Lu Cheng knocked on the door of the director’s office and walked in.

“Director, are you looking for me?”

“yes! Sit down! Sit down! ”

Director Yang walked over with enthusiasm and a smile on his face and patted Lu Cheng’s shoulder to show his closeness.

Wait until you are seated, greet, and drink tea.

Director Yang handed Lu Cheng a letter.

“Take a look!”

“Resignation letter?”

Looking at the three words of the dragon flying phoenix dance on the envelope, he thought of something, and Lu Cheng’s face was strange.

Then, silently, he took the envelope, pulled out the letter and looked at it.

Sure enough, it was Engineer Zhao’s.

I thought he was joking, but I didn’t expect to really resign and plan to jump ship.

As for Director Yang showing himself this, how many meanings does it mean?

Lu Cheng pondered in his heart.

At this time, Director Yang spoke, “Xiao Lu, what do you think of Engineer Zhao’s resignation letter?” ”

“I don’t think Engineer Zhao needs this, the big steel plant of more than 10,000 people can accommodate any talents, there is no need to keep who leaves!”

Lu Cheng closed the letter.

“Oops! Oops, you said it so well! That’s what I thought! But this Zhao Hongjun must have forced me to choose between you and him, which made me very angry.

Not to mention that your technology is already comparable to that of an engineer, even if you are only a second-level worker, as long as you do not make mistakes, I will not fire you for no reason, not to mention, you will soon become an engineer, the pillar of the factory…”

Hearing this, Lu Cheng understood it.

The director of the plant is showing favor to himself.

His decision is also clear.

After Lu Cheng expressed his gratitude and gratitude, he said: “Director, or you go to persuade and persuade Engineer Zhao, in the end it is a talent, you go, perhaps, he will stay!” In that way, our factory can also have one more engineer, which is a good thing for the factory! ”

“He went around targeting you like this, and you actually helped him speak! Not only is the technology superb, but also the heart!

Engineer Zhao is far behind you compared to you!

As for persuading him?

It’s not necessary.

It’s not the first time I’ve dealt with him.

I know his character.

If I persuade him, I will be bored.

Wait for him to decide for himself!

If I stay, I will still respect him as much as I used to.

If he leaves, let him go.

Isn’t there still you? ”

“Director, thank you for looking up to me, I will definitely work hard in the future to win glory for the factory and create more benefits!”

Director Yang was very happy when he heard this, and took out the prepared bicycle ticket and said

“This bike ticket is for you! You’re about to become an engineer in a factory, how can you live without a bicycle? Wait until the official appointment comes down, there are other rewards! ”

“Thank you, Director!”

Lu Cheng took it happily, it was much more convenient to have a bicycle than to walk.

“One more thing, factory director, tomorrow afternoon I want to take half a day off blind date!”

“Blind date, so good! Get married as soon as possible, and with the big rear, you can work with peace of mind and make due contributions to the factory and the country! By the way, is half a day enough? Or give you a day off! ”

Director Yang said cheerfully.

“Not a day, half a day!”

“Then half a day!”


The other side.

Engineer Zhao’s office.

Anxiously waited.

From time to time he looked at the door.

I hope Director Yang will appear.

However, until the bell rings for the end of work.

Director Yang did not appear.

Although the choice is not informed.

But the answer is clear.

Engineer Zhao became angry, kicked over the desk, and roared excitedly, “Dead old man, you will regret what you chose today, the huge steel plant will inevitably not be able to operate without engineers, I see how long you can stay in this position!” ”

Engineer Zhao walked out the door angrily.

With resentment in his eyes.

He walked for a while, then suddenly turned around again and walked towards the factory building, hiding in the shadows.

When the workers had left, they came to a few expensive imported machines.

Half an hour later, Engineer Zhao showed a sinister smile on his face and slipped out: “Haha! These machines are broken, and they will definitely not be able to complete the order tasks on time, Lao Yang, you are finished this time! ”

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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