“What! Director Lu wants to take an apprentice? If only I were chosen, I would sign up! ”

“Director Lu is so famous, there must be many people who have signed up, there are only two apprentices, it’s too difficult, I don’t dare to think, if I can be used as an apprentice, I will be satisfied!”

“yes! A lot of people signed up! ”

“Why is the registration restriction for eighth-level workers?”

Some of the elderly eighth-grade workers had some complaints in their hearts.

They also want to go further.

Engineers are the biggest ambition of their lives.

It’s just too hard.

I think that if I can become Director Lu’s apprentice,

Maybe you have the opportunity to break through the eighth-level worker level and be promoted to engineer!

Unfortunately, it is not possible to register.

What a resentment!


This happens in all major workshops.

But it’s normal to think about it.

Even if the eighth-level workers recruit apprentices, the workers in the factory are flocking to it, not to mention the legendary chief engineer Lu Cheng in the factory.

The fool knows that if he is selected and follows Director Lu as an apprentice, his future is immeasurable.

If he can be selected as an apprentice again, his future achievements will be at least a grade eight worker!

It’s exciting to think about.


As soon as the bell rang at noon, many workers rushed to sign up without eating.

“Is it so exaggerated?” Qin Huairu looked at the registration team lined up with long dragons, her eyes were round, and her face was shocked.

“Lu Cheng’s kid’s technique is good, he may not be able to teach it!” Easy to be sour.

“Here’s your chance!” Liu Haizhong was very excited and quickly asked his son to sign up.

“Grandma’s, why are so many people signing up!” Xu Damao was also shocked.

It was half past four in the afternoon.

More than 10,000 workers signed up, that is to say, almost all qualified workers signed up and wanted to become Director Lu’s apprentice.

“Shhh! Director Lu, another terrible record! ”

Seeing this terrible data Director Yang, Deputy Director Li was stunned.

So many people signed up, which also surprised Lu Cheng, and at the same time he was happy in his heart.

Ten people selected from more than 10,000 people, the quality will definitely not be bad.

Lu Cheng began to think about the way to select.

The way the first round of selection.

Recite the Fitter Application Handbook!

Within three days, those who could proficiently memorize the fitter application manual were selected for the second round.

As soon as the selection method was announced, everyone was stunned.

No kidding!

In three days, memorize more than 100 pages of the Fitter Application Manual?

How is that possible?

Immediately, one of the workers withdrew before they could even start trying.

But there are also many workers who, despite finding it difficult, hard, almost impossible, are unwilling to give up.

Now, the workers know that it is more difficult to become an apprentice to be a chief engineer than to cross a single-log bridge in the college entrance examination.

Office of the plant director.

Director Yang looked at the “Fitter Application Manual”, his face was strange, and the more he looked at it, the more shocked he became, “How did Director Lu come up with such a crazy method, such a thick “Fitter Application Manual” looks dizzy, is there really someone who memorizes it within three days?” ”

Director Yang was deeply skeptical.

Finally, Director Yang couldn’t bear it and ran to find Lu Cheng.

Unexpectedly, Deputy Director Li Huaide was also there.

Ha ha!

Needless to say, there is a spiritual rhino in the heart, and it must also be about the selection method.

“Director Lu, do you really think that someone can memorize the Fitter Application Manual within three days?”

Director Yang asked with a smile.

Lu Cheng said lightly, “After three days, won’t you know?” ”

“Yes, too!”

Director Yang and Deputy Director Li looked at each other and smiled, the corners of their mouths twitched, and they both felt that no one should be able to recite it.

Lu Cheng also saw their thoughts, “You should think it’s impossible, right? In fact, three days is enough, this kind of book, I can recite it in less than one night! ”

What the?

Director Lu can memorize such a thick “Fitter Application Manual” in just one night?

Director Yang and Deputy Director Li were stunned.

But they believe it.

After all, Lu Cheng was the most genius figure they had ever seen.

Now, they understood that Director Lu selected talents according to one-third of his own criteria.

Both of their eyes looked at the thick “Fitter Application Manual”, hoping that Lu Cheng could perform a familiar back in public, but they were embarrassed to speak.

After all, to open his mouth is to question Director Lu.

They are reluctant to speak.

Lu Cheng also guessed the thoughts of the two factory directors.

However, he has no idea of proving himself.

It’s not necessary.

You can’t be questioned by others, just stupidly prove yourself.

If you don’t believe it, pull it down!

Welcome to the National Day 7-day long holiday and read books and enjoy reading! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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