Team Leader Bao didn't believe that Lin Shengli read these rules and regulations in a short period of time and memorized them all.

Originally, Team Leader Bao valued this relatively polite and talented student who graduated from a technical secondary school.

But now he felt that this young man was not practical enough, could not sit still and kept talking, and was a little arrogant and liked to brag.

As if he saw Team Leader Bao's thoughts, Lin Shengli said with a smile: "Well, Bao Bao, you have been busy for a long time. You should also take a break and test whether I have memorized all these rules and regulations?" "

Team leader Bao originally wanted to refuse, but after thinking about it, he decided to give Lin Shengli a test. At the same time, he would be able to suppress the young man's ambitious arrogance, and then criticize and educate him, so that after he realizes his mistake, he can work down-to-earth in the future. Will he still be a good comrade from now on?

"Okay, I'll give you a test." As he spoke, Team Leader Bao wiped his hands, walked to the desk, picked up the rules and regulations, and flipped through a page.

"Xiao Lin, please tell me about Article 8 of the rules and regulations."

“The factory’s technical plans, technical indicators, technical drawings, manufacturing methods, process flows, test results, samples, prototypes, models, grinding tools, operating manuals, various equipment drawings, etc. should consciously keep the corresponding secrets and not leak them at will... "

Seeing that Lin Shengli's answers were accurate, Team Leader Bao asked several unrelated questions, and Lin Shengli also answered them accurately.

After seeing Lin Shengli's magic, Team Leader Bao could only sigh, "This young man has two brushes!"

"Brother Shengli, you are so awesome. How did you do this?" Fang Weiguo looked at him with admiration for the blockbuster Lin Shengli.

Fang Weiguo, an intern in the third technical group, has been in the factory for more than half a year. He knows about these rules and regulations. If he is asked to recite them word for word, he will not be able to do it. arrive.

Lin Shengli smiled and said, "This is nothing. I have a good memory since I was a child. I can remember everything I read once."

Chief Yuan was also alarmed by Lin Shengli's extraordinary memory.

Section Chief Yuan even came over and asked Lin Shengli a few questions and said, "Okay, that's great. Our technical department has recruited a treasure!"

Lin Shengli, who had proved himself a little, instantly became the favorite of the third technical group. Everyone spent the whole morning laughing and joking in a peaceful atmosphere.

At noon, Lin Shengli got his wish and tasted He Yuzhu's craftsmanship. How should I put it, the feeling was just average. It may also be because it is difficult for a skillful woman to make a meal without rice. It was the ingredients that limited He Yuzhu's performance.

After all, it is a big pot dish in the cafeteria. The big pot dishes these days are basically radish, potatoes, cabbage and the like. It can be a bit fishy occasionally but not too much. The seasonings are not particularly rich, so it can be delicious. Where to go.

After dinner, Lin Shengli, under the leadership of Team Leader Bao, got to know the several workshops they were responsible for in the afternoon, and got to know the workshop directors of several workshops.

The following days were dull and exciting.

Ordinary life means for Lin Shengli, he goes to work and off work every day, exercises in the morning and evening and goes to Shichahai to "fish".

The excitement is for those who have come into contact with Lin Shengli in the factory these days, especially the old masters in the technical department and workshop.

In order not to scare these people too much, Lin Shengli pretended to be a good boy for a few days, looking diligent and studious all day long, either asking for advice on this or that.

In addition, Lin Shengli has a sweet mouth and never lacks cigarettes. No matter who he asks or asks for advice, he always speaks kindly and uses good words to clear the way.

Except for the leader of the technical group, Yan Fengjun, who thought that Lin Shengli was a person who was always flirting with others and not doing his job properly. He only knew how to hang out with a bunch of uncultured workshop workers all day long.

Lin Shengli was at ease in both the technical department and various workshops.

Leader Yan of this technical group is a typical arrogant person who feels good about himself and feels superior to others.

This Yan Fengjun thought that he was a high school graduate, the most highly educated in the factory, a senior mid-level engineer, and the leader of the technical team, so he should be superior to others.

Whether it is towards his team members or the workshop they are responsible for, he always has a condescending and arrogant attitude.

Whenever something in the workshop needed repair or he was needed, he had to beg him with kind words.

Everyone is actually quite disgusted with Yan Fengjun's condescending and condescending attitude.

It's just that everyone is unwilling to argue with him because of his status as a mid-level engineer and technical department leader.

Who knows that he is a mid-level engineer in the factory, but except for necessary work contacts, no one wants to associate with him in private.

But for the leader of the technical team, Yan, Lin Shengli just wanted to say that he knew nothing.

What does it mean to hang around in the workshop all day long without doing your job, as if you have a lot of business?

Did you invent or create any new equipment, or improve or upgrade any new process?

It sounds nice to call you an engineer, but it doesn't sound nice to me. He's just a machine repairman, and his level is not that good.

For Lin Shengli, who has thousands of books in his chest, his current theoretical level is already at the top of this era. The only thing missing is practice.

After all, practice is the only criterion for testing truth.

No matter how good a theory is, it is just a theory. If it is not applied in practice, it will have no value.

No matter how good the content in the book is, seeing it is not believing it in person.

During Lin Shengli's practice days in the workshop, he signed in a lot of things one after another.

The only good thing that Lin Shengli thought was very useful was a pair of silver-gray flat glasses.

According to the introduction of the system, the function of these flat glasses is similar to a data scanner, which presents a digital display of the scanned objects.

For example, there is a lunch box in front of Lin Shengli. After Lin Shengli scans it with these flat glasses, he can get the specific length, width, height and material used. However, it can only scan the surface and cannot directly penetrate the object for scanning.

As for how we came to know that objects cannot penetrate, we have to say that someone scanned a certain comrade one day, and the result was only a bunch of surface data, such as height and measurements!

With the skill of photographic memory and the WYSIWYG data plain glasses, it becomes even easier to copy the mechanical equipment of this era.

That's true. He can understand everything at a glance and learn it instantly. Anyone who has come into contact with Lin Shengli in the factory will be amazed by him.

Gradually, Lin Shengli's name spread from the technical department and workshop to the ears of factory leaders.

In particular, Factory Manager Yang, who heard about Lin Shengli's miraculous performance, secretly went to the workshop several times to observe whether Lin Shengli was as miraculous as the rumors said.

Director Yang, who got the affirmative answer, said that he had found a treasure. Their factory had found a genius!

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