According to the uncle's organization, the neighbors in the courtyard lined up to enter Lin Shengli's house one by one.

The first people who entered Lin Shengli's house were instantly surrounded by warmth.

"Oh my God, why is this room so warm? Is the stove always burning?"

Following the neighbor's voice, everyone looked around and found no sign of a stove or brazier. They only saw two big iron lumps hanging on the wall.

"Is it because the fire bed or fire wall is burning that the room is so warm? But I don't see any!"

Everyone entered Lin Shengli's main room. There were only some furniture, tables, chairs and benches in the room, and there was no possibility of a brazier, stove, fire wall or stove.

Although the people who came in felt that the room was already very warm, Lin Shengli felt that the temperature was still too low now.

After all, he had gone out to work all day, and the stove had been turned on, that is, kept burning slowly. After such a long time, the temperature in the room could only remain at 16 or 7 degrees Celsius.

After Lin Shengli put the supplies in his hand in the kitchen, he took out the ashes of the stove, opened the damper of the stove, poked it with a stove drill, and took some coal and put it into the stove. After Lin Shengli said this After a quick operation, the originally sluggish fire slowly became more prosperous.

After the fire was fully heated, the temperature in the room became higher and higher.

A curious neighbor ran to touch the radiator and heating pipe of Lin Shengli's house and found that they were a bit hot to the touch.

Some smart people were immediately surprised and said: "Aren't these the big iron lumps that Lin Shengli pulled back that day? Why is it so hot? It's so warm in this room. Is it because of these big iron lumps?"

After hearing what this man said, the neighbors all agreed, but they couldn't figure out exactly why these big iron lumps could become so hot. Everyone could only be envious of Lin Shengli's magical method.

Looking left and right, there were many people who couldn't quite understand and wanted to understand what was going on. No, the second uncle couldn't help it:

"Shengli, can you tell us how your heater makes the room so hot?"

The neighbor next to him also echoed: "Yes, tell me! If it is easy to get, we can also get a heater like this. With this thing, we will no longer be afraid of freezing in winter!"

Since everyone wanted to hear about it, Lin Shengli was not stingy about the production technology of this earth-heating system, so he began to educate his neighbors about it.

"My heater uses the natural circulation system in the water cycle for heating. The natural circulation system of this heater is also called the gravity circulation system.

Water circulation is divided into two types: gravity circulation hot water heating system and mechanical circulation hot water heating system.

Among them, the gravity circulation hot water heating system is a system that uses the density difference of water at different temperatures as power to circulate hot water heating.

The heating system in my home now uses the gravity water circulation system to transport hot water to the heating pipes and then flow to each radiator through the pressure difference between the inlet and outlet water of the heating furnace.

The radiator can generate heat through continuous heating of hot water, and this heat is dissipated through the radiator, causing the temperature in the house to rise.

To put it simply, the radiator uses the boiler to heat the water, so that the temperature difference between the water supply and the return water produces a density difference, which is used as the driving force for water circulation. The hot water flows through the radiator to dissipate heat to achieve the purpose of heating. "

After hearing such a professional explanation from Lin Shengli, everyone was even more confused.

Only Mr. Yi, an eighth-level fitter, still had some knowledge, but he only understood a little bit.

So the uncle asked: "Shengli, is your heater similar to the boiler in the bathhouse outside that boils water? Then your stove is a small boiler?"

Lin Shengli smiled, "Well, it's okay for you to understand it this way. The principles are actually the same."

The second uncle looked confused and didn't understand. What is the water cycle, what is the gravity system, what is the density system, what are these?

The only thing he understood was that in Lin Shengli's last paragraph, these things Lin Shengli called radiators had to be filled with hot water, and the hot water was heated by a boiler.

But even if he didn't understand, the second uncle had to show that he understood.

"Oh, it means to boil water in the boiler and pour it into the radiator. When the radiator is hot, the room will be hot."

"Well, second uncle, that's pretty much what it means."

"If you want the water to heat quickly and the room to be warm, you have to use good lump coal or smokeless briquettes. If you use briquettes or briquettes mixed with yellow mud, the heating will not be effective. "

After hearing what the second uncle said, Lin Shengli smiled and did not explain too much.

"Should we use lump coal and briquettes?"

"I know this. Good quality lump coal is okay, but it's more expensive. Tickets are hard to find at best, but they can be exchanged."

"But this smokeless briquette, you can't do this."

"Then how much coal do you use to heat this heater a month?"

The second uncle followed Lin Shengli's words and asked some more questions.

"I did some calculations. If I want to keep the temperature in the room at about 20 degrees and only burn lump coal, it will cost about ten yuan a month to buy lump coal. If it is used with briquettes, , which is about twenty yuan a month.”

"Oh, by the way, you have to add the corresponding coal stamps. What I just said was just the cost of buying coal, not the coal stamps."

"What? You still have to burn coal. It costs about ten yuan a month. This is too expensive."

"If you use ten yuan to buy briquettes, you can buy dozens of boxes, which is enough for our family for two to three months."

"It costs tickets and money. It's too expensive. We can't afford this kind of heating!"

The neighbors in the courtyard were shocked when they heard the monthly cost of heating, but they all automatically ignored the smokeless briquettes. That was something they had only heard of but never seen, let alone used. Yeah, I don’t know where they sell it.

The people around him shook their heads helplessly. They were envious, but they couldn't afford the monthly cost of burning coal!

But people like the first and second uncles who make a lot of money every month are still very interested in this heater.

Although ten yuan is a bit expensive, it is not unaffordable.

If their home can be as warm as Lin Shengli's home in winter, it is not impossible to imitate Lin Shengli and get a heater.

The old man was very interested and asked: "Shengli, how much will it cost to buy a heater like this?"

Judging from the look of the elder, he also wants to buy such a heater. After all, the effect of this heater is shown here. It is safe and hygienic, and the heating effect is good. It is impossible for the elder not to be tempted.

Lin Shengli smiled and said: "Buying such a heating system is not too expensive. For a house as big as mine, it only costs more than 300."

"What? More than three hundred!" The elder's eyes almost popped out of his head when he heard this.

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