Zhou Qing had just served the finished meal, and Xiao Hei was the first to scratch the door.

Zhou Qing had already mended the window screen last night and told Xiao Hei not to drill the window, otherwise insects would come in.

So today Zhou Qing cooked the meal, and Xiao Hei, who smelled the smell, was the first to rush over and anxiously grab the gate.

Zhou Qing sighed, really worthy of being a hungry cat, he must have waved far before, and he came back so soon when he smelled it.

Zhou Qing opened the door with a smile in his eyes, and sure enough, he saw a black shadow flash in.

Seeing that Xiao Hei was about to jump on the table, Zhou Qing hurriedly stopped: "Xiao Hei,

don't go to the table!"

Hesitation flashed in Xiao Hei's eyes, this food was so fragrant, I couldn't help it.

Zhou Qing threatened:

"If you dare to go up, you can only eat raw eggs every day in the future."

Hearing this, Xiao Hei was immediately stunned.

"Don't have that expression, it's not that I don't give you food."

Zhou Qing said, and divided some of each dish into the cat bowl.

Seeing this, Xiao Hei hurriedly rushed over, and before Zhou Qing could put down the cat bowl, Xiao Hei stretched his neck and leaned into the bowl to eat happily.

In addition to Xiao Hei, the people in the courtyard naturally smelled this amazing fragrance, and almost all of them came out one after another and gathered not far outside Zhou Qingmen.

The Jia Zhang family was originally eating, and suddenly smelled the aroma of rice that they had never had before.

The stick terrier shrugged his nose and was the first to speak:

"Zhou Qing finally cooks again, he didn't smell it before and thought he didn't have to eat!"

"This cooking turned out to be more fragrant than the previous times, I said I would try anything!"

Then the stick terrier quickly threw down the pickle nest and rushed out.

Seeing this, Xiaodang and Huaihua followed:

"Brother wait for me, I also want to eat!"

Jia Zhangshi saw the figure of the three children running away, and his heart was very entangled.

Jia Zhangshi himself is also very hungry, but in terms of Zhou Qing's relationship with her, the probability of giving her food must be 0

So she could only encourage Qin

Huairu: "Huairu, what is Zhou Qing's meal this time, you go and see."

"Remember to bring a bowl and find an opportunity to buy some leftovers."

Qin Huairu helplessly spoke:

"Mom, I don't have living expenses this month."

Jia Zhangshi gritted his teeth and waved his big hand when he heard this, took out a big unity from his pocket, gave Qin Huairu ten yuan, and ordered:

"Give you ten yuan, you must buy Zhou Qing's meal!"

Qin Huairu looked at the ten yuan and nodded happily:

"Don't worry, Mom, the rice made by Zhou Qing is not a dragon liver and phoenix pith, ten yuan can definitely buy it."

Then Jia Zhangshi saw that everyone went out, and he didn't have the heart to eat the tasteless nest head, and also walked out.

At this time, there were too many people gathered in the courtyard, and Jia Zhangshi quietly stood behind the crowd, thinking by the way:

"What kind of good thing did Zhou Qing smoke today?"

"Did you know that you wouldn't be able to stay any longer and simply made a final supper?"

"Or do you want to bribe the guys not to drive him out?"

"Hmph, anyway, I'd rather not eat, and I won't let him continue to stay in this yard to block me!"

Jia Zhangshi thought so, but the neighbors around him did not.

Xu Damao held the bowl in his hand, righteous, and walked to Zhou Qing's door with great eloquence.

The door of Zhou Qing's house was not closed because of the smoke to be dispersed for cooking, and Xu Damao saw the four dishes and one soup on the table and the black cat squatting on the ground and eating wildly.

Zhou Qing was taking dishes and chopsticks.

Xu Damao's eyes lit up, thinking that this Zhou Qing was quite good, so many dishes, it must be prepared for him Xu Damao, right?

Zhou Qing is really proud, invite him to eat every plate is hard dishes, big money, his hat is quite cost-effective.

He secretly wiped his saliva, but his mouth was not spared:

"Hmph, Zhou Qing, I have to say that you are still quite smart."

"Knowing that I can't explain today's events, I want to crook my ideas?"

"Although the food you cooked is indeed fragrant, it is definitely not enough to want to expose this matter with this meal."

"Forget it, I will show mercy today, as long as you cook this kind of meal for my family once a week, I will tell everyone that you have been wronged?"

In fact, when Xu Damao couldn't help but go home to get the bowl just now, Lou Xiao'e explained that she just fell asleep on the table in order to wait for Zhou Qing to dispense medicine for Xu Damao.

Xu Damao basically believed it immediately, but now in order to eat, Xu Damao still pretended to suffer a loss.

Before Zhou Qing could speak, the three uncles, the deaf old lady, and the stupid pillar all gathered around Zhou Qing's door.

The three brothers and sisters of the stick terrier, Qin Huairu also followed.

Except for the three brothers and sisters of the stick terrier, each of them held a bowl in their hands.

A bunch of people saw at a glance Zhou Qing's table, stewed brightly colored whole chicken, white and tender fish balls, a whole piece of pink stewed lamb shank, fried duck eggs with golden butter with minced green onions, and brown steak poured with rich soup.

Everyone's eyes lit up, saliva kept secreting, and they were all glad that they came with the bowl.

But then everyone realized, is there a bit of a lot of people around?

Everyone looked at each other, and the deaf old lady was the first to frown and dissatisfied:

"How many of you want to eat Zhou Qing's cooking?"

Everyone looked at each other, and the eldest man cleared his throat and took the lead in admitting:

"That's right, today is the secret I saw Zhou Qing, and he should naturally give me hush money."

Then, Silly Zhu and the Second Uncle and the Third Uncle also nodded, saying that they were also present at that time, and now they wanted Zhou Qing to give benefits.

Qin Huairu also whispered in the back:

"My mother-in-law specially gave me ten yuan to buy Zhou Qing's rice, and if I bought it, I would definitely help Zhou Qing clarify."

Several people froze for a moment after hearing Qin Huairu's words, and then they all looked at Qin Huairu angrily.

Nima, who could have been a prostitute for nothing, had to pay for it, right?

Seeing that so many people wanted to eat Zhou Qing's cooking, the stick terrier pulled the corner of Qin Huairu's clothes and urged:

"Mom, you hurry in, you may not be able to go late."

Although Qin Huairu was also gluttonous at this time, but so many people were here, she didn't dare to go in and cause public anger, so she whispered to appease the stick terrier:

"Don't worry, we are willing to spend so much money, we will definitely not have to eat."

The deaf old lady also heard today's rumors, and originally wanted to rely on her prestige in the compound to let Zhou Qing cook for herself and then help Zhou Qing settle this matter by herself.

I didn't expect to kill so many people who grabbed food with themselves.

The deaf old lady should even come up with the usual trick to rely on the old and sell the old:

"Don't fight! I have the highest seniority, give me priority to eat!

The eldest man was not happy after hearing the words of the deaf

old lady: "Deaf old lady, I am the eldest uncle in the courtyard, with the highest prestige, you should give me food first."

Not to be outdone, the second and third masters immediately retorted:

"We are also the masters in the courtyard, why are you powerful?"

Xu Damao raised his nostrils and interjected:

"What is the use of your status? The key is that I hold Zhou Qing's handle!

"So Zhou Qing must give me food!"

Just when everyone was frantically turning their brains, thinking about how to stand out in the competition of so many people and eat Zhou Qing's meal today.

Silly Zhu Lingji thought of an idea:

"Since everyone has a reason to eat Zhou Qing's cooking, it's better to let Zhou Qing cook a large table of dishes for us."

Everyone's eyes lit up, this is a good idea!

Anyway, Zhou Qing only made four dishes and a bowl of soup this time, which is definitely not enough for so many people.

Besides, they didn't want to let go of every dish Zhou Qing made, and the idea of making a dish was really good.

Just when everyone was excited, they heard Zhou Qing finally speak, and his tone was still interested:

"You have been talking to yourself here, have you asked me what I think?"

Several people turned their heads to look at Zhou Qing and found that Zhou Qing had already eaten it.

They don't care, Zhou Qing can eat if he wants, anyway, he will cook for them later.

I don't know if Zhou Qing did it on purpose, but every bite of food must be evaluated:

"This fried duck egg is tender and delicious, not bad."

"Well, this fish ball is tender, yes."

"The chicken stew is rotten, and the seasoning seeps into the meat, zan."

"The stewed lamb shank is just right, and it is really delicious to eat."

"Ah, this steak, after a bite, the juice is simply fragrant to the heart."

Everyone listened to Zhou Qing's comments, smelled the fragrance that frantically rushed to their noses, silently swallowed their saliva, and wished that the person who was sitting at the table eating delicious food now was himself.

They became more and more impatient and wanted to eat the dishes that Zhou Qing specially made for them.

The deaf old lady smiled, but her tone was threatening:

"Zhou Qing, in fact, I think you are indeed very likely to be wronged in this matter."

"But if we don't help you talk, can you explain it yourself?"

"At that time, your reputation will stink, don't say that the compound does not want you, and the rolling mill is estimated to give you lower treatment."

"The higher you are held, the worse you will fall."

The eldest man carried a shelf to educate Zhou Qing:

"Fortunately, we people have good hearts and don't want to see you end up miserable at a young age, so we specially came to help you."

"But you don't appreciate it, it seems that you are not willing to make us a meal to thank you, you really don't understand human feelings."

Xu Damao looked like he was dragging two hundred and fifty eighty thousand:

"Zhou Qing, we decided to do you such a big favor, you can't even invite us to eat a meal, right?"

Zhou Qing looked calm, and after swallowing the fish balls in his mouth, the corners of his mouth showed playfulness:

"You all think that I can't speak clearly, but what if I have a way to prove my innocence?"

After everyone listened to Zhou Qing's calm reply, Silly Zhu rolled his eyes:

"What way can you prove your innocence?"

"Lou Xiao'e stayed in your house for so long, many people can testify."

"Anyway, you can't spend it with such a high salary, we are all in the same yard, is it difficult to invite us to a meal?"

Zhou Qing touched his chin and pretended to think seriously, and his tone was very melancholy:

"Alas, if I really don't have evidence to clarify myself, I will admit it if you let me invite me to dinner."

"But I have something in my hand to prove my innocence now, if I invite you to dinner, it will seem that I am weak-hearted!"

"Manly husband, how can you back the pot in vain? So, when the time comes, the truth will come out, who spread the rumors, don't blame me for being unkind. After

hearing Zhou Qing's words, the birds became angry, and this situation obviously did not intend to cook for them.

The eldest man pointed at Zhou Qing, and his tone trembled:

"Good, good, good!"

"Zhou Qing counts you as a kind."

"Now everyone is basically out."

"I'll go out right away for a plenary meeting."

"I'd rather see how you can explain today's events clearly without us helping you speak!"

"Even if you cook five tables of dishes then, we won't help you anymore!"

The stick terrier looked at Zhou Qing's eating and drinking that he had been enjoying on his face, and couldn't help but drool in protest:

"Actually, if I make six tables of dishes, I will let my grandmother help Zhou Qing speak."

At this time, Zhou Qing finally ate his fill, stretched his body, casually picked up the black iron pimple projector on the other stool, walked to the door to face the birds, smiled and spoke:

"Isn't it going to hold a plenary meeting?" Let's go now, everyone. "

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