooden plate.

After being busy, Xiao Hei finally returned.

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