Siheyuan: Promoted To Eight Levels In A Row, Wife Zhao Paner

Chapter 097 The Technological Transformation Was A Great Success, Zhou Xiaobai Worshiped

Stick got up and felt that water was running under his nose, and when he touched it, there was blood.

He would have to cry if he was going to rest.

But today, he doesn't care!

What are you afraid of?

Such a cool bike!

He rides even better!

Even passers-by are praising him, not to mention he rode to school!

BangJiao enjoys the envious looks from others on him.

He had already enjoyed a wave of dragging his bicycle on the street just now.

That's not cool enough!

Thinking of him riding a bicycle to school, Yin Mao saw his expression.

Sticky is proud of it!

Isn't he sitting on a broken bicycle and chatting with him there?

This time, look at how he is still pissed off!

His stick is to slap him in the face in front of all the students and teachers!

The stick got up and went to ride the bicycle again.

Take a step and fall, get up and ride again.

It took me a long time to stagger like this before arriving at the school.

It really complied with what Da Mao said, and the stick was late again.

When he got to school, he was already in class.

In order to make a comparison, Bang Geng pushed the bicycle directly into the school regardless of the security guard's objection.

The children in physical education class couldn't help being surprised when they saw it.

"Is this a bicycle?"

"What a beautiful bike!"

"But can he really ride this thing in?"

"You've already come in and you still ask!"

"Wow, if only I had one!"

The children all cast envious glances at the stick.

Sticky got his wish and enjoyed the envy of others in school, even more proud.

It's not enough for him to ride his bicycle into the campus!

No matter how many steps there are to get to the classroom!

Even if he resists, he will resist bringing the bicycle into the classroom!

Thinking of this, Bang Geng pushed his bicycle all the way to the door of the classroom with great difficulty.

The moment the door was opened, everyone was in class, and the stick rang the bell.

Everyone looked at him in unison.

"Oh my god, BangJie has a bicycle!"

"It's so cool to ride a bicycle directly to school!"

"Can you lend me a stick to ride?"

"I don't know how to ride, can you give me a ride?"


Da Mao stared straight at the eyes!

Compare the bike at his home with the bike in BangGou's hand.

What a broken bike!

In addition to being envious of BangJiao for having such a nice bicycle, he is also jealous in his heart.

Da Mao stared at the stick.

The expression is like eating shit.

"Isn't it a little newer than mine, what's the big deal?"

He muttered under his breath.

But he was told clearly by the stick.

Stick shouted triumphantly: "Da Mao, you call this new?"

310 "My car is the latest model!"

"How about it?"

"Your family can't afford it?"

The children laughed loudly.

Those little dirty hands want to touch the sticky bicycle.

The sticks beat their hands even if they were not touched.

There is no way to even attend class in the classroom.

Ran Qiuye stood on the podium and watched with a very serious expression.


"Hurry up and go back to class!"

She roared out, and everyone scattered around.

Stick is still pushing the bicycle and standing at the door.

"Bang, you are not only late but also pushing your bicycle into the classroom, this is wrong, you put the bicycle away and go to the back for punishment!"

Sticks are usually skinned everywhere.

But children are afraid of teachers.

He obediently followed Ran Qiuye's words.

But he didn't feel at all that he had made a mistake.

He was fined to stand with his chest up and walked over.

After all, he's a bike guy now!

Arguably the coolest character in the school!

Of course such an awesome character walks with wind, and even stands with pie!

Ran Qiuye couldn't help but frown.

Leaving aside the attitude of the stick, let’s talk about the origin of the bicycle that the stick rode to school alone.

She knew that the condition of Sticky Grow's family was very bad.

I have already owed tuition fees for two semesters.

Every time I visited their home and saw the bare walls of their house, sometimes Ran Qiuye couldn't bear to ask their family for tuition fees.

But the famous family in the school stipulated that if you don't pay the tuition fee, you can't read to him.

So recently Ran Qiuye probably has to come to the door to urge tuition fees.

It has become difficult for such a family, how can they afford a bicycle?

Not to mention that a bicycle costs about 200 yuan!

It is impossible for that bicycle ticket to fall into such a family!

Ran Qiuye felt that something was wrong, since he had to pay the tuition anyway, it was better to visit his home in advance.

Get things straightened out!

rolling mill.

Li Dalei shuttled through the various workshops and inspected them carefully.

Passing by every workshop, someone will ask him questions.

Li Dalei is also very patient in guiding.

His kindness, patience, and equal treatment made him very popular among the workers.

When he finally visited the fitter's workshop, Zhang Qiang, the apprentice who asked him a question last time, stopped Li Dalei softly.

"Gong Li, hello."

Li Daxiao recognized Zhang Qiang.

He also responded with a smile: "It's you, Zhang Qiang, what can you do with me?"

Zhang Qiang was moved to tears (bfcc)!

Someone as big as Li Dalei remembers his name!

And what a kindness!

He excitedly offered the prepared gift with both hands, and bowed deeply to Li Daxiao.

"Li Gong, these are cloth shoes that my mother sewed by herself."

"I give it to you specifically as a gift from you for guiding me with my questions last time.

"Because of your guidance, I finally became a regular."

"Thank you very much!"

As soon as Zhang Qiang said this, the whole workshop erupted.

People in this era are simple and united.

Hearing that the workers have become full-time employees, everyone is very happy.

"Congratulations, I'm sorry!"

"Sure enough, it was Li Gong's guidance!"

"You have to work hard in the future!"

"Ask Li Gong if you have any questions, Li Gong will definitely help you!

"If Li Gong is busy, you can also find us!"

Li Dalei accepted Zhang Qiang's gift with a smile.

"It's not all due to me. You have a very good background, but you don't really want to understand some details."

"I accept your gift as an affirmation of your hard work!"

"I hope that I can see you in the examination room next time when I take the fitter examination!"

Zhang Qiang raised his head, tears welling up in his eyes.


Thunderous applause from the audience!

"Follow Li Gong, you will never worry about promotion!"

“Li Gong is the best!”

"Li Gong is a role model in our factory!"

Li Dalei continued his inspection work amidst cheers.

In the end, it took a long time to inspect the workshop and return to my independent office.

After he became the deputy section chief, the factory assigned him an independent office.

This office is next to Director Yang's office.

It is said that it is the office of the deputy section chief, but it is larger than the offices of deputy factory director Li and chief engineer Liu.

And the decoration is very luxurious.

Li Dalei is a low-key person, and he originally thought that a more rustic decoration style was more suitable for him.

But just the certificates issued by the factory, trophies and so on hanging on the wall and on the cabinets have already made the office resplendent.

Last time, Deputy Director Li came to see Li Dalei for something.

Seeing the grandeur of this office, I feel sour like eating a whole lemon.

After Li Daxiao returned to the office, he didn't rest at all, and continued to work hard.

During this period of time, he was overcoming a technological difficulty.

As long as this difficulty is overcome, the working efficiency of the lathe can be greatly improved.

And this efficiency is more than doubled.

Even the successful research and development of this technology will cause a sensation all over the country.

You know, at this time, the work efficiency of the same type of lathes in the world is only 50% higher than that in China.

His project can be said that no one has been able to successfully do it in this day and age.

While Li Dalei was working hard, the office door creaked once.

It was Director Yang who brought Zhou Xiaobai to visit.

As soon as they probed and found that Li Daxiao was holding back his work, they withdrew without daring to disturb him.

When Li Dalei's memory is very focused, he can't pay attention to the sounds of the outside world.

Zhou Xiaobai came to see Li Dalei not because of work, but purely because of fame.

Some time ago, she asked for leave and was not in the factory. After she came back, she heard people talking about Li Dalei every day.

I am very curious about this young and outstanding male engineer in the population.

As soon as she arrived at the factory, she dropped everything else and came to visit Li Dalei.

Just at the moment when the door was opened.

Seeing Li Dalei working hard, Zhou Xiaobai was stunned.

Men at work already exude a strange smell of male hormones, and that kind of handsomeness is a natural attraction to the opposite sex.

And Li Dalei is good-looking in itself.

Even if the whole person is wrapped in an ordinary blue overalls, he can't bear the unique temperament on his body.

Zhou Xiaobai stood at the door and stared at him for dozens of seconds.

If Director Yang hadn't reminded her not to disturb Li Daxiao's work, she wouldn't have known that she was staring blankly.


ten minutes later.

Li Daxiao put down the ruler and pencil in his hand.

The drawings on the surface are neatly drawn with design drawings.

The drawings are done.

The next step is clinical validation.

Li Daxiao looked at his masterpiece with satisfaction, and decided to take the drawings to Director Yang for approval.

Apply for clinical verification.

This is the benefit of factory director Yang who arranged Li Dalei's office next door.

Whenever Li Dalei has any new research results, he can show them to the factory director immediately.

Although Director Yang doesn't know much about technology, he does need to approve the procedure before proceeding to the next step.

As soon as she entered the office, the comb chief greeted Li Tianxia warmly.

"Da Lei, we went to see you just now, and we didn't dare to disturb you when we saw your work."

He warmly patted Li Daxiao on the shoulder, pointed to a young woman on the sofa and introduced: "This is Comrade Zhou Xiaobai."

"Today, she specifically asked me to visit you!"

"It just so happens that you are here, the two of you know each other!"

Only then did Li Daxiao notice Zhou Xiaobai.

He looked at her and felt a little familiar.

Zhou Xiaobai looked only eighteen or nineteen years old, which was different from other girls of this age.

Instead of wearing the two most popular braids at the moment, she cut a shoulder-length short hair.

This hairstyle was called Revolutionary Head at the time.

He looks mature and capable beyond his peers.

But Zhou Xiaobai's eyes were crystal clear, and he could see the innocence of a young girl.

She exudes a unique temperament between a girl and an adult woman.

But Li Dalei just gave her a quick glance.

After all, he came to Director Yang for business.

But Zhou Xiaobai was different, her eyes lit up when she saw Li Dalei.

At the door of Li Dalei's office just now, she just sneaked a glimpse.

Observing it so closely now, I don't know why she is still blushing a little bit.

This guy has such a handsome face!

But she noticed that Li Daxiao's eyes didn't rest on her at all.

When she raised her head and saw that Li Daxiao's eyes had turned to one side, she still felt a little lost in her heart.

Zhou Xiaobai is beautiful and has temperament.

She is the goddess of many young talents. It is no exaggeration to say that these people will lose their composure when they see her.

They are all the same as peacocks in courtship period.

Either they stared at her, or they said some indecent words, and some even sweated from nervous palms!

But Li Dalei seemed to be the only one who didn't know that Zhou Xiaobai looked so good.

Don't even look at her!

Zhou Xiaobai became more interested in Li Dalei instead.

"Director Yang, I just drew this drawing today, and I hope the factory can approve it as soon as possible to let me do clinical trials."

"Once this project is successful, the machine tools in our factory can double their work efficiency with only minor changes.

Factory Manager Yang was very excited when he heard that the work efficiency had doubled!

He doesn't know much about technical things!

But Li Dalei is the authority of technology in his eyes.

He trusts Li Dalei completely.

And I also believe in what Li Dalei said to double the work efficiency.

He excitedly shook Li Dalei's hand and said, "Dalei, you can do it boldly!"

"As long as it is what you need, the factory will give you full support!"

Then he turned his head and told Zhou Xiaobai: "Xiaobai, please go to Mr. Liu and ask him to bring two drafters over."

"Back up Li Gong's blueprints, don't lose such a valuable thing!"

Li Dalei smiled.

Of course, he could understand the importance that Director Yang attached to this drawing.

For a manufacturing business like a rolling mill, efficiency means everything.

And his technical transformation is of great significance to the whole country.

If success was also born under the leadership of Director Yang, he would definitely be rewarded by his superiors.

Chief Engineer Liu heard about Li Dalei's technical transformation, and hurried over with the drafting staff without saying a word.

He is technically savvy, and his hands trembled when he got the drawings drawn by Li Dalei.

"That's great, Big Thunder!"

"After copying the drawings immediately, let's go to the workshop!"

Of course he knew what Li Dalei's drawing meant.

That means rolling mills are on the rise from here on out!

They attached great importance to this drawing and drew two copies under the guidance of Li Dalei.

Director Yang watched Zhou Xiaobai lock the original picture in the safe before he was relieved.

After thinking for a while, he even changed the password once behind his back.

After all the preparations were done, the clinical trial started immediately.

The workers are all very happy to hear that Li Dalei's technical transformation can improve such a high work efficiency.

"Li Gong really lives more than scientific research!"

"Such a great idea can make him come up with it!"

"That's a good idea, that's Li Gongniu!"

"We will have to open our eyes to see clearly later, we must learn to understand!"

"What are we afraid of? We won't be ashamed to ask our subordinates. The prison worker will definitely teach us!"

"Don't bother Li Gong all the time, he's so busy!"

At the beginning of the experiment, everyone was staring at Li Dalei with bated breath.

Li Dalei was sitting on the seat, operating the machine seriously, and the whole person was very devoted.

After half an hour, the sun returns!

Sure enough, it has doubled, or even more!

The whole workshop is boiling!

Everyone happily picked up Li Dalei and threw it up!

"Gong Li is awesome!"

The young people cheered.

Director Yang is also very happy to see the older ones.

He even excitedly held Li Dalei's hand and said, "Dalei, this time I'm going to hold a celebration banquet for you again!".

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