Before Zhou Qing

locked the door, Zhou Qing intimately took out Xiao Hei's dishes.

So Xiao Hei squinted in the sun after eating the fish for a while.

From time to time, when someone passes in front of Zhou Qing's door, they will subconsciously glance at Zhou Qing's door.

There is no other reason, it is all because Zhou Qing is too famous! At a young age, he became a craftsman.

People always subconsciously pay attention to the celebrities around them.

Everyone was stunned when their eyes swept in front of Zhou Qing's door.

When did Zhou Qing get a little black cat?

Wooden dishes specially carved with cat motifs?

Hey, it seems that Zhou Qing spoils the black cat very much.

Looking at the pieces of catfish in the bowl, the neighbors blushed.

Nima people live less than a cat!

Some people drooled and wanted to taste the fish in the cat bowl, but seeing that there were many people around, they didn't do it for the sake of face.

The black cat saw that the number of people in front of the door gradually increased, and he immediately became vigilant.

Everyone also noticed the pill that Zhou Qing had sunburned at the door.

Everyone discussed:

"What is Zhou Qingtan?"

"I don't know, it looks like a pill."

"Has anyone tried one?"

"Taste Nima, don't ask if you want to steal."

"Harm, I'll just say casually, the black cat at the door has such fierce eyes, I don't dare to step forward."

At this time, today's aunt who sent Zhou Qing pills came, and answered:

"Don't guess, today Zhou Qing told me that this is 8 flavor Dihuang pills."

"The effect is much better than 6 flavor Dihuang pills, and Zhou Qing gave me two pills for me to try."

When everyone heard the aunt say this, they were immediately convinced.

After such a long time, everyone trusted Zhou Qing's skills.

Since he said that this pill works well, it is definitely not bad.

Someone pretended to be serious and knocked on the side:

"That Zhou Qing got so many pills, can he finish it himself?"

"Yes, what is Zhou Qing doing with so many tonics at such a young age?"

The aunt immediately

said, "Zhou Qing said that he got so many pills because he wanted to sell some, so he sent me a few for me to try."

Everyone was immediately excited when they heard this:

"Aunt, can you tell us how it worked after trying it?"

"Well, I have a friend who is weak and needs this."

"Me too, I have a colleague who is in poor health."

"I have a relative..." The

aunt smiled and said with a smile:

"Well, today I will let my son try the effect."

"Tomorrow morning, everyone will come together, I will reply to you, and then decide whether to buy Zhou Qing's pills or not."

Then everyone agreed, satisfied to go to work or go home.

At this time, Jia Zhangshi peeped behind the house on the side, heard them say what they wanted to buy Zhou Qing's body tonic pills, and scoffed:

"Hmph, Zhou Qing believes everything he says, it's really a group of brain dead."

"Just leave the pill at the door so casually, it's strange if it can be worth money!"

"In that case, I'll go to the street office in a while to report Zhou Qing's swagger!"

"And that black cat, I don't know where I picked up a small earth cat, Zhou Qing actually offered it like a baby, his head was really funny."

"Last time I saw a noble lady on the street holding a Persian cat that seemed to be called something, such a beautiful and noble cat was worthy of eating meat."

Soon, Zhou Qing returned on his bicycle.

Seeing that the Dihuang pill in front of Xiao Hei was not less, Zhou Qing nodded with satisfaction:

"Well done, reward you chicken nuggets and beef nuggets."

"It is said that if you eat raw meat well, you will eat raw meat in the future."

Xiao Hei immediately shook his head in protest after hearing this.

It doesn't eat raw, Zhou Qing eats what it eats!

Zhou Qing was helpless, just as he didn't eat, he made a steak and a plate of roast chicken.

After cooking, Zhou Qing divided a part of Xiao Hei and sprinkled his part with seasoning.

Seeing this, Xiao Hei patted the back of Zhou Qing's hand.

Zhou Qing's face darkened:

"You are a cat, you can't eat seasonings, you will become ugly if you eat them!"

Xiao Hei was immediately honest and ate it.

After eating one person and one cat, Zhou Qing decided to study "Longevity Gong".

Well, don't shudder.

And after Xiao Hei ate and drank, he went out and wandered.

This time it ran far and met a very fat kind.

It was a white female cat with long hair and different eye colors, and was held by a graceful and luxurious woman.

Blackie muttered in cat language,

"This cat is so ugly."

The white female cat's ears moved.

Well? Just heard a cat say she's ugly?

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