Siheyuan: Originally I just wanted to be a little transparent

Chapter 53 So suspenseful and causing trouble

Generally speaking, most of these earthen kangs do not have a very good smoke exhaust function. Whether it is firewood or coal, if it is burned for a long time, there is a high probability that people will be poisoned by the soot before the room is warm.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, this kind of earthen kang is burned before going to bed at night. After the kang is heated, the fire is no longer continued.

After the kang is heated, spread out the bedding to ensure a warm bed for the whole night.

But in terms of actual heating effect and practicality, it is not as good as a fire pit or an iron stove.

The earthen kang can only increase the temperature of a room, while the iron stove and brazier are movable.

After all, no one can get under the covers as soon as they come back, and they can't risk their lives just to stay warm! ——

Looking at the iron chimney sticking out of Lin Shengli's house, there wasn't much smoke coming out. It was obviously the fire on the stove.

But just like that, the windows and doors of Lin Shengli's house turned out to be warm.

Then this heater is amazing.

"Oh my God, the windows and doors of Lin Shengli's house are all heated, so how warm does it have to be in this house!"

"It seems that what the third uncle said about Lin Shengli's home is as warm as spring and he can wear single clothes in the house is true."

"That's right. I've already believed what the third uncle said. Unlike you, you have to go to someone's door and touch the windows and doors to believe it."

"Don't you even look at who Lin Shengli is? He is an engineer. Do engineers know that he is a capable person? There can be mistakes in what he produces."

"How about we go in and take a look?"

Everyone in the courtyard stood at the door of Lin Shengli's house and started talking.

Although everyone is very curious and want to see and experience the magic of this heater for themselves.

But when Lin Shengli was not at home, no one opened the door and walked in to experience it.

Otherwise, if Lin Shengli finds out, he will definitely applaud these people loudly!

Isn't this an experience baby who takes the initiative to show off his achievements? Hurry up and come in!

The neighbors in the courtyard talked to each other and wanted to see the heating in Lin Shengli's house.

Several people went to the old man's house. The old man had just come back from get off work and was warming himself around the stove.

One of the few people who came said, "Master, the heater in Lin Shengli's house has been installed. According to the third master, the room is very warm. We were wondering if we could go in and feel it."

"If the heating effect is really that good, can Lin Shengli also teach us how to use this heater?"

After this person finished speaking, another person also said:

"Master, I heard people say that this year's cold wave will come earlier than in previous years, and they also said that the temperature this winter will be lower than in previous years."

Another person followed up and said, "Yes, Sir, I heard about it too. I have a buddy who knows someone from the Meteorological Bureau. He said that the air from Boya has been blown to our side, and this winter will be even colder." .”

"If this is the case, then this year will be even more difficult. In previous years, the winter was not so cold, and everyone could survive by relying on braziers and stoves. But looking at the situation this year, just relying on braziers and stoves may not necessarily make it through. Go over there."

"Master, why don't you talk to Lin Shengli and ask him to teach everyone how to use the heater, so that everyone can spend this winter safely."

After listening to these people's words, the first man didn't react on the surface, but he was always frightened in his heart.

That's true, and the truth is the same, but it also depends on who has to focus on it.

Given his status as the first elder in the courtyard, in the past, any issues in the courtyard could not be settled with just a few words.

But this Lin Shengli is different. He is a hedgehog and has no choice.

Lin Shengli was a well-educated and talented man, a hero and model, and an engineer in the factory. His status in the factory was higher than his own.

Even in the courtyard, people only maintained a superficial polite relationship with him.

If he went to talk to someone about something on his own, Lin Shengli wouldn't necessarily betray his reputation.

The key is that you can't convince others, even if you show your qualifications to force others, they won't fall for his tricks!

Besides, he has always convinced people with his virtue. When did he need to show off his qualifications to overpower others?

However, for the sake of his face as the master of the courtyard, he could only bite the bullet and said:

"Well, I understand the matter. After all, hearing is believing and seeing is believing. There is no point in just discussing it here.

It's better to wait until Lin Shengli comes back and let everyone go see it on the spot.

I think if I just went to his house to see this heating device, he wouldn't object.

As for other things, let’s wait until everyone is finished visiting. "

After listening to what the elder said, everyone felt that it made sense. It would be better to visit first and seeing is believing.

So a few people hugged the elder and arrived at the door of Lin Shengli's house.

The first man saw a lot of people gathered around Lin Shengli's house, talking about something.

When everyone saw the first uncle coming, they all greeted him one after another.

The third uncle also said hello to the first uncle: "Lao Yi, you are also here to see the heating of Shengli's house!"

"Well, everyone wants to come and take a look, so I'm going to come with you too."

The first uncle nodded to the third uncle, and then went to knock on the door of Lin Shengli's house.

As soon as the old man put his hand on Lin Shengli's door, the door seemed to be pushed open.

Seeing the actions of the first uncle, the third uncle said quickly:

"Lao Yi, wait a minute, Victory probably hasn't come back yet. Didn't you see that the lights in the room were not turned on, and the chimney didn't emit much smoke."

After hearing the third uncle's words, the first uncle retracted his outstretched hand. He looked at everyone and said seriously:

"How can we just go into someone's house when there is no one at home? Everyone has left first. If we want to visit, we have to wait until they come back."

The old man said, and glared at the people who came to his house to look for him.

Lin Shengli wasn't at home, why didn't they say anything just now.

It's so surprising, just now his hand has been pressed against the door, and it feels like the door opens by itself.

If the third uncle hadn't stopped him just now, he would have led people to break into private houses.

Although they just wanted to visit the heater built by Lin Shengli, they were not at home, so why did they just break in like that? It was hard to say this!

The few people who were glared at by the elder also curled their lips and shrank their necks.

I thought to myself, "Master, you didn't even ask. Besides, we just asked you to take us to visit, but we didn't let you take us to break into private houses or anything like that. How can you blame us?"

"Lao Yan, let's go. Let's go to my room and have a chat first. Wait for Shengli to come back later, and then someone will call us." The first uncle walked up to the third uncle and said.

The third uncle and the first uncle went to the first uncle's house to talk together. Some people also went home to make a fire and cook, but there were still many people gathered in front of Lin Shengli's house.

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