Siheyuan: Promoted To Eight Levels In A Row, Wife Zhao Paner

Chapter 076 Li Dalei Breaks The Deaf Old Lady's Crutches

Director Xu was visibly shocked when he saw the deaf old lady.

This old lady is a family member of a martyr, not only in the courtyard, but also in Nanluoguxiang.

Regardless of whether Director Xu is the director of the street office, he still has to give three points to the deaf old lady.

"Old lady, Yi Zhonghai's current behavior is very immoral. We really can't let an immoral person be a big man in a courtyard!"

Director Xu explained.

The deaf old lady gave a cold snort and slammed her cane.


"I can't quite hear what you're saying."

"Yi Zhonghai is my pensioner's son, so whether he is worthy of being the uncle of the courtyard depends on this.

"Say it!"


Director Xu is in trouble.

However, we cannot relax in the face of principles.

Yi Zhonghai should be punished for doing immoral things.

"It has nothing to do with whether you take care of your son, old lady."

"It's a moral issue!"

The deaf old lady didn't listen to her and waved her hand.

"I don't care what's moral or immoral!"

"If you really talk about morality with me, then I will also tell you that I have given birth to five children in my life."

"The story of all who died in battle."

"Do you think they are moral?"

"You said that I raised five of them and educated them to be people who will contribute to the country."

"Am I moral?"

"Then now, at such an advanced age, I just want to take care of my pension son. Is this against morality?"

Director Xu was left speechless by the fallacies of the deaf old lady.

She said helplessly: "Old lady, these things cannot be confused, you are you, and Yi Zhuhai is Yi Zhonghai.

"Even if you two are biological mother and son, you have to talk about it separately!"

"Now we are talking about Yi Zhonghai's moral issues."

"Anyway, no matter what you say, we can't let Yi Zhonghai do it."

The deaf old lady never expected Director Xu to be so determined as "403".

And he would be so disrespectful to her.

In the eyes of the deaf old lady, Director Xu is drifting away!

But so what if she floated away.

The deaf old lady has plenty of ways to cure her.

I saw the deaf old lady walking slowly to Director Xu with a walking stick.

Her voice rang in Director Xu's ears in a moderate voice.

"Don't you forget how you got the director of the street office?"

"If you don't let me have a good time, I won't let you have a good time."

"Think about it for yourself!"

Immediately, Director Xu's expression changed drastically.

The whole person was almost intimidated.

In fact, she has been in contact with the deaf old lady for some years.

As for the position of the director of the street office, it was true that the deaf old lady used some means to help her during the campaign.

This method is indeed not very glorious.

If it spreads out, if it doesn't work out, it will really involve yourself.

It is indeed her duty to manage the big and small things in Nanluoguxiang.

But work well, there is always a time to release water.

Otherwise this time...

"old lady!"

Li Dalei suddenly stood up at this moment.

He has better ears than the average person, and he has heard the old lady Die's threat to Director Xu long ago.

Director Xu obviously couldn't take it anymore.

He, Li Daxiao, couldn't let the deaf old lady just fool things around like this.

"Let me ask you a question, is Yi Zhonghai your son in retirement?"

The deaf old lady thought Li Dalei would say something.

After thinking about it, he replied, "Yes!"

"Then since he is your son, do you have the obligation to educate him?"

"Look what you've been doing since this incident happened!"

"You don't care if Yi Zhonghai hits his mother, you don't care if Yi Zhonghai wants to marry Jia Zhang, the third son, you don't care when Director Xu says he's going to be dismissed!"

"You still have the nerve to talk about morality with Director Xu."

"You are so moral!"

"If you want me to say that Yi Zhonghai made such a big mistake, it has nothing to do with you."

"Maybe you taught it all!"

"Why can't you be punished if you do something?"

"The son is not the father's fault, since you won't let Yi Zhonghai be punished, then Director Xu, let's see how to punish the old lady!"

Li Daxiao's words immediately won the support of the neighbors.

"Li Dalei is right, why is he not punished if he did something wrong?"

"Old lady, if you manage the compound like this, how many Yi Zhonghais will come out of our compound!"

"Such a person is not worthy of being a master for us!"

"It must be punished!"

The deaf old lady was pushed to the forefront by everyone.

The big snot bubbles are about to come out.

What Li Daxiao said was well-founded, and she had no way to refute it.

If she can't be reasonable, she simply won't be reasonable!

Covering his head directly, his chest pretended to be half dead by Li Tianlei's anger.

"Oh, it's really unreasonable to bully an old lady like me!"

"As long as you are still the director of the street office, look for yourself, you don't care about a young man blatantly insulting an old man.

"You only care about those messy things in other people's houses."

"Are you the director of the sub-district office or the director of household chores!"

"Let me tell you, Xiao Xu, you can dismiss Yi Zhonghai today!"

"Then you have to take Li Dalei with you!"

"He insulted the old man, he is also guilty!"

"Oh, I can't do it anymore, I'm going to die, I'm going to die!"

Director Xu has no way to break the trick of the deaf old lady.

They are also used to being leaders.

If there is no way to argue for a reason, then just talk to each other directly.

If you muddle through things with Mui, you'll be fine.

"Okay, originally I came here to deal with the dispute between Yi Zhonghai and Gao Xiaocui first."

"Let's talk about business first!"

"Yi Zhonghai, are you sure you want to divorce Gao Xiaocui."

"Then is there any disagreement between you that needs mediation?"

After changing the topic, Director Xu was sweating.

The big mother doesn't care whether the big man is a big man or not.

It has nothing to do with her.

The only thing that has anything to do with her is how the two of them should separate their families.

"I don't think this marriage should be divorced in vain. Divorce requires division of households, and clear division of property and so on!"

The uncle was not happy, and said: "All our family property is just this one house."

"The house is our ancestral property, of course it was given to me, what's the matter with you?"

Li Dalei said: "Master, what you said is wrong."

"I just told you about the issue of joint property between husband and wife."

"It's true that the house is yours, but now it belongs to your husband and wife.

"The division of property after divorce is to give the property to the weaker party."

"The first mother took care of the family, so she never went out to work."

"As the disadvantaged party, she should obtain the ownership of the house and you will need to pay 20 yuan a month for living expenses to the aunt."

This kind of divorce method was unheard of by everyone and asked Director Xu about it.

"Director Xu, you understand better than us. Is what Li Dalei said must be implemented?"

"What kind of marriage law does he talk about? What kind of law is that?"

"Director Xu, please tell us something!"

Director Xu was dumbfounded by the question.

In this era, the publicity of law popularization has not been done so well.

Even the director of the street office does not fully understand the law.

But when the neighbors asked, she couldn't just say that she didn't understand.

I had no choice but to find a reason and said: "I'm not very good at speaking, why don't you let Da Lei explain to everyone.

Li Dalei was also unambiguous and explained directly.

"There are clear provisions in the Marriage Law regarding the division of property before and after marriage..."

He explained in great detail the legal provisions regarding the separation of the elder master and the elder mother.

Director Xu suddenly remembered.

"Li Dalei is right. The district did promote exactly the same as what Li Dalei said some time ago."

"Then since it's legal, let's do what Ji Tian said!"

It can be considered that this matter has been resolved, and Director Xu breathed a sigh of relief.

Unexpectedly, the deaf old lady quit!

"What does it mean to do what Li Dalei says?"

"What do you eat?"

"What the hell is a marriage law?"

"Since ancient times, I have never heard of such a truth. After getting married, the house will be wiped out?"

"I don't care, I'm in charge of today's matter, kick Gao Xiaocui out of my son's house!"

"If you want to get a divorce, then hurry up and leave, don't sloppy here!"

The deaf old lady is pissed again.

Director Xu's head hurts all over.

She didn't dare to offend the deaf old lady, but she couldn't slip away until the matter was resolved.

"Director Xu, you don't have to make trouble.

Li Dalei said calmly: "If the sub-district office can't solve it, then call the police directly and let the court evaluate the reason!"

The deaf old lady panicked when she heard about the court.

What Li Daxiao said was serious, what he said was not serious when he went to the court!

At that time, let alone the house, and then wipe out everything in the family.

She was too frightened to say anything, and just hid behind.

Grandpa has a lot of eyes!

If he divorced Da Ma according to some marriage law, it would definitely not be a good deal.

Not to mention that the house is gone, I have to pay an extra 20 yuan a month.

And there is no one to serve him food and daily life.

This marriage is not worth it.

He hurriedly said: "Forget it, let's settle the matter of our couple internally.

"This marriage is inseparable, let's discuss it again."

I haven't waited for the aunt to open her mouth to say no!

Jia Zhang objected first.

"Yi Zhonghai, what do you mean?"

"We are both like this, you want to marry me if you don't get a divorce!"

"I tell you there is no way, you have to leave this marriage whether you want to leave or not!"

"We'll get married after we leave!"

"It's okay to delay for a day!"

The neighbors laughed together.

"Master, you are so charming!"

"I'm in a hurry to get home, why are you still in a hurry!"

"Stay away for a while, that's not okay!"

"You still think you can't do both!"

The neighbors said it was the uncle, but the Jia family was embarrassed to choose this.

Qin Huairu is also a face-saving person, and she is not ashamed like Jia Zhang.

She quietly called Raja Zhang over and said: "Mom, stop fighting, they are divorced, and they will lose their property after a day of fighting..."

"It's not worthwhile for you to marry him!"

"Fart, what I want is love!"

Jia Zhang shouted out with a loud voice.

Immediately the scene became even more embarrassing!

Grandpa blushed.

Qin Huairu said: "Can love be eaten, he has nothing, how can he live?"

At this time, Jia Zhang had a little idea.

The excellence of the uncle lies in the fact that he is handsome and rich among ordinary old men.

But if the old man has no money, it's really not worth it!

Love really can't be eaten.

She, Jia Zhang, has suffered all her life, and she can't endure hardships when she gets old.

It's useless for her to be so fussy.

He just shut his mouth and didn't make any more noise.

The uncle thought that if the Jiazhang family was settled, then there would be no problem with the eldest mother.

It turned out that the two of them had combined for a fake divorce.

What's more, Da Ma's obedient and obedient character is not just what he says.

The uncle said like an order: "Okay, Xiaocui, this marriage will not be divorced, and the family will not need to be divided!"

"No, the marriage must be divorced, and the family must be divided!"

"Even if the Heavenly King Lao Tzu is here, it won't work!"

"It's impossible for me to pass you by, Yi Zhonghai!"

The aunt's attitude is very tough.

This was probably the brightest moment of her life.

The deaf old lady rolled her eyes.

She also counts on the elder man to take care of her in the old age.

The old man's house is almost gone, and he has to spend 20% of his salary to support his ex-wife.

This can't work!

The interests of the uncle are her interests.

She can't let her own interests suffer the slightest loss.

So she stepped forward to persuade the aunt to come up with hypocrisy.

"Xiao Cui, you and Yi Zhonghai have lived your whole life, what's the trouble?"

"Listen to me, stop making trouble."

"Live a good life and live a good life.

"Human, the most rare thing is to have a companion when you are old."

"old lady."

No one is used to Big Mom now being the same as hanging up.

"You're pretending to be deaf again, aren't you?"

"I told you very clearly that I want a divorce."

"No one can control this!"

"And I'm also wondering, if you really don't want us to divorce, why didn't you ignore Yi Zhonghai when he hit me just now?"

"Now that I'm divorced, you're trying to persuade me?"

"Is Yi Zhonghai your son or your own father, are you so afraid of him?"

The deaf old lady is so angry!

I can't even utter a word, and I'm going to greet Big Mom with a crutch!

Li Dalei quickly grabbed the walking stick with sharp eyesight and quick hands.

I almost got knocked down by the deaf old lady when I grabbed it!


Li Daxiao directly broke the walking stick into two halves!

It fell to the ground with a bang.

"Old lady, if you try again, you will end up just like this crutch!"

The deaf old lady looked at Li Dalei and at the walking stick.


She pointed at Li Daxiao's hands and trembled with anger.

Immediately, both eyes were blackened, and they passed out directly!

It fell to the ground with a bang.

"Li Daxiao is really ruthless!"

"Break the deaf old lady's walking stick, and make the deaf old lady dizzy!"

"Actually, he did something I never wanted to do!"

"The main reason is that the deaf old lady really went too far this time!"

"It's time!"

"We need someone like Li Dalei to clean up the compound!"

"old lady!"

The uncle and silly Zhu jumped on the deaf old lady in fright.

The deaf old lady did not open her eyes for a long time.

They were so angry.

The uncle pointed at Li Dalei's nose and cursed: "Li Dalei, do you know how to respect the elderly?"

"The old lady is an old man no matter what, how can you treat her like this?"

Silly Zhu chimed in and said: "You are still human, if something happens to the old lady, look at me and I will never end with you!"

"You two stop farting here!"

Li Dalei said straight away: "Now you're pretending to be five people and six people, why didn't you dare to stop me just now!"

"Is this your respected elder?"

"Is this what you care about the old lady?"

"Just put some hindsight!"

"When the old lady wakes up and sees your hypocritical filial piety, she will probably faint again!"

"You are really filial, you should first discuss who will carry her to the hospital!"

The uncle and Sha Zhu were speechless after being stunned.

Couldn't find words to refute.

Director Xu finally presided over the situation and said: "Let's do it like this. Yi Zhonghai gives the house to the aunt, and directly distributes the things in the house."

"Execute now!"

It's not going to work if it's not implemented.

The uncle had no choice but to pack up his things and took some of his own clothes.

The rest is all Big Mom's fault.

He has no house and no place to live.

Standing awkwardly in the compound with a few packages, he became a homeless stray dog.

Fortunately, Shazhu finally extended a helping hand and let the uncle live in their house first.

Not to mention the great changes in his life, the uncle has become the laughing stock of the neighbors after dinner. .

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