Siheyuan: Originally I just wanted to be a little transparent

Chapter 478 It’s still a good deal in the long run

Lin Shengli quietly glanced at the people sitting here. Except for Mr. Zheng and the bosses from various military regions, they appeared here because it involved the deployment and distribution of the final Raptor fighter jets.

The rest are the super bosses who can really decide how many new third-generation aircraft our air force can field.

Lin Shengli thought for a while and said: "Leader, I don't think I will participate in such an important matter."

"When you come up with the results of your discussions, just give me the order and I will just arrange the production."

Hearing what Lin Shengli said, the man above said with a smile: "Okay, Comrade Shengli, I know what you are worried about."

"Isn't it just about the confidentiality system?"

"According to your own treatment level and confidentiality level, as well as the contributions you have made to our country, there is nothing here that you cannot know, and there is no need to be so evasive."

Seeing what the above said, Lin Shengli no longer insisted, but quietly waited for the next words of the boss above.

"Comrade Shengli, you are familiar with the current economic situation in our country."

"Now our Raptor fighter jet has completed its final research and development tasks, and more than a dozen have been produced."

"I want to know what the final cost of one of our Raptors is." asked a big boss above.

Lin Shengli thought for a while and said: "Leader, thanks to our current production system, the initial cost of the first Raptor fighter is about 30 million."

"Ah! It's so expensive!" After hearing Lin Shengli's price of 30 million, several big bosses couldn't help but exclaimed.

Lin Shengli continued at this time: "The reason why it is so expensive is because it is the first prototype to be built, and many parts and molds are specially customized."

"We later produced two more test machines, and the cost was slightly reduced, but they were still around 20 million yuan."

"However, the costs of the first three test machines are not of any reference. After all, they were for scientific research tasks at that time, and basically no cost was considered."

"The twelve Raptor fighters we will later produce and assemble in accordance with normal standardization and process standards will be the real cost of mass production in the future."

"But even with our production system, it will cost about 15 million to finally produce a Raptor fighter."

After listening to Lin Shengli's words, the boss above sighed slightly and said: "This price is really not low. Even after adopting standardized mass production, it will still cost 15 million!"

"Comrade Shengli, we currently have about 12 air force divisions. Each division has three air force groups, and each group has three squadrons."

"According to full strength, each squadron should have 24 aircraft."

"But our actual situation is that it would be good if a squadron can be equipped with 10 fighters."

"At the beginning, you also proposed the high-low matching plan of fighter jets. Comrade Shengli, now you can tell me your opinion and see how to match it so that our Raptor fighter jets can achieve combat effectiveness and at the same time reduce some of the economic burden."

Lin Shengli was already prepared for this problem.

When participating in the military parade, Lin Shengli asked Mr. Zheng of the Sijiucheng Military Region about some basic conditions of the current military.

"Leader, I think that if we only consider it from the perspective of combat effectiveness, we must completely replace it with third-generation aircraft to ensure the maximum combat effectiveness."

"But if this is the case, if all twelve air force divisions are re-equipped, probably more than a thousand fighters will be needed."

"Let's not count the cost first. We will build a brand new fighter aircraft production line according to our normal production capacity and normal production process. After the first year of trial production, the annual output will be 12 aircraft. After becoming familiar with various processes and processes, After normal production in the second year, the output can reach 24 aircraft per year."

"According to our current economic and technical strength, we can at most have two production lines for third-generation machines."

"We are producing according to the mature production model in the second year. The two production lines are running at full capacity and are producing at most 50 aircraft this year."

"It will be at least twenty years until all our more than a thousand fighter planes are replaced..."

"Another one, let's calculate it based on a thousand fighters. The cost alone is 15 billion. This still does not include the later maintenance and other supporting equipment. If these are included, the price will be even higher. A lot."

"So, it is definitely unrealistic to completely change the costumes temporarily."

"Then, my opinion is that we can assign a squadron of third-generation aircraft to each aviation group."

"Instead of ten or twenty-four, we will temporarily equip one squadron with twelve Raptors."

"In this case, one air force division will have thirty-six Raptor third-generation aircraft. All air force divisions will need a total of more than 400 aircraft."

"Moreover, our military can also make adjustments based on the actual situation of each unit."

"We have twelve Raptor third-generation aircraft in a squadron. No matter what kind of situation we face, we can deal with it, and we can also ensure the combat effectiveness of the third-generation aircraft."

"Furthermore, if the economic pressure is too great for the time being despite this configuration, there is another way."

"It is to build a secret air force base in our hinterland and station a third-generation aircraft brigade composed entirely of Raptors here."

"Because our Raptors can fly at supersonic speeds and reach speeds above Mach 2, even if they take off from our central hinterland, they can reach every corner of the motherland within an hour."

"In this case, only 36 Raptor fighter jets are needed for the time being."

"With our production capacity, if necessary, in two years' time, this third-generation aircraft brigade can be expanded into a dedicated third-generation aircraft air division."

After hearing what Lin Shengli said, everyone present's eyes lit up.

Boss Zheng suddenly said: "Yes, we just thought about equipping each air force division with third-generation aircraft, and completely forgot that the Raptors can fly at supersonic speeds."

"As Comrade Shengli just said, an exclusive third-generation aircraft aviation brigade can be established."

"According to the speed of our Raptors and all-weather combat capabilities, no matter which direction there is a mission, our Raptors can arrive at the scene in time."

As soon as Mr. Zheng finished speaking, Lin Shengli continued: "Leader, if we follow this plan, then I suggest that each key airport needs to set up a dedicated ground maintenance team for Raptor fighters. Protect the team and have weapons, equipment and fuel for the Raptors at all times.”

"Fuel, in particular, is a top priority."

"Everyone knows that when flying at supersonic speeds, fighter planes consume huge amounts of fuel."

"Excessive consumption of fuel means that the range of the fighter aircraft is shortened. In this case, it will also affect the combat effectiveness of the fighter aircraft."

"Although the arrangement of these guarantees is a considerable investment in the short term, from a long-term perspective, this feasibility is still very cost-effective."

"After all, we will definitely replace the Raptors or other fighters in the future. This money will not be saved by then. Now we have established these guarantees in advance. In addition to facilitating direct use in the future, we can also maximize This guarantees the combat effectiveness of the current Raptors fighter fleet."

After hearing this, the big guys present all nodded in agreement.

Because they all understand that if the logistics aspect is not resolved, the Raptor fighter jet has just arrived on the battlefield. Before it can participate in the battle, it must first consider whether it is out of fuel and whether to fight for 5 minutes or 10 minutes. , you have to return to the base to replenish fuel. Isn’t this ridiculous?

Seeing that no one had any other opinions, the superiors said directly: "Okay, since everyone agrees with Comrade Shengli's opinion, then Lao Ye and Lao Nie, you guys can discuss it and see where the Raptors team should be placed? "

"Also, you need to make a detailed plan on which bases are needed to serve the Raptors."

As soon as the superior boss finished speaking, Mr. Zheng stood up and said, "Leader, what else is there to discuss?"

"This Raptors team must be placed near our Sijiu City."

"Anyway, with the speed of our Raptor fighter, it's two to three hundred kilometers away, so there's basically no difference."

"And the importance of our Fourth Nine Cities is self-evident."

"As for which bases are needed to serve the Raptors, this is a better solution."

"The current situation is such that it is not appropriate to carry out reconstruction on a grand scale, so we can only carry out slight modifications on some existing bases."

"I think we can just select four air force bases in four directions close to the frontier of the border."

Boss Zheng's words were unanimously agreed by everyone present.

Although this Raptor fighter brigade is actually wanted by all military regions and units, judging from the current situation, it is most appropriate to place the Raptor brigade near the Forty-Nine City. After all, the importance of the Forty-Nine City is everyone's. They all understand.

After everyone has reached a consensus on how to deploy and install the equipment, the next step is to consider the issue of people.

After all, the pilots who could fly these Raptors back then were ace pilots drawn from all branches of the military.

After the military parade, the seconded ace pilots also returned to their respective units.

Now if we want to transfer our ace pilots directly to the newly established Raptors Group, except for Mr. Zheng, I am afraid that no other military region will be happy.

Fortunately, Mr. Zheng had the foresight to dispatch a few flying aces to conduct flight testing and participate in the National Day military parade. (End of chapter)

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