Siheyuan: Originally I just wanted to be a little transparent

Chapter 45 Everyone is just pretending to be confused

Hearing what the third aunt said, the third uncle was speechless: "Old lady, what are you talking about? I mean you don't need to cook for me anymore. I want to go to Shengli's house to eat fish, not ours."

After hearing the third uncle's words clearly, the third aunt finally felt relieved. It is true that Lin Shengli's bottomless pit-like image of a loser was too deeply rooted in people's hearts.

The third aunt was also very happy to hear that she no longer had to cook for the third uncle. Now she could save some food.

This is really not a family, don't enter the same house. After living with the third uncle for so many years, the third aunt has become a master who knows how to calculate carefully.

Although Lin Shengli had his fish stolen today, he was not unhappy at all.

During this time, he was worrying about how to obtain random values. As soon as he fell asleep, someone brought him a pillow.

It's not important to get the fish back, the main thing is that this time I can not only obtain random values, but also develop an experience baby like Jia Zhang.

This time it was Jia Zhang who sent it to him. He, Lin Shengli, didn't take the initiative to calculate anything, and the system wouldn't use rules or anything to deduct his random value.

The third uncle arrived at Lin Shengli not long after, but he was still carrying half a bottle of soju, which surprised Lin Shengli.

The third uncle was killing fish on one side, while Lin Shengli was washing rice and cooking. After a while, a braised fish, a stir-fried pork with chili pepper, and a cold cucumber dish were served on the table.

Lin Shengli knew how to cook. Although he was not as good as a chef in a restaurant, he could still make decent home-cooked meals.

In addition, Lin Shengli is willing to add oil and seasoning when cooking, so the taste cannot be compared with the tasteless one made by the third aunt last time.

Smelling the aroma of Lin Shengli's table of food, the third uncle thought to himself that it seemed like it would not be a loss for him to bring some wine here today. With these few dishes and the taste, he made a profit no matter what.

At the beginning of dinner, Lin Shengli didn't drink the half bottle of wine brought by the third uncle. It was really that Lin Shengli couldn't get used to drinking too cheap off-brand wine.

He pretended to rummage in the cabinet and took out a bottle of Xifeng wine of this era.

Lin Shengli and the third uncle were chatting while eating. The third uncle was mouth-watering as he ate and kept praising Lin Shengli's craftsmanship.

After the two had a drink, Lin Shengli asked: "Third uncle, what do you think of today's incident? Do you think I did the right thing by reporting it to the police?"

The third uncle took a mouthful of food and said: "There is nothing wrong. This Jia Zhang family usually relies on the support of the first uncle and his family. She is always troublesome and gets into trouble when something happens. No one in the courtyard wants to talk to her. "

"Then Third Master, I don't understand this?"

"Why do you think this uncle takes care of the Jia Zhang family so much? Is it just because their family is in trouble? But I think there are many people in our courtyard who are in more trouble than the Jia Zhang family?"

Lin Shengli asked pretending to be confused.

The third uncle saw Lin Shengli drinking and eating today, and felt that he and Lin Shengli were already very close, and there was nothing he couldn't say.

So he said: "Well, Shengli, you came to our hospital later. You don't know, it's normal."

"Jia Zhang's son, Jia Dongxu, is Lao Yi's apprentice. Lao Yi and Auntie have no children. Lao Yi regards his apprentice as his own son and wants his apprentice to provide for him in old age."

"However, Jia Dongxu passed away due to a work-related injury two years ago, leaving Jia Zhang and Qin Huairu as orphans and widowers."

"Lao Yi has always taken care of their family for the sake of his apprentice Jia Dongxu."

"However, it seems that it means that Banggeng will support him in his old age."

"If he wants Banggeng to support him in his old age, he can't get around Jia Zhang and Qin Huairu, so he usually favors their family."

In fact, Lin Shengli knew everything the third uncle said, but he couldn't tell others that he knew so much.

After all, how could he, a young man who had only come to Siheyuan not long ago, know all about the things that happened in the early years?

However, Lin Shengli discovered from the third uncle's words that it wasn't that everyone couldn't understand the first uncle's character and behavior, it was just that everyone saw it but didn't say anything. Generally, as long as the problem was not their own fault, everyone would pretend to be confused and get by.

Next, Lin Shengli kept talking and chatted with the third uncle. He also learned a lot about the secrets of the courtyard from the third uncle's mouth.

The third master, who was full of wine and food, took small steps happily and shook his head back to his home. As soon as he came back, he showed off in front of several children and third aunt.

Lin Shengli's braised fish and fried meat are so delicious, even better than what they eat during the holidays.

The third uncle's words made the third aunt roll her eyes. The children at home were even more salivating, and they even shouted that the third uncle must bring them with him if he has such an opportunity next time.

Regarding the children's expectations, the third uncle could only use words to explain them away.

After all, if he dared to take his whole family over to eat at Lin Shengli’s food, Lin Shengli would probably have to talk nonsense and go to his house for dinner!

However, when he thought that he could go to Lin Shengli's house to drink and eat meat today, he probably stood up to speak for him on the matter of stealing fish from Jia Zhang's family today.

Thinking about it this way, I have to get closer to Lin Shengli in the future. Even if I can't get any benefits from him, I can still make money by going to his house to have a meal and satisfy my greed.

After Qin Huairu of the Jia family came back, she heard what Jia Zhang did today and was helpless. She could only symbolically complain about Jia Zhang's mother-in-law.

Although Mrs. Jia Zhang looked submissive and frightened in front of the police just now, when she returned home, she became the queen of her family again.

She would not be submissive to Qin Huairu, a country woman who killed her son.

You dared to reprimand her, even if she made a mistake, it's not something you, Qin Huairu, can say, so Jia Zhang started nagging again.

"It's not that you don't have the ability. If you can earn more money to buy me fish and meat, why should I go get other people's fish?"

Well, Qin Huairu had nothing to do with her lazy and lazy mother-in-law. She could only pretend that she didn't hear her and let her ramble on.

When Jia Zhang had finished nagging, Qin Huairu also discussed with her what to do next?

After all, there was a case of Bangge stealing chickens in front of their house, and later there was an incident of Jia Zhang stealing fish. Although the two incidents were finally resolved in the courtyard, their family's reputation will not be cleared up for a while.

If something like this happens, their family can only calm down for a while, keep their tail between their legs as much as possible, and wait for everyone to slowly forget about this incident.

From then on, Mrs. Jia Zhang always stayed at home. Even if she went out, she would stay away from anyone she saw and try not to attract other people's attention.

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