After Zhou Qing and Director Yang

came to the office, Director Yang said to Zhou Qing happily:

"Zhou Qing, this time the big leader has a good impression of our factory, as a hero, what reward do you want?"

Zhou Qing thought about it, he basically lacked anything, and the main difficulty now was the inconvenience of transportation.

And in this era, the average person's means of transportation is bicycle.

So Zhou Qing replied,

"I want a bicycle ticket."

"Haha, this is easy to do, I have a bicycle ticket here now, just for you."

Director Yang readily agreed, and gave Zhou Qing a bicycle ticket on the spot.

After Zhou Qing took the ticket, he thanked Director Yang and returned to the dormitory to rest satisfied.

Lunch break.

Stupid Zhu lay in the staff dormitory, his heart was at a loss.

Just now, he also ate the dishes made by Zhou Qing.

As soon as the dish entered, Silly Zhu was shocked.

This is obviously an ordinary worthless carrot, how can it be so fragrant?

Then the stupid pillar showed disdain, it must be Zhou Qing who added precious seasoning in order to pretend!

This Zhou Qing is also ruthless, but the seasoning is precious and cannot be added every day, see what if he shows the stuffing in the future!

At that time, he will definitely beg him to be this chef!

Silly Zhu thought indignantly and continued to eat a few bites.

But while eating, he found out based on years of cooking experience that this radish did not have other seasonings!

Silly Pillar was stunned.

It turns out that Zhou Qing really has extraordinary cooking skills!

Then, the stupid pillar was dumbfounded.

He saw that the employees who were eating together around were praising Zhou Qing's craftsmanship, and the people who had tried to coax him in the past were now ignoring themselves.

Silly Zhu thought about the current situation, and his heart was extremely regretful.

If he hadn't recommended Zhou Qing to be a chef to the director of the factory, he would definitely be invited back if he couldn't find a chef in the factory in a few days.

And now it's too late to say anything.

No matter how much the fool regrets it, it can't change the facts.

On the other side, Zhou Qing was in a very good mood, humming a small song to accept the set of the people around him, and soon arrived at the end of work.

Zhou Qing used the [Intermediate Whole Person Treasure Map] and [Intermediate Material Treasure Map] obtained before and found the coordinate point in the factory.

Respectively, they got 6 bad luck charms and a large amount of beef, milk, chicken, mutton, cucumber, sea bass and other hundreds of pounds of materials.

Zhou Qing was more satisfied with the system after seeing these materials.

Although life is a little harder in this era, there is a system, at least in terms of eating.

He thought beautifully, he will go home and make fish to eat!

Humming a song and returning home, Zhou Qing went directly into the kitchen to get busy.

After processing the fish taken out of the space, Zhou Qing scooped out half a bowl of Lingquan water and mixed it into the boiling water in the pot.

Put the sliced fish in it.

Then put some of the seasoning given by the system.

Then, Zhou Qing steamed some green onion cakes and made a plate of knives to pat cucumbers.

Soon, with the double blessing of spiritual spring water and seasonings, the aroma of fish soup filled the entire courtyard.

At this time, everyone in the courtyard was also cooking.

But they suddenly smelled a strong smell of fish.

Well? Who has such the luxury of eating fish during the holidays?

It smells so good, I really want to taste it.

All the birds put down the ingredients in their hands and couldn't help but run out of the room to find the source of the fragrance.

Everyone saw that the neighbors all came out and looked at Zhou Qing's kitchen, and began to discuss.

"My God, how is it Zhou Qing again!"

"Is he rich, eating well almost every day!"

"Surely, I heard that he worked as a Level 4 fitter and chef in a rolling mill at the same time, and his salary was high!"

"Zhou Qing is only 16 years old this year, right? Is this the legendary genius?

"No matter, I'm going to go closer and inhale more aroma!"

"I'll go too!"

Everyone rushed to Zhou Qing's kitchen.

At this time, the fish made by Zhou Qing was already cooked, and he opened the lid of the pot and was about to serve it, and the noise outside made Zhou Qing frown.

Zhou Qing opened the kitchen door and took a look, slightly surprised.

It turned out that a large group of people gathered outside the house to suppress the black press, and Zhou Qing was not very surprised by this scene.

However, there were some people with intoxicated expressions, with a comfortable and dead expression.

Zhou Qing was curious: "

What kind of expression are you?"

Those people squinted their eyes and replied

, "Woo-hoo, this smells too fragrant, this is a meal for the emperor, right?"

"If I want to say, the emperor's rice is not so fragrant!"

"I also found that this rice smells healing!"

Zhou Qing listened to everyone's praise, and shook his head speechlessly, what kind of people is this.

The words of Iixiang curing illness can actually be spoken.

But after thinking about it, adding a spiritual spring to the meal, maybe it can really cure the disease?

Hey, let's do a good deed, and I can't do anything about the food fragrance myself.

Zhou Qing chuckled, he ignored the people outside the door and returned to the table to serve a bowl of fish.

The Lingquan fruit rewarded by the system is not ordinary, and Zhou Qing himself smells the fragrance of fish, which feels more fragrant than that made by modern state banquet chefs.

Zhou Qing no longer hesitated, and took a piece of fish meat with chopsticks and put it in his mouth.

The fish touches the tongue, and the fresh aroma of the meat and the strange aroma of the seasoning are perfectly integrated.

Moreover, the spiritual spring water purifies the impurities of the ingredients, making the fish, meat and fish soup like a delicacy only in the sky.

Zhou Qing took out the steamed green onion cake again, broke some and soaked some in the fish soup.

The fish soup puff bun with cucumber is simply amazing!

Soon, Zhou Qing was full of food and drink.

But this time there was still a lot of food left.

Thinking of a large number of neighbors around the room who wanted to eat, Zhou Qing originally thought of giving the leftovers to the neighbors who had good character.

But after thinking about it, Sheng Mien, Doumi Qiu, who knows if they will be insatiable?

And wolves have more meat and less leftovers, and there are definitely not enough points.

Thinking of this, Zhou Qing decided to continue to empty the leftovers into the trash.

But when Zhou Qing walked to the trash can, he was first stunned, and then he cried and laughed.

It turned out that the trash can was covered with a wooden board, and a dozen bowls were placed on it, each with cash ranging from 5 jiao to 3 yuan.

Is this to buy leftovers by yourself?

Good fellow, sure enough, in the face of great temptation, human wisdom is infinite.

Zhou Qingyuguang saw some people around looking at the bowl expectantly.

Zhou Qing sighed, thinking that throwing away the leftovers was also a waste, so he satisfied the mind of the person who put the bowl.

He took out the cash in the bowl and put it in his pocket, and poured the rest of the fish soup into different bowls according to the face value of the cash in different bowls.

Zhou Qing was about to go back to the room after pouring the fish soup.

But when he saw the owners of the bowls rushing over, they couldn't wait to take away their own bowls, and then thanked them one after another:

"Zhou Qing, if you need anything in the future, please open your mouth, your aunt will help you with all her might, just ask that you will sell the food you made to your aunt next time!"

"Hehe, Zhou Qing, this kid is really good, cooking at a young age is so delicious, it's absolutely amazing when he grows up!"

"Yes, this level is more than enough for a state banquet!"

At this time, the stick terrier also came over, looked at the green onion cake that Zhou Qing was holding, and whispered to

Zhou Qing: "Brother Zhou Qing, I have 3 yuan, can you sell me the cake in your hand?"

Zhou Qing looked at the money held in the stick terrier's hand and was a little puzzled:

"You are a child, where do you get so much money?"

The stick terrier hesitated, but still told the truth:

"I know where Grandma's coffin book is hidden, and I secretly took 6 yuan!"

Zhou Qing smiled secretly in his heart after listening to it, the stick terrier knew that the pit grandmother was very good at a young age.

Well, this face Zhou Qing is very happy to see, how interesting it is for birds and beasts to pit each other!

Thinking of this, Zhou Qing agreed to the deal of the stick terrier.

Give him a little sweetness first, and it will be more enjoyable to pit it later!

The stick terrier got the cake and happily brought a bowl of fish soup back to the house.

Zhou Qing was a little surprised, he remembered that the stick terrier was carrying the only bowl with 3 yuan in cash!

Zhou Qing shook his head, what a loser!

After cleaning up, Zhou Qing went for a walk in the alley to consume food.

Meanwhile, stick terriers.

Last time he was taught by Zhou Qing, Jia Zhangshi, who was lying on the bed to recuperate, saw the stick terrier holding a cake and bringing fish soup in, and he was overjoyed in his heart, and said with a smile:

"The stick terrier, what are you serving, it smells so fragrant!"

"Is it the fool who knows that I am injured and honors my fish soup?"

The stick terrier stole Jia Zhang's money and was a little weak-hearted, so he didn't swallow the fish soup and cake alone, at this time the stick terrier explained:

"It's not Uncle Zhu, it's the soup and cake made by Zhou Qing!"

Jia Zhangshi was stunned after listening to the words of the stick terrier, and then he didn't know what to make up, his face turned from sunny to gloomy, and he said viciously:

"Zhou Qing, that vicious little wild species, always against us, last time he poisoned the meal, and he also harmed us in the hospital, and his things can't be eaten!"

The stick terrier originally wanted to explain that it was definitely not poisonous this time, but seeing Jia Zhang's gloomy face, he thought about whether it was good for him to swallow it alone?

Thinking of this, the stick terrier immediately took a spoon and was about to start, just at this time Qin Huairu returned with Xiaodang and Huaihua to buy vegetables.

As soon as Xiaodang and Huaihua entered the door, their eyes lit up after seeing the fish soup on the table in front of the stick terrier, and they excitedly took a spoon and prepared to drink the fish soup.

Qin Huairu also said with joy:

"Stick terrier, who gave you the fish soup?"

The stick terrier was about to answer but was interrupted by Jia Zhangshi:

"Qin Huairu, you are not allowed to drink fish soup!"

"That's the fish soup made by Zhou Qing, it must have been poisoned!"

Qin Huairu stopped talking.

She looked at the stick terrier Xiaodang and Huaihua drinking fish soup with a happy face, and there was fish meat in it.

Qin Huairu couldn't help swallowing her saliva, and said in her heart:

"Such a fragrant fish broth, even if it is poisonous, I want to eat it!"

She saw that Jia Zhangshi was also swallowing saliva, and Qin Huairu tentatively said:

"Mom, or shall we taste a little?"

Jia Zhang smelled the strange fragrance in the air, and struggled in his heart.

Hmph, Zhou Qing's little wild seed is so vicious, saying that he will not eat what he makes!

However, this fish soup is so fragrant, don't eat it for nothing!

When she finally made up her mind to eat, she saw the fish soup in the bowl bottomed out.

Jia Zhangshi swallowed the words that came to his lips and reorganized the language:

"Stick terrier, is the cake in your hand delicious?"

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