“Xiao Di, why did you show up here?” Director Yang asked in surprise.

“Yes! Xiao Di, I was really surprised to see you here with your Uncle Yang! ”

Deputy Director Li also showed an affectionate smile.

“What do you say! Brother Cheng and I walked around in the park, you sent someone to call Brother Cheng back to the factory, I naturally want to come to the factory to take a look, I don’t care, the time we fell in love has let you take it, you have to compensate us! ”

Reba came over and pouted.

The workers saw it.

Lu Cheng’s identity seems to be not simple.

Not only Director Yang and Deputy Director Li also know her.

And he also coquettishly lied to the factory director and elders, and the relationship was obviously very close.

And when this girl approached the factory director, she found that she was actually taller than the two factory directors, how good this figure is!

After listening to Reba’s words, Director Yang immediately showed an apologetic smile

“Xiao Di, uncle can’t help it, the imported machinery in the factory is broken, and only your brother Cheng will repair it, I can only invite him back first, you can rest assured, I will make up for his leave.”

When you get married, you must wrap a big red envelope, how about it? ”

Hearing the marriage, Reba’s eyes flashed with joy and expectation, and her face blushed a little, “This is not bad!” ”

“Uncle Li, what about you?”

Reba looked at Deputy Director Li again.

“Me too! Me too! ”

Deputy Director Li hurriedly said with a shy smile.

At this time, Reba saw Lu Cheng stand up and immediately walked over to wipe Lu Cheng’s sweat.


The object is so beautiful and so considerate.

The workers were envious of the eyes.

“Lu Cheng, this kid is really lucky, he actually fell for Xiao Di!” Deputy Director Li was also envious.

“Xiao Lu, how is the situation? Can it be fixed? Director Yang asked.

“It’s fixed!” Lu Cheng said calmly.

“What? Repaired so quickly? ”

Everyone present was shocked.

What a genius.

Then Engineer Zhao is afraid that it is far behind.

“Good, good, good! There are still a few machines, and you have worked hard to repair it together, thanks to you saving the factory, if it were not for you, I am afraid that this time the factory will lose a lot! ”

Director Yang was very happy.

Lu Cheng quickly said that it should be, and said to Reba, “Xiao Di, I still have to repair a few machines, it will take some time, if you are tired, take a rest first, and when it is repaired, I will send you back?” ”

Reba shook her head, “I’m not tired, I like to be by your side!” ”

“Okay then!”

Lu Cheng smiled and nodded.

So the group moved to the first workshop.

The first workshop also had two broken machines.

It took half an hour or so and it was repaired.

At this time, Lu Cheng called Director Yang and Deputy Director Li aside.

“Now I can confirm that these machines were vandalized!”

Lu Cheng said with an affirmative look.

Ordinary people may not be able to see it, but for a senior technician like Lu Cheng, it is not difficult to see it.

“What, it turned out to be man-made? Who is so bold, so bad, five machines add up to tens of thousands of dollars! Be sure to bring this scoundrel to justice! ”

Yang Factory grew furious.

“This is a national defense order, is the purpose of the sabotage people to deliberately make our factory unable to deliver on time, and affect the other side?” Lu Cheng whispered.

“What, Xiao Lu actually saw that it was a defense order?”

Director Yang and Deputy Director Li were shocked.

“How do you know?”

“It’s very simple, you can see it at a glance!”

Lu Cheng said naturally.

But no one else can see it!

As far as you can see!

Director Yang thought to himself!

“Those who are related to national defense and sabotage are not enemies?”

Deputy Director Li said the guess in his heart.

“Enemy?!” Director Yang was taken aback and decided to call the police.

If the other party is really an enemy and infiltrates the factory, it is a big deal!

As for not calling the police, secretly check?

Director Yang did not dare.

There is an enemy, it is not too late to quickly catch it and remedy it!

If you don’t call the police and delay the big thing, no one can afford it.

Welcome to the National Day 7-day long holiday and read books and enjoy reading! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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