Zhou Qing

took Qing Yan to the courtyard.

And beckoned Blackie to follow.

At the same time, inside the courtyard.

Just now, the Jia Zhang family waited for a while stupidly, and the stick terrier couldn't help shouting:

"Mom, grandma, what time is it, I'm so hungry."

Jia Zhangshi felt sorry for his grandson and comforted:

"Your stupid Uncle Zhu has already cooked a meal, and he can eat it when he comes back."

The stick terrier was not happy, and came up with an idea:

"I'm going to starve."

"Otherwise, I just heard Zhou Qing tell Silly Uncle Zhu that Sister Jingru and Xu Damao went out."

"So they will definitely not be able to come back for a while, and even if they come back, we may not be able to eat the food made by Uncle Zhu."

"It's better for me to open the door lock of Uncle Silly Pillar, let's eat first and then talk."

Qin Huairu heard this idea and agreed in his heart, but hesitated on the surface.

Jia Zhangshi directly slapped his thigh:

"Okay, good grandson, what you said is very reasonable, it's really getting smarter, let's go now, the food is cold and not delicious."

On the other side, Zhou Qing walked one after the other with Qing Yan.

Qing Yan held the white cat, looked at this cold teenager, and felt that it was a little inappropriate not to speak all the way, so he randomly found a topic:

"I told you my name, you haven't said what your name is."

"It's not easy to meet someone of the same age, so it's not strange to know the name, right?"

Zhou Qing nodded:

"Zhou Qing."

Soon, the two arrived at the courtyard.

As soon as they entered the gate, the arrival of Zhou Qing and Qing Yan attracted everyone's attention.

The combination of handsome men and beautiful women is very eye-catching, and the three masters are fiddling with flowers and plants, and they also noticed the two.

The three masters were surprised:

"Zhou Qing, why did you bring a girl over as soon as you went out?"

"Could it be that you saw the stupid blind date, and you were also about to move?"

"One thing to say, this girl is really good-looking."

Qing Yan naturally heard the misunderstood words of the three great masters, and his face was a little unnatural.

Zhou Qing smiled and spoke:

"Third Master, it's not what you think."

"Qing Yan and I just met by chance, her cat and my family Xiaohei have some problems, there is something to come."

When the three masters heard this, they had an expression of "I understand" and waved their hands: "

Haha, the name has been told to you, and it is not impossible to develop."

Zhou Qing was too lazy to pay attention to the three masters who liked brain supplements, and continued to walk towards the courtyard, signaling Qing Yan to follow him.

Successfully came to the door of Zhou Qing's house, Zhou Qing opened the door and walked in, Qing Yanxiu at the door frowned slightly, his eyes were tangled, and he was a little hesitant: "Zhou Qing, I won't

go in, can you take out the cat bowl?" It was just misunderstood. Zhou

Qing turned his head and saw Qing Yan's tangled expression, originally wanted to agree directly, but after thinking about it, the things given by the system are strange, if he can become friends with Qing Yan in the future, wouldn't it be much more convenient to explain the way things came from to everyone?

So Zhou Qing thought for a while and replied:

"We didn't do anything wrong, what does it matter what others say?"

"We rarely meet our peers, so we can sit and chat for a while."

Qing Yan felt that it made sense, and he gritted his teeth and followed in his heart.

Qing Yan saw the divine beast table and stool in the middle of the room at a glance, and involuntarily walked to the side to take a closer look, and was a little surprised:

"Zhou Qing, your set of tables and stools is quite chic."

"It smells good too."

Zhou Qing showed off low-key:

"Yes, in fact, I also think it looks good, some time ago, I saw that the furniture at home was too broken, so I bought materials and carved a set of tables and chairs by myself."

Qing Yan heard this and said curiously:

"Zhou Qing, are you a carpenter?"

"Although I don't know much about it, I feel that your woodworking skills are absolutely high."

Zhou Qing was modest:

"On the handicraft, it should be regarded as a child, and it can barely make wood products."

"But I actually worked in a rolling mill, I used to be a fitter, and now I work as a cook in the factory."

Qing Yan was a little sorry:

"Zhou Qing, your carpenter's skills are so good, if you specialize in developing this, you must already be famous."

"But I also understand that the rolling mill has a stable income from work."

Zhou Qing smiled and said nothing, even if Zhou Qing said the truth that "a carpenter who is not a chef is not a good fitter", he felt that Qing Yan would not understand.

Then the white cat in Qing Yan's arms moved, and then Qing Yan finally remembered the business, and looked at Xiao Hei who was licking his paws at Zhou Qing's feet:

"Zhou Qing, what does your cat usually eat?"

Zhou Qing looked at Xiao Hei and replied with some helplessness:

"I wanted to give it raw meat to eat before, but it didn't like it, and then I gave it leftovers."

Qing Yan was a little distressed:

"My family usually feeds Xueqiu leftovers, in the past, it could eat, white and fat, but now it is hungry and thin in just a few days."

At this time, Xueqiu moved his nose, struggled down, and walked leisurely towards the small black food bowl.

Seeing this, Xiao Hei immediately exploded, and opened his teeth and danced his claws to warn Snowball not to eat its bowl.

Xueqiu was extremely aggrieved, and meowed a few times at Qing Yan weakly, as if to let the owner think of a way.

Seeing this, Zhou Qing was a little helpless:

"I heard that cats are very protective of food, it seems that this is indeed the case."

"In this case, I still have some leftovers, I'll find a bowl to feed your snowball to see if it likes it."

Qing Yan nodded:

"Then it will trouble you."

Zhou Qing found two small bowls in the kitchen, put a little of the catfish chunks he had made before, and poured some diluted Lingquan water into the other bowl.

Zhou Qing took out the two small bowls and put them on the ground.

Xueqiu came over and felt that the contents of the family's bowl were too fragrant, let's lose weight after eating!

Qing Yan looked at the cheerful snowball eating, and his eyes showed incredulity:

"It's really strange, Xueqiu eats leftover meat at home, do pets also care about taste?"

"Is it really that my leftovers are not delicious? This cat is really hard to serve.

Zhou Qing smiled and asked a question:

"It seems that your snowball should just have a bad appetite, what are you going to do?"

Qing Yan thought for a while and asked

Zhou Qing: "Zhou Qing, do you add seasonings when cooking?"

"I guess it's because Snowball doesn't like the seasoning in human rice."

Zhou Qing said lightly:

"In fact, animals are not particularly sensitive to seasonings, unless they are irritating seasonings such as chili peppers."

"Otherwise, I have a secret water here, which will increase the taste when added to the food."

"I'll give you some, just to make a good relationship."

After Zhou Qing finished speaking, he walked to the corner and came over with a thermos flask, which was filled with a jug of spiritual spring water.

Qing Yan took it and opened the cork and looked at it, a little suspicious:

"Is this secret water seasoning water?" Why does it look the same as Shimizu?

Zhou Qing couldn't explain that this was Lingquan water, but he made it up and was familiar

with it: "Oh, this is the result of my research for a long time, although it looks inconspicuous, but as long as you add a little to the meal, the taste will immediately become very fragrant."

"I usually add this when I cook, and you see that Snowball eats so deliciously."

Zhou Qing said, turning his head to look at Xueqiu.

Qing Yan also subconsciously turned his head.

The two of them were surprised to see that Xueqiu and Xiao Hei exchanged food and got along well.

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