As soon as the two police officers entered, Dr. Yang looked frivolous:

"Did you catch that little fart boy selling counterfeit medicine?"

"Let me guess, since you can come here, at least you got the fake medicine he made."

"Give me the medicine quickly, testing ingredients is my forte."

When the female police officer heard this, she said lightly:

"Testing Chinese herbal ingredients is not your strong point,

it is better to leave it to us Xia Guo pharmacist."

Instead of giving the medicine to Dr. Yang, the two police officers asked several pharmacists:

"How good are you at detecting Chinese medicine ingredients?"

Several pharmacists spoke confidently:

"Officer Ye, are you still not at ease with our ability?"

"If you don't have some strength, you can't come here."

The female police officer nodded when she heard this, and handed over the two pills given by Zhou Qing to several pharmacists.

Seeing this, Dr. Yang snorted with disdain:

"Your so-called Chinese herbal medicines are all placebos, and there will be people who study them."

"What else do you say has strength? I see bragging ability. Several

pharmacists were already immune to the sneers of the foreign doctors, and immediately got busy after getting the pills.

And they really didn't boast, and soon analyzed several of the ingredients in the pill.

Several pharmacists were a little surprised, and one pharmacist sighed:

"This child must know some Chinese medicine, and what he sells should not be counterfeit medicine."

Another pharmacist added:

"Now the ingredients that can be determined are a few flavors of supplements, and there are a few flavors of seasonings with nourishing effects."

Several pharmacists continued their research.

Then their expressions became more and more exaggerated, and finally they all had a strange expression.

The male police officer endured the excitement and asked

, "How,

what is the situation with this pill?"

Several pharmacists scrambled to speak:

"It's amazing!"

"We have repeatedly confirmed that there are at least 100 flavors of medicinal herbs in it, and some medicinal properties will definitely conflict."

"But the powerful thing is that there are several other medicinal herbs that perfectly neutralize these hundred or so medicinal properties, interlocking and complementing each other, and the final effect is definitely extraordinary!"

"We eventually concluded that this pill can improve physical function and even change physical fitness."

"If you want to take it, it is enough for adults to take less than half a gram at a time, and children are best not to eat it, it is easy to make up for it."

Before the two police officers could speak, Dr. Yang Yang stopped:

"Hehe, are you acting here?"

"I think acting should also be like a little, 100 kinds of medicinal herbs mixed together, eat it and don't see God."

"Also change the physique, why not go to the sky."

The female police officer has long been unaccustomed to the face of this foreign doctor, and directly said:

"Some people feel that they have a little insight, and they are only in one world but think they are very good."

"Obviously, I don't have the ability to fart, and I always love to dream about spring and autumn."

"I don't know that in front of the real world, he doesn't even have the qualifications to look up."

Doctor Yang did not understand the depth of Xia Chinese's words, and asked the female police officer ignorantly:

"What were you just talking about?"

"You also think that the medical skills of our Lighthouse Country are the most advanced, right?"

The policewoman shook her head:

"It's not."

"I just think that you have a little misunderstanding of our Xia Kingdom's medicinal herbs."

"The balls in their hands, my partner has already tasted a little."

"It does have a miraculous effect on the human body, so please don't belittle the medical skills of our Xia Kingdom in the future."

Dr. Yang didn't believe it:

"What miracle can it

have?" You Xia people really use various methods for the sake of face. Seeing

this, the male police officer had an idea:

"Since you don't believe it, just taste it yourself."

"Don't be cheeky and ask people everywhere to buy this pill."

Doctor Yang looked angry when he heard this: "

I am a distinguished medical doctor of the Beacon Country!"

"How is it possible to lower my noble head and beg someone to buy this black inferior ball that looks like it is rubbed with a hand stained with bacteria?"

"However, for the sake of my faith, in order to crush your conspiracy, I am willing to sacrifice and taste your unhygienic black balls."

Everyone present was speechless after listening to Dr. Yang's impassioned and indignant remarks.

This foreign devil doctor really took himself too seriously.

He should reshape the three views later, right?

After clamping a little of the ball with tweezers and handing it to Dr. Yang, everyone waited silently.

I saw that Dr. Yang swallowed a little pill and began to sit on the chair and wait.

And he didn't have an idle mouth:

"I tell you, don't do senseless performances."

"The truth cannot be changed, and no matter how much you struggle, it is useless."

Doctor Yang still wanted to say something, but his expression suddenly changed.

What happened? Why did his heavy arm become relaxed because he practiced surgery for many years?

Eyes that have long been short-sighted have become much clearer.

The mood that has been irritable has also been relieved.

What shocked him the most was that his large waist, which had languished due to lack of exercise, also became energetic!

Although Doctor Yang was shocked in his heart, for the glory of the Lighthouse Country, he had to be tough on the surface:

"Hmph, I didn't expect ah, you Xia Guo people are so despicable and casually resell dangerous drugs!"

Several pharmacists glared angrily:

"You don't spray people with blood!"

"The ingredients in this ball are all tested by us, and they are all safe and harmless food grade!"

"If you still don't believe it, use your set to test it casually!"

Doctor Yang was a little shaken, if he really detected that the pills were all food ingredients, but they could have such a shocking effect, then what would happen to the face of his own lighthouse country?

There you have, that's it!

Dr. Yang gave a few orders to his assistant, who nodded and left.

Doctor Yang turned his head and snorted coldly:

"Since you said so, then I will go to the test now."

Dr. Yang used a unique method to test it, and sure enough, it was full of food ingredients.

He nodded:

"You are right, the herbs of Xia Kingdom are indeed powerful."

"However, this kind of powerful thing is only worthy of the citizens of our lighthouse country."

"I heard that many of your doctors are from rural backgrounds, as long as I give some benefits, I should sell the formula, haha!"

Hearing Dr. Yang's shameless words, several pharmacists and police officers present glared angrily at Dr. Yang.

The policewoman said angrily:

"Don't think of your strategy!"

"Hugh wants to steal the wisdom of our Xia Kingdom!"

Doctor Yang smiled and was triumphant:

"I asked my assistant to buy the formula before, I believe this time has come, right?"

At the same time, Zhou Qing's family.

Zhou Qing returned from cooking in the rolling mill and saw a large group of people specially rushing to his door at meal time.

Among them were his aunt, who had previously delivered medicine.

As soon as the aunt saw Zhou Qing, her face immediately smiled into a chrysanthemum:

"Hey, Zhou Qing, you are finally back."

"Yesterday I gave my son a little taste of that black ball, and the effect made my son energetic for a long time."

"Not to mention the old physical problems, I worked diligently in the factory all day and did not stop at night."

Everyone also laughed meaningfully:

"Haha, Aunt, your son is really capable."

"Wouldn't you be tired, would you?"

"Auntie, don't brag."

The aunt continued:

"Absolutely no bragging."

"If you don't believe it, you can taste a little."

"I plan to buy a few more to save so that everyone in my family can eat a little to strengthen their health."

Everyone heard that Aunt Qing's pills could cure small problems in addition to replenishing the waist, and they were all very excited and ready to buy them.

But at this moment, a raw face walked over, with a strange accent and a haughty tone:

"Your name is Zhou Qing?"

"We fancy this ball."

"I'm going to buy out your formula, you make a price."

Zhou Qing didn't care, and said casually:

"Don't buy it, just mix a few supplements and boil it together."

The man's eyes widened when he heard this, and he retorted:

"Don't try to fool me!"

"Those pharmacists said that there are at least 100 kinds of animals and plants in it!"

After everyone listened, they were immediately stunned.

What about the 8-flavored Dihuang pills?

This seems to be more than 100 million points worse?

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