Siheyuan: Originally I just wanted to be a little transparent

Chapter 83 Why do you get scolded everywhere?

Factory Director Yang patted the table and said with a serious expression: "Liu Haizhong, do you have a problem with your ideological consciousness? Do you still have the consciousness of being a working class person?"

Director Yang's sudden move shocked the second uncle Liu Haizhong.

He didn't know why Director Yang suddenly got so angry. Liu Haizhong just told the truth!

Director Yang stood up, looked at Liu Hai with a serious face, and said righteously:

"As a glorious working class person, you don't think about how to work hard. Instead, you come to me to complain because you can't stand the hard work!"

"What kind of style is this?"

"When did our master workers learn to be picky about their work and complain when they are tired?"

"I think this is entirely caused by the petty bourgeoisie's greed for enjoyment and indolence in work!..."

Factory Director Yang was already very dissatisfied with Liu Haizhong's over-the-level reporting.

As a result, Liu Haizhong came over to report to the next level. He came to complain because he thought the work was too hard and tiring, which made Director Yang even more unhappy.

Not only did he complain about the hard work, but he also made a small report to his immediate superior.

The target of this report turned out to be Director Yang’s confidant, Section Chief Yuan!

Did Liu Haizhong's head get pinched by the door when he went out? Otherwise, how could he have jumped over the hierarchy and sued his immediate superior?

If there is really any solid evidence for this, it would be okay for you to come to the factory leaders to respond.

But what the hell, Liu Haizhong actually reported Section Chief Yuan to deliberately arrange hard work for him. This is nonsense.

So for people like Liu Haizhong, Director Yang would not have any kind words or good looks to say to him!

"This project this time is the most important project of our steel rolling mill in recent times!"

“For this project, all the elite soldiers from the factory who have high ideological awareness, are hard-working and have first-class skills have been transferred.”

"I didn't expect that a black sheep like you would sneak in!"

"Okay, don't you think someone in the project team is trying to make things difficult for you?"

"I will transfer you back now. You go back to the workshop to clean the steel slag!"

Liu Haizhong, who was originally scolded by Factory Director Yang, became trembling and submissive.

When he heard that Director Yang was going to transfer him to clean steel slag, he was immediately frightened out of his wits.

Cleaning steel slag is not an easy job!

It was really dirty, bitter, and tiring.

Even a young man with a slight physical condition would not be able to hold on for a few days, let alone an old man like him who is already fifty-one or twelve years old.

Those who clean steel slag in the workshop are usually temporary workers, or workers who have no technical talent and can only be forced to do hard work.

If he was really asked to do the work of cleaning up steel slag in Liu Haizhong, it wouldn't take a few days, but it would really cost him his life!

Liu Haizhong was so frightened that his face turned green, and he quickly begged: "Director, I was wrong, I just talked nonsense like lard, I won't be transferred, I will stay in the project team and work hard!"

Liu Haizhong saluted and bowed, and kept begging for mercy!

Seeing Liu Haizhong's submissive look, Director Yang looked disgusted.

Really, you can't have a good face towards such a person and spoil him, just scold him and be honest!

He didn't work hard, and he complained everywhere to find trouble. He even sued his confidant, Chief Yuan.

Not to mention that Factory Director Yang doesn’t believe it at all, Section Chief Yuan will take advantage of you, an ordinary worker.

Even if he knew that Chief Yuan was really making things difficult for you, Director Yang would pretend not to see it.

After all, on one side is an old comrade and partner he knows well, his confidant and favorite, Chief Yuan of the Technical Department.

On the other side is Liu Haizhong, a dispensable workshop worker who is picky, indolent, shirking the easy and avoids the hard, covets comfort, and even leapfrogs his way to sue his superiors.

Everyone knows who to lean towards.

Factory Director Yang doesn't like Liu Haizhong now, and he doesn't want to see this indolent guy anymore.

So he glared at Liu Haizhong very impatiently and said, "Why don't you go back to work as soon as you have nothing?"

"I'm telling you, go back to the project team and give me a solid job. Don't think about all kinds of crooked things all day long. If you let me know what you are up to, you can go back to the workshop to clean the steel slag." go!"

Liu Haizhong nodded and bowed, and exited Director Yang's office tremblingly.

While wiping the cold sweat on his head from being frightened, he pondered with lingering fear in his bangs.

In order to leave the project team, he found Lin Shengli, the deputy team leader.

Chief Yuan, the culprit against him, also went to seek help.

Factory Director Yang also went to sue.

In the end, things didn't turn around at all. Not only did he get scolded twice, but he was almost transferred to clean steel slag by the factory director.

In order not to be transferred to clean steel slag, Liu Haizhong could only return to the project team and continue working.

But in order not to continue to be targeted, he had to put his tail between his legs and beg Chief Yuan for mercy.

With a sad face and full of worries, Liu Haizhong returned to Workshop 10 in a daze, where everyone was still busy.

Lin Shengli was giving instructions to several eighth-level workers and engineers, directing them to work.

Chief Yuan was also standing next to Lin Shengli, holding the drawings in his hands. While looking at the drawings, he watched the workers in the project team busy.

Liu Haizhong entered the workshop. Lin Shengli, who was busy, did not notice Liu Haizhong at all, but continued busy with his work.

Chief Yuan looked at Liu Haizhong, who was in a state of despair.

Section Chief Yuan was furious when he saw this guy running into his office early in the morning and talking nonsense.

Judging from Liu Haizhong's dejected look, he had gone to Factory Manager Yang's place to file a complaint but failed!

Chief Yuan said to Liu Haizhong seriously: "Comrade Liu Haizhong, your work attitude is not right!"

"Everyone came to the workshop early and started working. You came in late without asking for leave. If you don't look at what time it is, what are you doing?"

The team members working in the workshop heard Section Chief Yuan's words and saw the belated arrival of Liu Haizhong. Everyone shook their heads with disdain.

They all worked hard for this project. Not to mention being late, they all wished they could live and eat in the workshop. If they didn't have this awareness, they would all feel embarrassed to get the extra 50 cents a day subsidy. .

But this one in Liu Haizhong is better. He just came at what time, and he still looks absent-minded and aggrieved. Why, you have been wronged by coming to work in the project team, right?

You are the last person in the project team. Not to mention that your skills are not very good, and your work attitude is not positive. You can do well with big names!

Facing Section Chief Yuan's questioning, Liu Haizhong didn't dare to say that he just went to the factory director to complain!

Liu Haizhong walked up to Section Chief Yuan with a slave look on his face:

"Chief Yuan, my stomach just felt uncomfortable and I went to the toilet! I'm really sorry. I will pay attention next time and come early."

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