Siheyuan: Originally I just wanted to be a little transparent

Chapter 480 Finale (When separation blooms, I recommend everyone to listen to this song and read thi

Shortly after returning from the industrial base in Chengdu, Lin Shengli was notified to attend a meeting in a certain place on a certain day after paying attention to some other work on his side.

The main discussion at this meeting was how to steadily advance our industrial level, especially the level of the national defense industry, towards mechanization and modernization as soon as possible.

At the meeting, after everyone's discussion and research, Lin Shengli was appointed as the deputy leader of the mechanization and modernization promotion development leading group for a certain project.

With the development of industrial level, especially the vigorous development of national defense industry level, it has naturally led to the development of civilian technology and various equipment manufacturing industries, making the technological and industrial level of flower growers, as well as the economic level, have improved. Moving forward rapidly.

At the end of the 1970s, when faced with the monkeys jumping up and down in South Vietnam, the world's third most powerful military power, the flower growers uttered this cautionary saying: Don't be hesitant to say you are unprepared.

Let the South Vietnamese monkeys have a good understanding of what is missile attack, artillery bombardment, white phosphorus land washing, tank rushing; UAV, 10,000-ton drive, Dongfeng Express moving forward; bombing Liu Ye, destroying Shi Ji, and fighting across the medium Local high-tech modern station steams...

At this stop, my flower grower achieved a decisive victory at a very small cost...

It can be said that this crushing victory of the flower growers completely shocked the whole world.

Only then did everyone realize that the war could still be fought like this.

And we have finally lived like the worst we have ever been, that is: when we are poor, we use firepower, and when we are rich, we are bombarded by me!

At this time, the outside world discovered that this kind of flower family seemed to be cheating. Whether it was military strength, technological and economic strength, it was like riding a rocket upwards.

And since the two aircraft carriers of the flower grower were born, the surrounding neighbors suddenly became harmonious and whispered, and there was no one who spoke loudly.

After decades of development, by 2030, the flower growers have become the most powerful country in the world.

Its technological, military, economic and other strengths have all ranked first in the world!

In 2030, on the moon, in a lounge of a high-tech building called the Space Exploration and Research Center, the 86-year-old Lin Shengli still looked like a middle-aged man of about 40 years old.

One of Lin Shengli’s postdocs, a young girl from a certain province’s labor election, held the Hongmeng 8.0 super tablet in her hand and said to Lin Shengli: “Look, Mr. Lin, it’s you mentioned above!”

Hearing this, Lin Shengli waved his hand and projected the content played on the Hongmeng 8.0 super tablet in the little girl's hand directly onto the 99-inch holographic screen in the lounge, and then a piece of music played.

Flowers bloom when parting, and new branches stretch out, like winter passing and spring coming again, waiting for the snow in your heart to melt;

Every time you leave home, you carry with you the care of the distant place, and the prosperity of the city covers the crescent moon;

When parting blooms, it grows on the cliff, on the highest mountain top, and you can hear the answer;

There is nothing to be afraid of. Children, feel free to fly. Behind you, there is a home waiting for you...

Along with this exciting music, countless barrages floated by.

Among them, the one that received the most praise from everyone at the beginning was "As soon as this music came out, I knew it was time to kowtow and pay tribute to my ancestors!"

This video is a series of videos made by a patriotic blogger on a short video software to introduce scientists from various industries in our country.

The first video image at the beginning was officially released, and it was a photo of Lin Shengli when he was young.

Along with the appearance of singing and photos, the introduction on the video began.

If there is a "list of gods!" in the scientific community, then he must be the one holding the list.

He is not a soldier, but he is the leader of the construction and development of our national defense industry, and he is the person behind the rocket-like development of my country's national defense science and technology, as foreign media have always speculated.

He is the last decrypted existence among the two-egg and one-star founders of our country.

He is also the only two-egg-and-one-star hero still alive in our country.

Throughout his life, he devoted all his efforts to the scientific and technological undertakings of our country.

He has never set foot outside the country in his life, and has never drunk a drop of foreign ink, but he is proficient in more than a dozen mainstream languages ​​​​in the world.

And the obsolete technologies he presided over the research and development are still coveted by Western countries such as Eagle Sauce until now.

In 1944, Lin Shengli was born in a military family.

His parents were among the first batch of military science and technology cadres dispatched when our country received assistance from Mao Xiong. Later, they died heroically during the construction of mushroom eggs in the northwest of our country.

Influenced by his parents, Lin Shengli had a seed of serving the country through science and technology deeply planted in his heart since he was a child.

In order to respond to the call of the country, Lin Shengli, who was originally excellent in both character and academics, resolutely gave up the idea of ​​going to high school to enter college. After graduating from technical secondary school, he worked in a factory.

But at this time, Lin Shengli did not give up studying. He used all his time to study by himself in the library. It can be said that he had learned all the knowledge that could be learned in the university about mechanics.

Not only that, Lin Shengli, who has an extraordinary memory, also taught himself the languages ​​​​of various countries and other aspects of knowledge.

Starting from a small technician in a steel rolling mill, he progressed to intermediate engineer, senior engineer, technical section chief, chief engineer, deputy director, and finally to the top leader in the factory...

And these are just his apparent identities.

And it only took Lin Shengli a few short years to complete these leap-forward developments that are difficult for ordinary people to accomplish.

In the early 1970s, Lin Shengli, who was only 24 years old, was called by his superiors and given a difficult task.

In the same year, a man named Lin Jianshe appeared on all fronts of my country's national defense industry construction. This is the pseudonym of Lin Shengli, the full-time deputy leader of the leading group for the promotion and development of my country's military equipment mechanization and modernization, and the future leader of our country. The founder of the modern development of national defense industry appeared here.

Before that, Lin Shengli could be said to have already achieved fame.

Lin Shengli, who is only 24 years old, is already a member of the Academy of Flower Planters and the youngest member of the Academy of Flower Planters in history (later an academician of both academies).

In addition, he is also a first-level researcher in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, and 8th Machinery Departments of the Flower Planter, as well as the Metallurgical Department, the Commerce Department, and the Health Department.

One of the chief designers of the latest generation of attack aircraft Wu Ye, the chief designer of my country's Long March 1 carrier rocket, one of the chief designers of China's first satellite, Dongfanghong 1, and also the chief designer of my country's first military reconnaissance satellite The founder and chief designer, my country’s third-generation fighter jet, the chief designer of the Jian Shi Ji...

The creator of the first passive sonar detection radar for Chinese navy submarines...

The Army's Type 65 sniper rifle, and the inventor and creator of the subsequent 65 gun family...

In terms of civilian use, Lin Shengli did his part and still made very outstanding contributions.

Known as the competitive machine in my country's industry, my country's first independently developed and manufactured new 2800mm four-roll rolling mill was designed by Lin Shengli.

The new high-strength steel cables that were later used in various industries and could be used in various bridges across seas, rivers, mountains, etc., as well as in later aerospace and interceptor cables on future aircraft carriers, turned out to be the rolling mill developed by Lin Shengli The time comes easily.

The subsequent series of various diesel engines, mountain tractors, various types of generator sets, rice cookers, refrigerators, color TVs, washing machines and other civilian technological inventions and creations were all made by Lin Shengli.

In addition, he used his spare time to personally compile and summarize the medical manual "The Barefoot Doctor's Manual", which can be said to have influenced several generations, and contributed it to the country free of charge.

He is such a shining star in the scientific community. If he wanted to, he could win any Nobel Prize.

But for the benefit of the motherland and being called by the motherland, he resolutely put aside all his aura and devoted himself anonymously to the development and construction of my country's national defense modernization.

For the sake of our national defense, he put away his talkative character and became serious about his words, which became his signature expression.

Because he is well aware of the great responsibility he bears, and the cheerfulness and decisiveness he once had, from now on, even if someone comes to ask for instructions for a long time, he will still remain silent.

Later, he assisted Mr. Yu in solving the world-wide problem of the configuration and storage of super mushroom eggs.

Dongfeng 31, 41 and other important weapons of the country are the product of his cooperation with Dean Qian.

The new generation of second-generation aircraft, the J-8, the new H-6, the new Kunpeng transport aircraft, and later the H-20 Ji, J-20 Ji, the domestically produced Zero Cover 2, Zero Cover 4, Zero Cover, Zero Cover 6, and Zero Cover 7, as well as several new-generation domestically produced aircraft carriers equipped with electromagnetic catapults and other important equipment of the country, all have Lin Shengli's strategizing, and even personally participated in the design and construction.

Later, as the general person in charge of the lunar development project, he led our country's scientific and technological workers to successfully establish a large-scale space scientific research and exploration base on the moon.

my country's Nantianmen Project, under the auspices of Lin Shengli, will complete the first phase of construction this year, that is, at the end of 2030.

As the leader in the development of my country's national defense science and technology, Lin Shengli thinks more thoughtfully than anyone else and sees further than anyone else.

Because how many people will move forward bravely and risk their lives because of one of his decisions.

For a simple ship launching plan, he must prepare at least three plans, and for any possibility, he must make a plan.

Therefore, how can every decision be as difficult as reaching heaven?

Lin Shengli, who was once sunny and cheerful and could talk to anyone, became silent and unsmiling.

It is precisely because of this that he can always predict things like God and Zhuge Kongming in this world.

He dared to take the lead in testing the various functions of our country's new generation submarine after diving, and he dared to personally test fly our country's self-produced new fighter jets...

In addition to his extraordinary courage, this is also his confidence in the science and technology he has mastered.

For decades, in the various major projects under the leadership of Lin Shengli, there has not been a single accident caused by technical and equipment failures. This has to be said to be a miracle.

On the day when my country's two aircraft carrier formations officially debuted in the world, Lin Shengli got drunk for the first time in his life.

What he has been pursuing all his life is that our team will one day reach the stars and the sea. This first step is finally here!

In 2029, as the last person to decrypt the code, he is also our only existing two-egg and one-star hero. He is the only one who has won all first-class merit medals in various military services, various honorary titles, and has collected all the highest science and technology awards in our country. winner.

Lin Shengli, who is 85 years old, finally moved from behind the scenes to the front of the stage, but in his only public appearance, he was only introduced to participate in some work of my country's national defense construction.

And all these introductions were at the request of the old man himself.

Lin Shengli devoted his whole life to our national defense and the country's scientific and technological undertakings. He also used his actual actions to fulfill his promise to himself.

"As a son and daughter who grows flowers, I will do what I should do. As long as the motherland needs it, I am willing to remain anonymous and forge swords for the country!"

Do earth-shattering things and become an anonymous celebrity!

This sentence well explains Lin Shengli's life of hard work and willingness to contribute to the national defense cause of the motherland. He is truly worthy of being an unparalleled national scholar!

As the video came to an end, the sky full of barrage followed.

"I have never chased stars. Scientists who have contributed to the motherland are the stars I should chase most."

"Why did I only know today that there are such great scientists in our country? What are those media doing all day long? Do they just know what kind of fake bitch and that bitch are reported every day?"

"Don't get excited, netizen above. Even now, many core projects are still strictly confidential. It's not that they don't want to be made public, but because of some special reasons, they cannot be made public. After all, this is also a kind of protection for them. Furthermore, It is said that those who have such feelings about family and country are basically indifferent to fame and fortune."

"We are born in a peaceful era, and it is only due to the sacrifices of our martyrs and heroes that we should be grateful!"

"Salute! Unparalleled National Scholar!"

"Be indifferent to fame and fortune, move forward persistently, and contribute silently! Pay tribute to Mr. Lin Shengli, the pioneer and founder of the development of my country's national defense industry!"

"Why aren't they in the textbook? They should be included in the textbook!"

"I learned about another national hero, Lin Shengli. I pay tribute. Thank you to the author for spreading the word. Thank you!"

"Only after decryption can we know that our country does not lack Taishan Beidou. Before, we only knew a bunch of foreigners."

"Pay tribute to the heroes, hiding their merits and fame!"

"I am born in the 10s. In the past, the walls of our school were plastered with foreign scientists such as Einstein. I hope that in the future the school will be plastered with our own great scientists!"

"Wow, Mr. Lin is so handsome. I salute you!"

"If Dean Qian is the strongest sword in the light, too many scientists are silently serving as the shield of the great country in the shadows! Unexpectedly, that mysterious scientific research institution that has always made foreign countries fearful, actually It’s just Mr. Lin alone!”

Faced with the overwhelming praise on the barrage, Lin Shengli was not complacent, but calmly believed that as a time traveler, he just did what he should do.

As a student of Lin Shengli, this little girl looked at Lin Shengli with admiration: "Mr. Lin, you have done so many things silently. I think you are so...! Can you tell me about it? What’s your past story?”

Facing the little girl's adoring look, Lin Shengli said calmly: "That's all in the past. There's nothing to talk about. I just did what I should do."

"Okay, how are the preparations for the launch of our Mars 10 manned probe?"

Seeing Lin Shengli talking about business, the little girl immediately said seriously: "We are ready, just waiting for you to go to the command hall to issue the launch order."

Hearing this, Lin Shengli showed a smile on his face.

"Let's go, let's go there, remember, don't stop at the results in front of us, our journey is the vast starry sky of the universe!"

(End of the book) (End of this chapter)

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