The neighbors are not like Jia Zhang's, and after fighting against Zhou Qing, they persevered and continued to die, crashing into the south wall and not looking back.

Zhou Qing's mind changed in an instant, and he quickly came back to his senses and heard the police officer continue to speak:

"Okay, then it can now be determined that Yi Zhonghai falsely reported and committed the crime of theft, causing psychological damage to others."

"At the same time, this behavior has to make people wonder if there is something wrong with his spirit."

"In view of this kind of factors, Yi Zhonghai, I will now take you into the police orange for interrogation, and at the same time determine whether you are mentally ill, now come with me."

When Yi Zhonghai just heard that the crowd had fallen on his crime, he was already on the verge of losing his mind.

Now when he heard that the police officer was going to catch him in an orange for interrogation, he couldn't hold back all of a sudden, and the vicious attack words came out of his mouth, cursing loudly:

"You stupid hat police officer, you actually fish for the pill method, you believe whatever others say, your existence is really a waste of Nahe's money!"

The policeman also had a calm face, obviously angry, and without saying a word, he took out the handcuffs and tortured Yi Zhonghai away.

Yi Zhonghai shouted while struggling:

"Bah! Return the public servants of the people and the people, arrest people indiscriminately, I curse you can never be upgraded!

As Yi Zhonghai's non-stop cursing voice gradually faded away, everyone saw enough of the excitement and couldn't help but sigh.

The previous uncle was so spirited, no one dared to offend in the courtyard.

Now that he has entered oranges, he will definitely not be able to become a grandfather in the future.

Everyone shook their heads and prepared to go back to the house.

At this time, everyone saw two figures, one big and one small, coming from the gate of the courtyard, and everyone fixed their eyes on it, and it turned out to be Qin Huairu who was walking unsteadily and came back.

Qin Huairu was still holding a pair of worn double crutches in his hand, obviously buying it cheaply and not wanting it from others.

She held the scolding stick terrier with a crying face in her hand, and persuaded her bitterly while walking slowly with

the stick terrier:

"The stick terrier you are well-behaved, the doctors in this hospital can't cure your leg, we can find somewhere else to see."

"You don't want this crutch, so what if you walk when I'm not at work?"

At this time, Qin Huairu and the stick terrier had already entered the yard, and the stick terrier saw a large number of neighbors who had not left after watching the big master in the yard, and suddenly felt extremely aggrieved, and began to howl:

"Woo-woo, Zhou Qing, who was killed by heaven, deliberately crippled me, and I curse him for being crippled!!"

"He crippled my legs, so you might as well not save me!" Zhou Qing is so vicious, he should let the police arrest him!

"Mom, if my legs don't get better, do I have to use crutches all the time, if I go to school on crutches, I will definitely be laughed to death by my classmates!"

Qin Huairu heard the stick terrier crying so sadly, and comforted the stick terrier with a distressed face:

"It's okay stick terrier, you can think about happy things, your leg is injured, you don't have to go to school!"

"Your classmates still have to get up early every day to go to school, you can lie in bed and sleep in, just wait for dinner every day, what a good life, others envy too late."

The stick terrier was stunned for a moment after listening to Qin Huairu's comfort, and then cried even louder:

"Mom, are you so comforting?"

"My leg is crippled and I don't have to go to school as if it is worth being happy, you ask my classmates which one does not want to go to school to let my leg cripple, if someone promises, I will eat dung directly!"

"You said that I can lie in bed all day and sleep in the future and wait for dinner, isn't it translated as a cripple who can only lie in bed and can't take care of himself?"

Qin Huairu cried after listening to the stick terrier, her face froze, and she was a little sarcastic:

"Didn't I try to comfort you, otherwise how can I comfort you."

The stick terrier scanned the crowd and saw Zhou Qing who seemed to be thinking, and the stick terrier remembered that his crippled legs were blaming Zhou Qing, and he was extremely angry all of a sudden.

He wanted to vent all the resentment in his heart on Zhou Qing, and immediately wanted to rush over and fight with Zhou Qing.

But the stick terrier forgot that his legs were no longer able to use his strength, and sure enough, he only rushed half a step, and the stick terrier fell to the ground in a kneeling position with a "bar".

Zhou Qing was originally thinking about the long-lasting problem of what to eat this afternoon, and Leng Buding Yuguang saw the stick terrier kneeling in his direction, and this sudden accident surprised Zhou Qing a little.

Then Zhou Qing calmed down again and nodded lightly to the

stick terrier:

"Well, the stick terrier you are a good boy, you fainted before and forgot to kowtow to me, but I didn't expect that you can't wait to kowtow to me as soon as you come back now."

"I'm ready, you knock now, hurry up and finish the six rings that your mother and grandma owe me, I'll wait to go home and cook."

The stick terrier was stunned after hearing Zhou Qing's words that he did not play cards according to the routine.

Then the stick terrier collapsed and shouted:

"Zhou Qing, are you still human?"

"My legs are crippled, and you even want me to kowtow?"

"Quickly heal my leg, or I will urinate in front of your house every day!"

Zhou Qing raised his eyebrows:

"Stick terrier, you are really humorous, obviously you made misleading actions, otherwise where would I think that you want to kowtow to me?"

"Since you knelt down to beg me to treat your leg, but the words that come out of your mouth don't seem to be the same thing."

"I haven't seen anyone begging for this attitude, kneeling and cursing and threatening, and people who don't know still think that you are as disheartbroken and crazy as your grandmother."

After listening to Zhou Qing's words, the focus of the stick terrier suddenly fell on Jia Zhangshi.

The stick terrier became extremely nervous in an instant, sitting on the ground with worry in his eyes:

"What's wrong with my grandma? Is she crazy?

"What can I do, my mother has to take care of both me and my grandmother."

"My grandmother has a bad temper and likes to find fault, and my mother will definitely suffer all the grievances and have no intention of taking care of me."

"Or send my grandma to the country so my mother can concentrate on taking care of me alone."

The words of the stick terrier shocked not only Zhou Qing, but also everyone present.

Nima, you look so nervous, I thought you cared about your grandmother, and didn't waste your grandma to hurt you so much.

There is nothing wrong with the first two sentences and the first half of the third sentence, and you are commendable for caring about your grandmother and your mother.

The second half of the third sentence can also be understood, there is no problem for children to always want to compete for favors.

I didn't expect that the second half of the third sentence was abrupt, although it can perfectly connect the first few sentences, but you are really a filial son!

I thought you would say find someone to take care of a few of you, but I didn't expect that you also played cards according to common sense, and directly wanted to send your grandmother to the country?

If Jia Zhangshi knew that she offended Zhou Qing for the stick terrier, causing herself to be stunned crazy by Zhou Qing, but finally being stabbed by the stick terrier in the heart socket, what would be the reaction?

Someone couldn't help but ask the stick


"The stick terrier, your grandmother is crazy, what if you send her to the country and no one takes care of her to death?"

The stick terrier disagreed, and his tone was casual:

"She's crazy, she's still so old and doesn't work, what is she doing alive?"

"If you die, you can save some food."

At this time, another sad voice sounded next to him:

"Then don't you remember how good your grandmother used to be to you?" You can't bear to let her die? The

stick terrier lowered his head and played with his fingers, feeling that the voice was a little familiar but did not care and replied casually:

"Of course I remember, but she is already crazy, and she will not be nice to me in the future, since it doesn't matter if she dies like this."

As soon as the stick terrier spoke, he suddenly felt wrong, and when he turned his head, he saw Jia Zhang's hideous big cake face.

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