"Really?" Qin Huairu's eyes lit up: "Then did your teacher say, what will be the arrangement after you go out?

The stick terrier said firmly: "The teacher said that the school will definitely accept me, and my education in the store will not have an impact, maybe I can't go to university."

"But that's too far away from me, and I don't necessarily get into college, right?" What

he didn't say was that the teacher also said that his future work would be affected, and some critical positions would not require him, but he was in good health and could enter the army.

Although there will be an impact, the impact is not very large.

There is no need to tell my mother about this, so as not to drown my mother's tears.

"Okay, mom waits for you to come out. Qin Huairu said excitedly.

The two said a few more words, the time for the visit came, Qin Huairu had

to leave step by step, but the footsteps were much lighter than before, and his face was not as heavy as before

, the first workshop

Zheng Fan was preparing to leave work, and his mind was still thinking about what to eat tonight and what books to read at night

"Zheng Fan, wait a minute, the director called you.

"Director?" did this director mean their head, or Deputy Director Li?

Bring your usual toolbox. Zheng

Fan quickly packed up his things and followed the man, but as a result, he didn't see any factory director, but got into a car with a toilet pillar in the car.

This is going to the leader's house, you are a workshop worker, what leader's house?" As soon as Silly Zhu saw Zheng Fan, he waved at Zheng Fan with two fifty or eighty thousand.

However, because of his good cooking skills, he was favored by the leader, and specially named him to cook and cook a meal there.

There are so many workers in the workshop, the second-level fitter does not know how many, and it is not Zheng Fan's turn to be favored.

If something really happened, it should be a highly qualified and skilled eighth-level fitter like a great master to go to

Zheng Fan to see the silly pillar and hear the silly pillar's words.

It turned out that this was a car going to the big leader's house, and it was the golden thigh held by the silly pillar, which can also be said

to be the golden rice bowl of the silly pillar.

Unexpectedly, he would get into such a car.

Although the words of the silly pillar and this attitude are very unflattering, they are indeed true.

How could he be asked to go there?

You can get on the car with a stupid cook, what can't I do?" said Zheng Fan with a smile.

"Okay, knowing that your dishes are well cooked, I was personally named by the factory director. That is to stay in that stove room, it is estimated that you will not even see the face of the leader.

"Shut your mouth well, talk too much, be careful that you don't even have a chance to cook a dish." "

I remember that in the original plot, Xu Damao just said too many things, and said bad things about stupid pillars behind his back, so that he would not have the opportunity to play a movie in the leader's house, and left a bad impression.

Silly Pillar: "You."

But Zheng Fan had already closed his eyes, and with a look of "rare to take care of you", he had to close his mouth.

Green jeep, stop in front of a quiet little yard.

Xu Damao, who had arrived a long time ago, saw the green jeep and couldn't wait to come forward to open the door, but it happened to be the side where the stupid pillar was sitting.

In an instant, Xu Damao slammed the door in disgust and stood aside.

"Hey, I can run into you anywhere? "Silly Zhu also dislikes Ribian and gets off the car while taking the long post.

What's going on today, it's hard to go to some leader's house to cook a meal, it's Zheng Fan, and it's Xu Damao's, this also

feels that this situation is not good!

"Director. Xu Damaoquan didn't hear the stupid zhu's muttering, and when the factory director got off the car, he politely said hello

to Zheng Fan, but he didn't even look at it.

The director of the factory beckoned to Zheng Fan, Silly Zhu, and Xu Damao: "Come and come, you remember for me, when you get to the leader's house, don't talk more about your work."

"You, put your movie away.

Xu Damao nodded.

"He Yuzhu, when the leader watches the movie, bring the food. He

nodded stupidly.

"Zheng Fan, your job is to repair the radio. Somehow, the leader knew that you could make a radio yourself. His family has just imported the radio not long ago, and the signal is not very good, so he thought of you and specially subordinated you.

"This is an opportunity to show your face in front of the leadership, don't miss it.

"Well, thank you Director for mentioning the point." Zheng Fan said.

He said why did he let him lead the house?

The factory director: "Let's all go in!" At

this time, a figure appeared in the aisle of the courtyard.

The director hurriedly stepped forward: "Secretary Chen."

"Director Yang, here it is. Secretary Chen replied politely.

Director Yang: "Has Director Wang arrived?" Secretary

Chen: "It's been a while."

"I thought I came early." Director Yang smiled and pointed to the three people behind him: "This is chef He Yuzhu, this is projectionist Xu Damao

, this is Zheng Fan, "You will arrange"

It turns out that this is Zheng Fan! Secretary Chen nodded at Zheng Fan, and then made a gesture towards Director Yang: "Okay, you go into the house!" As

soon as Director Yang left, Secretary Chen said to He Yuzhu: "You go to the kitchen first."

Then pointed to Xu Damao: "You put the projector down first, and then put Xu Damao in the living room later: "

Don't worry, Secretary Chen." I have already finished the film to ensure that the leader is satisfied.

Secretary Chen: "I don't need the film you bring, I have a film here, you just need to show it."

Xu Damao was stunned at first, and then answered with a full mouth, but the next moment asked with a flattering smile: "Secretary Chen, inquire, what kind of leader is this?"

Secretary Chen sternly

Xu Damao: "Okay, no problem."

Secretary Chen then turned to Zheng Fan and explained with a solemn expression: "You go and see if you can fix it first?

"If you can, you need any tools or parts, just tell me."

"This radio, the leadership attaches great importance to it. "

At such a young age, I am afraid that this heart will come up, and I only think about Bo performance, and in the end, I will offend the leader."

But everyone came, and it was still the name personally named by the leader, so he could only let him try.

Zheng Fan nodded: "Got it, Secretary Chen." I will depend on the situation, will not be stubborn, will not cause you trouble.

Director Yang repeatedly told that as soon as this Secretary Chen saw him, he also said so many things to smash

him, who called him young? A nineteen-year-old man said that he was able to build a radio with some parts and components without professional tools, and it is estimated that not many people believed it?

"Okay, then remember what you said. Secretary Chen said, "I'll take He Yuzhu to the kitchen first, and I'll take you to see the breeding machine."

Zheng Fan: "You can arrange it. "。

Zheng Fan followed Secretary Chen to a tool room with a variety of tools and parts, and on his desk was the radio that needed to be repaired.

Such a large frame really surprised him.

Isn't it just a radio, even if it is the most advanced at present, there is no need to pay so much attention to it!

Secretary Chen: "You can use this thing casually." If you need an assistant, you can also talk to me.

"Now you take a look first. I will take Xu Damao to the living room, and I will come to you again."

After seeing Zheng Fan nodding, he turned around and left, but his steps were a little heavy, and he wanted to stay here and watch Zheng Fan move.

Zheng Fan saw off Secretary Chen, stepped forward, and looked at the radio that was paid special attention

to, but he really saw the problem.

It's a state-of-the-art radio, yes, but it's purposely modified, and it's where the signal is.

The signal reception has been strengthened, and the function of parsing the password has been added, what should

this radio station be? The task of this and this radio is really heavy!

No wonder he will be taken so seriously?

He will be named to repair this radio, it is probably not as simple as he guessed before.

But none of this has anything to do with him, anyway, he just fixed this radio.

This radio is difficult for others, and for him, it is really not difficult.

Because the radio in his own house is also quite special, like the station on Taiwan Island and Hong Kong City, and the radio station in his own city is collected.

Half the world in the country, his home radio can be received.

Isn't this radio a signal problem, and it's not to get the parsing code, which is his strength, and it can be solved in half an hour.

Zheng Fan thought about it, and began to move.

Secretary Chen turned around and came back, and saw that the precious radio had been disassembled, and he was so anxious that he almost cried, and jumped to his feet in anger

: "Zheng Fan! Didn't you let you see it first?" "Who asked you to disassemble the radio? You

, you" Zheng Fan's face was innocent: "Secretary Chen, if you say that you are not sure, don't move first." I'm sure, why don't I move? Besides, don't tear it down! How can

I fix it?" "I'm sure? I'm sure! I'm sure! OK, you fix it! I don't care. Secretary Chen flicked his sleeves and walked out of the tool room.

Saying that it didn't matter, he couldn't really care, he went directly to the leader, explained what Zheng Fan did, first pulled himself out,

and then Secretary Chen got the order: Ren Zheng Fanxiu.

Silly Zhu entered the kitchen, looked at the kitchen utensils, and the ingredients prepared, and couldn't help but praise: "Okay, eat!" He

thought about it now, it was too early, so he sat aside, took out a cigarette from his pocket, and didn't wait to light

"Don't smoke." Smoking is not allowed in our house. A woman entered the kitchen and, as she spoke, lifted the lid of the pot and looked at it.

Silly Zhu was stunned for a moment, and put the cigarette away: "I said, you have this short

sesame sauce! Is there any?" "Let you come to make Sichuan cuisine, why do you want sesame sauce?" As soon as the woman said, she saw Silly Zhu pouring something messy into the enamel jar, and her heart was even more upset.

The woman glanced at the silly pillar and left in a huff.

After turning a corner, I entered the drawing room.

As soon as she came in, Xu Damao got up to greet her, and the qi that had just been in the silly pillar instantly smoothed out,

"Young man." "

Eh, what are your orders?" replied Xu Damao congratulatingly.

Woman: "Chief S is still talking about things, come over in a while, there is no problem with this, right?" Xu

Damao: "Don't worry, there will be no problem." In the future, if you have any internal film that I need to play, you say, I will put it down, come to serve the leader

, and when the woman hears this, then this heart can be comfortable: "Young man! What is your name?

Sure enough, people just have to have contrast!

"My name is Xu Damao, and I am twenty-eight this year. Xu Damao replied obediently.

The woman: "Oh, you are much better than that cook." When

Xu Damao heard this, he blurted out: "How can he make rice? I don't hide from you, do you know what everyone in our factory calls him?"

The man who came first saw that his gaze was a little wrong, and he was frightened at the moment.

When the woman saw it, she came to the front of the big leader: "Is the matter over?" The big leader

did not answer, turned around and left, and the rest followed, Xu Damao looked at the empty front in amao.

Secretary Chen, who followed the big leader, was full of helplessness.

Three people came, one provoked the lady, one provoked the leader, and the other directly made his own claim and dismantled the harvester.


the woman was full of surprise, and asked: "Why don't you watch the movie?" "

You tell the man, let him pack up and leave, and tell Director Yang not to let him come to our house in the future," the big leader did not answer the woman's words, but ordered Secretary Chen.

Secretary Chen answered, walked to the reception room, and conveyed the order of the big leader.

"Why?" the woman asked.

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