In Director Yang's office, the conversation between Director Yang and Deputy Director Li continued.

"But Lao Yang, what should we do about Lin Shengli becoming the deputy chief of the technical section and the person in charge of his project?"

"Although those words were made on the spur of the moment out of fear that Minister Fang would poach Lin Shengli away, the words were already spoken, and in front of Minister Fang and so many superior leaders."

"I wonder if we should promote Lin Shengli to the deputy section chief of the technical section. Anyway, the deputy section chief of their technical section has always been vacant."

"But regarding his project leader, do we still have to find a project for him to be responsible for?"

After hearing what Deputy Director Li said, Director Yang pondered for a moment and said, "Well, I think it's okay. I have no objection to promoting Lin Shengli to the deputy section chief of the technology department."

"As for the person in charge of the project, since Lin Shengli has understood the operation and maintenance of the new equipment, and he understands foreign languages, I think it is better to let him be the person in charge of this project."

"I have no problem with Lin Shengli being in charge of the new equipment project."

"However, what should they do about Yan Fengjun, the technical team member who was originally responsible for the new equipment?"

"Also, the leader of the technical team for the new equipment is Chief Yuan. Should we explain this to Chief Yuan?"

Yan Fengjun, the leader of the technical group, and deputy director Li are also angry.

You are just a mid-level engineer and a team leader, and you usually look like you are worth 25,000 to 80,000 yuan. It seems that you have the best skills in the factory, and the factory will not continue to work without you.

But at the critical moment, you slipped up.

This factory also specially sends you for training on the operation and maintenance of new equipment.

You have been specifically responsible for the operation and maintenance of this new equipment since it was brought back to the factory.

This equipment stopped spinning. You couldn't even find out what was wrong with it, and you still babbled and belittled Lin Shengli, the hero who came to protect it.

Although Deputy Director Li also wanted to see Director Yang suffer misfortune, this was not the time.

If we had really believed Yan Fengjun's words and stopped Lin Shengli, then everyone would have been completely unable to step down today.

Because the imported new equipment was damaged, he, Director Yang, was punished and criticized. How do you think he, Deputy Director Li, can be any better and have no responsibility?

This Yan Fengjun really succeeds more than fails!

After hearing Deputy Director Li's words, Director Yang immediately snorted: "Huh, those guys from the technical team, Yan Fengjun, are you really embarrassed today?"

"I'm not good at it myself, but I still try my best to prevent others from practicing."

"I think he is not dissatisfied with Lin Shengli, but with me as the factory director..."

"Yan Fengjun and the others will definitely not be able to continue to be responsible for the new equipment. As for Lao Yuan, call him over later and I will talk to him about the matter. I think Lao Yuan will definitely have no objections."

Deputy Director Li comforted Director Yang and said, "Okay, Old Yang, don't get angry with Yan Fengjun and the others. It's not worth it, but you are right, they can no longer be responsible for the new equipment, otherwise I don’t know what kind of trouble it could cause again.”

"I remember that our second branch factory has been complaining about the lack of technical personnel in their factory some time ago. I think it is better to transfer Yan Fengjun and others there to avoid causing any trouble if they stay in the factory."

"Okay! Let's do it like this." Director Yang said decisively.

Yan Fengjun would not have thought that in such a short time, his fate would be clearly arranged.

The technician who gave Yan Fengjun a bad foot was also transferred to the second branch factory.

But it's no wonder that both factory directors looked down on him, Yan Fengjun.

This Yan Fengjun worked in this steel rolling mill before the flower planter was established.

When the new flower gardener was established and the public-private partnership of the steel rolling mill was expanded, he continued to stay in the mill.

Although he has a certain technical level, he cannot be rated as an intermediate engineer.

But the character of this person is really hard to describe.

In the past, in the technology department, because Lin Shengli's uncle and a large group of technical masters were under his control, he, a small mid-level engineer, could not make any achievements at all.

But since most of Corey's technical talents were transferred to support the Northwest, he felt that he was capable again.

I feel that apart from Lin Shengli's uncle, he has the best technical level and the oldest qualifications in the technical department.

Even Section Chief Yuan, who was the deputy section chief at the time, he didn't take seriously. After all, he and Section Chief Yuan were both mid-level engineers at that time.

Without the suppression of those technical masters, and the lack of talent in the factory, Yan Fengjun became the leader of the technical group.

Since becoming the team leader, this Yan Fengjun has started to let himself go. Wherever he goes, he behaves like I am a senior intellectual, an engineer, and a team leader, and you all have to respect me!

Even when talking to the factory leaders on weekdays, he always behaves in an awkward manner, let alone the attitude towards the workers and masters in the workshop.

The workers and masters have been suffering from him for a long time, but there is nothing they can do about it, because he is an engineer and a team leader.

After the death of Uncle Lin Shengli, Yan Fengjun started running around trying to become the chief of the technical department.

In the end, Section Chief Yuan became the section chief, and Yan Fengjun wanted to seek the position of deputy section chief.

Section Chief Yuan felt that Yan Fengjun's technical level and reputation did not meet the requirements for becoming a deputy section chief. What's more, he didn't like to see Yan Fengjun, so he was even less likely to recommend him.

And no one in the factory leadership was willing to speak for Yan Fengjun, so he could only continue to be his team leader.

For this reason, Yan Fengjun always felt that he had been treated unfairly, and his temper became increasingly weird and difficult to get along with.

If nothing happens, I always go to Director Yang and Deputy Director Li to complain.

This Yan Fengjun never reflected on why Section Chief Yuan did not recommend him, and no leader in the factory spoke up for him. He stubbornly believed that he was being treated unfairly because he could not become section chief or deputy section chief.

However, although this Yan Fengjun is unclear about himself, is not very good at talking, and is not good at dealing with people, he also has his own cleverness.

Although he was not convinced by Section Chief Yuan and was dissatisfied with the factory leaders for not promoting him, he would always complete the tasks assigned by Corey or the factory on time.

He just has a bad mouth and a bad attitude.

But the leaders are not willing to argue with this kind of old stubbornness. As long as you are obedient and work hard, as for your bad mouth and bad attitude, then we will just stay away from you and not talk to you.

This is why Section Chief Yuan and the factory leaders have been able to tolerate Yan Fengjun and continue to stay in the position of leader of the technical team.

But this time, Yan Fengjun completely offended his boss, his boss's boss, and his boss's boss's boss.

You don't even know what to say. When a large group of superior leaders are present, how can you, a small team leader, talk nonsense!

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