Of course, to be able to achieve such a level, apart from Lin Shengli's own rich theoretical knowledge and smart mind, as well as his photographic memory skills, plus the plain glasses that can scan data.

It also benefited from the fact that when the system signed in, Lin Shengli was given a skill capsule of a full-level fitter.

After taking this capsule, Lin Shengli felt as if he was possessed by a master who had been immersed in this craft for decades, and his fitter skills improved not a little bit.

But what has improved Lin Shengli the most is that he has gained stronger hands-on ability and rich experience.

Lin Shengli has no shortage of theoretical knowledge, and there are also plug-ins, but if you only have theory and plug-ins, you can't directly conjure parts out of thin air.

The strength of a full-level fitter lies not only in technical aspects, but also in the hands-on ability and rich experience bonus of the fitter master.

When repairing equipment, some machine parts are damaged and need to be replaced. According to requirements, they must be reported to the factory and superiors to apply for transfer.

Not to mention that applying for allocation is time-consuming and laborious and delays production. Some parts are not available at all, so you can't apply for them.

Lin Shengli didn't bother to apply for transfer anymore, so he just used local materials and processed them himself.

With the blessing of level 8 fitter skills and plain glasses, Lin Shengli is very handy at processing various parts.

It can be said that if Lin Shengli is given enough materials now, he can make large flying monkeys and mushroom eggs for Han Shou!

When repairing equipment in the workshop, machining parts smoothly is just a small show of skill. It is a step-by-step process and a visible technological progress.

The fitter skills that Lin Shengli has temporarily displayed will be enough at level 5 or 6, so there is no need to be so high-profile for the time being.

After all, it's just repairing some stupid, big and thick equipment. How precise the parts of that thing can be, level 6 or 7 is enough to imitate it.

That's it, everyone in the various workshops was astonished. They said that Engineer Lin was really a genius and he learned it too quickly. If Engineer Lin specialized in benchwork technology, it wouldn't take long for their steel rolling mill to be able to do it again. There is one more eighth-level worker!

Are you kidding me? A good engineer should go to the workshop to pick up a file because the tea doesn't taste good or the newspaper doesn't look good!

Lin Shengli was reading a mechanical book written by Mao Xiong when he suddenly heard rapid footsteps in the corridor, followed by a knock on the door.

It sounded like there was a knock on the door of Section Chief Yuan’s office next door.

Hearing movement in the corridor, Fang Weiguo took the lead in sticking his head out and looking towards the corridor.

I saw a young man with glasses running up from below, panting, and knocked directly on the door of Section Chief Yuan's office.

Section Chief Yuan heard a rapid knock on the door, opened the door and saw the person coming. Before he could say anything, he saw the person coming very anxiously and said, "Chief Yuan, please hurry up and take a look at the first workshop. The one in our factory The new equipment is suddenly having problems!”

When Section Chief Yuan heard what the visitor said, he asked solemnly: "Secretary Zhang, what went wrong? I remember that several people from the technical team were staring at the workshop. How could there still be a problem?"

It turned out that the person who hurried over and knocked on the door was Secretary Zhang next to Director Yang.

Hearing this, Secretary Zhang sighed and said:

"Didn't the superiors come to our factory today to inspect the work? The superiors called to see the operation of the new equipment."

"The factory director didn't arrange for people to operate it, but something went wrong while he was using it. The machine suddenly stopped running."

Hearing what Secretary Zhang said, Section Chief Yuan frowned and said, "That's not right. Didn't a few people from our technical department all go?"

"That Team Leader Yan and Engineer Yan are here, aren't they?"

"He was the one who went to learn how to operate the machine on behalf of our factory. Although he was not particularly skilled in operating it, he didn't break the machine, right?"

Regarding Chief Yuan's doubts, Secretary Zhang quickly said: "Chief Yuan, you don't know. Originally, Factory Director Yang wanted to arrange for Engineer Yan Fengjun to be responsible for operating this machine and equipment, but the superior leaders wanted to see the master workers operate it. "

"Director Yang had no choice but to ask a worker to operate the machine, but something went wrong with the machine."

"Engineer Yan Fengjun has been looking there for a long time but can't find any problems. The factory director asked me to come over quickly and ask you to come over and have a look."

After hearing Secretary Zhang's story, not only Section Chief Yuan, but also most people in the entire technical department looked a little solemn.

As for the two pieces of equipment that were shipped more than half a year ago, they were all written in Yingjiang, and the operating instructions were also written in Yingjiang.

When Engineer Yan Fengjun went to learn the operation, he only learned a few things. It would be good to be able to make the equipment run normally. As for deeper maintenance and so on, he didn't learn everything at all.

However, because these two devices are so important, they cost a lot of foreign exchange.

The factory paid special attention to it and spent a lot of money to hire a teacher who knew Yingjiang Mandarin to translate the instructions.

But this teacher only knew English and knew nothing about mechanical equipment. He couldn't understand many professional terms and didn't know what they meant.

This was originally a laborious process of trying to translate and fumble at the same time.

The translations always fail to convey the meaning, and everyone is confused.

Now there's something wrong with the imported equipment, and even Yan Fengjun's engineer who went for training couldn't find any problem.

People like them are even more hopeless.

However, since the problem has arisen, it is impossible to escape. It is the job of their technical department to guide the operation and maintenance of the equipment.

Section Chief Yuan thought for a moment and called several engineers at home.

"Team Leader Shi and Team Leader Bao, you two come with me."

"By the way, if there's Shengli, you can come with me too."

Chief Yuan liked Lin Shengli very much. He was not only his mentor and nephew of an old comrade, but he was also the youngest engineer in their technical department and the most promising engineer. When something like this happened, Yuan The section chief would naturally take Lin Shengli to gain some knowledge.

Lin Shengli heard Section Chief Yuan's call, put down the book in his hand and followed Section Chief Yuan and others.

Secretary Zhang led the way, and everyone hurried to the first workshop.

When Section Chief Yuan and others arrived at the first workshop, they saw a somewhat chaotic scene.

Factory Director Yang, Deputy Factory Director Li and others were explaining something next to a leader-looking person.

Lin Shengli looked at the leader-looking person in front of him in the crowd. After thinking about it, he realized that this person was probably the big leader in the original drama.

"Yang Wenyou, how did you promise me in the first place, and what's going on today?"

"Didn't you tell me that the workers are already familiar with it? And they can already form production capacity? That's how production capacity is formed?"

"Do you know how much foreign exchange these two devices cost us? Hundreds of thousands!..."

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