Siheyuan: Promoted To Eight Levels In A Row, Wife Zhao Paner

Chapter 059: Li Dalei Leads The Negotiation Process, Diana Shocked

"It's an understatement to say she's a murderer!"

"It should be said to be reincarnated as a beast!"

"Such a person can still be a human?"

"Why doesn't she die herself!"

The doctor made Jia Zhang speechless in anger, and quickly called for someone to send Qin Huairu to the emergency room first.

Fortunately, Qin Huairu has been doing physical work all year round, and her physical fitness is good, so it will be fine if the child is kept.

At this time, the police came to investigate with the old man popping popcorn.

As soon as Jia Zhang saw the old man, he was very excited, and shouted while pulling him by the neck: "What the hell are you paying for my hand~!"

"If you can't pay me, you will pay me!"-"

"It's all your fault!"

The old man has also seen the world, how can she be blackmailed.

Arguing with reason: "You threw the money into my stove yourself, and you regretted grabbing it and scratched your hand. What does it have to do with me!"

"I have no money, and the police are here, let them judge the case!"

After some interrogation, the police also learned the truth of the matter.

It was determined that it had nothing to do with the old man. It was an accident that took the old man away.

Seeing that they were going to leave, Mrs. Jia Zhang quit immediately.

He pulled the policeman and shouted: "You policemen must have accepted bribes to be indiscriminate!"

"I don't believe it anymore, the whole Forty-Nine City is left alone for you!"

"I'm going to report you for corruption and bribery now!"

The policeman said angrily, "Do you know what it means to falsely accuse a public official?"

"I'll arrest you and lock you up before you sue me!"

As soon as the police left, the nurse sent the bill again.

"Twenty yuan, pay on the first floor."

She said it lightly, but it made Jia Zhang anxious again.

"Didn't you say fifteen just now? Why is it twenty now?"

The nurse explained: "You've just been pulled on the operating table, and there's an extra cleanup fee!"

Everyone around laughed.

"You are so grown up, you still pull your pants like other children!"

"I'm afraid it's not that I can't take care of myself a little bit?"

"Don't you know, their grandparents and grandchildren have inherited it for three generations, and they all know how to pull pies!"

Everyone laughed even louder.

Qin Huairu blushed, unable to lift her head in shame.

What a day it has been all day long!

Let people beat and scold them.

I have to follow everywhere to embarrass people!

Why did you marry Jia Dongxu blind at the beginning!

If she had married Li Dalei, Qin Huairu wouldn't have suffered so much!

And I don't know if Jia Zhang's hand can recover, if not, she will really be the only one working in the family.

She has no money and has to work hard, what kind of fate is she!

"Beep beep again, beep beep again, and I'll throw it on your bed right away!"

Jia Zhang shamelessly cursed the crowd.

The gate of the rolling mill.

"Move this way!"

"Hang there!"


Several workers are in full swing to dress up the factory gate.

Red banners and big red flowers hung all over the door.

There are also a few factory girls smiling like flowers, wearing ribbons, and acting as hostesses!

The reason why it is so grand is that Gao Zhanguo's investment delegation will be received today to inspect the factory.

As soon as these decorations were hung, the car of the Gaul delegation had already driven into the factory area slowly.

After the car was parked, Li Dalei got out of the car with the delegation, during which he had been communicating with the delegation in English without barriers.

They were talking and laughing, looking very enthusiastic.

And Li Dalei's spoken English is not inferior to those of these foreign countries.

The workers around me were stunned.

Although they couldn't understand, it could be seen from the expressions that Li Dalei performed very well.

"Engineer Li can still speak the language of foreigners!"

"That's why you are ignorant. Not only can he speak a foreign language, but he is also said to be proficient in Russian!"

"Ah, no wonder he can be an engineer!"

"Even if you are capable, you can still be handsome!"

"Don't talk about it, besides, I really want to marry him!"

"You don't want to inquire first whether he is married or not!"

As soon as Li Daxiao got off the car and took a few steps with the delegation, he met Factory Director Yang, Deputy Factory Director Li and Chief Engineer Liu.

Reception standards are super high.

"We welcome delegations from overseas."

Director Yang took the initiative to shake hands with the delegation.

Deputy Factory Manager Li and Chief Engineer Liu accompanied him with excited smiles on their faces.

The scene of three big leaders plus an engineer personally receiving it is really rare, which is enough to show how much the factory attaches importance to the arrival of the delegation.

"What is the origin of this delegation?"

"He came from Gaul and invested in our factory."

"More than that, in addition to investment, it will also give us core technology!"

"Really, then the batch of old machines in our factory will be replaced with new ones!"

"As long as we talk about it, everything will be completely new!"

As soon as this remark came out, all the workers became excited.

In this era, Huaxia's industrial technology was dozens or hundreds of years behind Omi.

Many factories use old machines with extremely low efficiency, and the quality of the products produced is also uneven.

Some heavy industrial enterprises supported by the state, such as the Red Star Rolling Mill, also have some advanced equipment imported from abroad, but they are often stuck in technology.

There is a problem with the equipment, and foreigners are unwilling to come to repair it. Even if they are successfully invited, they have to pay a lot of foreign currency.

But for the sake of production and development, they can only swallow their anger.

Now the Gaul delegation came to give technology and money, and the rolling mill seemed to usher in the spring after the cold winter.

Not only are the workers happy, but Deputy Factory Manager Li also cherishes this opportunity very much.

It's just that he behaved differently from other leaders. Facing the delegation, he groveled and flattered him.

The humbleness shown by deputy factory manager Li made the workers feel very uncomfortable.

Seeing how he treats foreigners, the workers can easily think of one word: traitor.

People in this era are very patriotic and have strong national self-esteem.

Especially after experiencing many wars, people have also cultivated a strong sense of national pride.

From the bottom of their hearts, they feel that China is a very good nation.

Therefore, they couldn't understand Deputy Director Li's appearance very much.

"Isn't it just a few investments? How can Deputy Director Li flatter you so much?"

"It seems that if he doesn't curry favor with others, they won't invest in us!"

"Yeah, look at Engineer Li, he's neither humble nor overbearing."

"On the contrary, the foreigner would say a few more words to him."

"Negotiations have to be like this, and you have to show your integrity!"

Factory Manager Yang heard the workers' comments, and he couldn't help but nodded secretly.

Li Dalei is indeed a master of diplomacy. Not only is he neither humble nor overbearing, he also showed full confidence in the whole reception process.

Although he couldn't understand what the foreigners were saying, he could clearly feel that their attitude towards Li Dalei was very friendly and even admirable.

Although Director Yang can understand the behavior of Deputy Director Li, he is also working hard for the rolling mill.

But there is really no need to be so humble.

On the contrary, it will make people look down on them.

Soon, the delegation was taken to the conference room.

Negotiations soon reached a critical point.

"The reason why we want to invest funds and provide technical support for your factory is also for profit."

The delegation got straight to the point as soon as they spoke, and they were about to raise conditions.

"After our negotiation, we have decided to provide your factory with two sets of steelmaking equipment, and will be responsible for the transformation of the steelmaking process and subsequent equipment maintenance."

"As for dividends, we want fifty percent of the total profit!"

As soon as this remark came out, the leaders of the rolling mill present sighed.

This request is simply too much!

Aren't they equivalent to empty-handed white wolves?

If you want 50% of the profit today, wouldn't you want 50% of the shares tomorrow?

Then the day after tomorrow, I will give them the factory directly!

Director Yang's face also turned dark all of a sudden.

He had an account in mind. If he followed the delegation's requirements and obtained the investment and technology they provided, the production efficiency of the rolling mill would increase by 40% at most.

Profit increased by up to 30%.

According to the 50% profit they want, the rolling mill will directly lose money!

Their request must never be granted.

Since it is a negotiation, everyone must sit together and discuss.

The delegation made a request to the rolling mill to maneuver.

At the end of the round, the representative still did not agree to invest in real money, but just let go and reduced the profit share to 4%.

Director Yang's face became increasingly ugly.

Li Dalei also saw his entanglement and embarrassment by observing his words and expressions.

He knew that Director Yang was struggling with technology.

To attract foreign investment, making money is second, and the main thing is to introduce technology.

Otherwise, as soon as the delegation opened its mouth, it would have been kicked out.

And these foreigners are also very smart, it is precisely to grasp this point to handle the rolling mill.

The current situation in China is such that many factories make money at a loss in order to learn technology, and they do not hesitate to let foreign businessmen earn a lot of foreign exchange for the sake of technology.

Factory Manager Yang and the others have no experience in dealing with foreign businessmen.

If it goes on like this, it will definitely suffer a big loss.

Li Dalei had an idea, and interjected: "I suggest that you visit the workshop first, and then we can negotiate after the visit.

Director Yang gave Li Dalei an appreciative glance.

Deputy Factory Director Li also secretly admired Li Dalei's move, which was neither arrogant nor humble, but cleverly resolved the predicament.

It's much better than he has been humble and compromised.

On the way, Li Dalei quietly walked up to Director Yang and whispered: "Don't worry, they are more anxious than us."

Director Yang asked doubtfully, "What's going on?"

Li Dalei explained: "I heard them communicate privately just now, and they also have tasks to invest in, which must be completed.

Director Yang's expression immediately relaxed.

The whole person is in a happy mood.

"Da Lei, you are really my lucky general. When this mission is over, I will ask for credit for you!"

Li Dalei smiled and did not speak.

It's not for his own merit that he worked so hard.

In fact, I want the Huaxia people to feel proud in front of the gringos!

A group of people led the Gaul delegation slowly shuttled through the various workshops. They kept shaking their heads and whispering while watching.

...asking for flowers...

Contempt was evident on his face.

It made some monks in the rolling mill confused.

Deputy Factory Manager Li couldn't help but asked Li Daxiao, "What do they mean?"

Li Daxiao was not going to tell them.

Because he has been there, he knows that these gringos are not holding back any good farts.

This is just a technique of their negotiation, trying to belittle the opponent before negotiating

square value.

In later generations this is called PUA.

But when Deputy Factory Manager Li asked this question, he thought about it.

Translating the words of these gringos with embellishments can actually arouse the emotions of their own people, which is a good thing for subsequent negotiations.

He said: "They said that the equipment in our factory is too backward and the work efficiency is low."

"Also said that even if they gave us new equipment, we might not be able to drive it, won't use it, and can't afford it."

"It's a waste of time for them to come here, no matter how good their technology is, they can't change the status quo of our factory.

The factory leaders were displeased after hearing this, but they couldn't refute it.

Everyone is a knowledgeable person, and they all know the technological gap between Huaxia and Omi.

If you fall behind, you will be beaten. This is an eternal truth.

If you want to develop, sometimes you have to swallow your anger and learn the technology first.

But the little leaders and technicians with a slightly lower status couldn't hold back.

"They look down on people!"

"Our factory is one of the best factories in the whole country!"

"So what's wrong with their technology?"

"Didn't our millet plus rifles still beat the Americans away!"

"What's there to be arrogant about? Thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, who knows what will happen in the future!"

Li Daxiao smiled inwardly in the face of the workers' passionate emotions.

This effect is what I want.

He seized the opportunity to stand up and said in both Chinese and English: "Ladies and gentlemen, I hope you can look at our factory objectively."

"There is indeed a gap between our factory's technology and Omibi's."

"But our scale is also world-class."

"As far as I know, your factory is only half the size of ours."

In addition, the best assets of our Huaxia will never be money and equipment, but people.

"It is our national spirit of perseverance, unity, willingness to work hard, and willingness to pay."

"It is this national spirit that keeps us going from generation to generation."

"And this is also the foundation for us to become the four ancient civilizations!"

After Li Daxiao finished speaking, the audience applauded thunderously.

There was a blush on everyone's face.

The workers were excited, the leaders appreciated, and the scene suddenly became very enthusiastic.

"Engineer Li is very good!"

"We just want to show our national spirit to resist the oppression of these gringos!"

"They have money and technology, and we have people!"

"He wants our people, so he must talk to me about cooperation fairly!"

"We are no worse than them!"

"Not only is it not bad, I believe we will be better than them in the future!"

Although the people in the delegation couldn't understand what the workers were shouting.

But the kind of emotion they displayed knows no borders.

They knew that Li Daxiao's words had aroused everyone's fighting spirit, and they also knew that once the Huaxia people had fighting spirit, it would be very difficult to deal with.

They will strangle them like a twisted rope.

They could not move or fight.

And the person who twisted the scattered ropes together was the young man named Li Dalei in front of him.

They really did not expect that there would be such a talent as Li Dalei in the Red Star Rolling Mill.

He was able to grasp their detailed information before the negotiation.

And figured out all their routines very accurately.

In fact, before they came to the rolling mill, they had also negotiated with other factories. Those factories basically had a dark eye and knew nothing about the international situation.

The delegations in those factories literally did what they said.

The delegation was in a dominant position throughout the negotiation process.

And in the face of the current situation....

The people in the delegation pondered, they knew that this time they encountered a very difficult bone.

Negotiations are not destined to be smooth sailing.

Let Li Dalei speak, they also have tasks that must be completed this time.

The rolling mill is indeed the most suitable factory for investment. The factory has a large scale, high production efficiency, and the products are definitely not bad.

Investing in rolling mills is their best choice.

The delegation was suddenly thrown into a difficult situation by Li Daxiao, and they whispered to each other and were studying countermeasures.

And among them there was a young and beautiful girl who had not spoken the whole time, staring at Li Dalei with burning eyes.

She saw a different spirit and look in Li Daxiao.

Feeling her gaze, Li Daxiao tilted his head and smiled slightly at her.

His memory is amazing, even though the girl didn't speak the whole time, he still remembered her name - Diana.

Diana returned a smile to Li Dalei graciously.

At the moment when the four eyes met, Li Dalei turned his face to the side and continued to look forward.

And such a resolute side face completely hit Diana's heart with a knife. .

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