If you want to go to Reba’s house today to meet the elders, naturally you can’t go empty-handed.

According to Reba, her family lacks nothing, just buy something in the past.

Having said that, Lu Cheng felt that the first time he went to the subject’s house, he couldn’t be too casual, and where he should be careful, he had to be careful.

After all, it is necessary to make a good impression on the future father-in-law and mother-in-law.

If it weren’t for Director Yang’s instructions, Lu Cheng might have bought some pork, sausages, hens, cooking oil, rice noodles and so on.

Now after consideration, Lu Cheng plans to bring some Longjing tea, Maotai wine and some supplements suitable for women and middle-aged and elderly people.

Since I went to Reba’s house in the afternoon, my home was renovated and there was nowhere to go, so I still stayed in the office despite my leave today.

There was something to find Lu Cheng in the factory, and he did not push it away on the grounds that he had already taken leave, just like he usually went to work, he should do whatever he wanted.

However, as long as there is no high-end mechanical damage, Lu Cheng is very relaxed most of the time.

It was about half past ten.

Director Yang walked in with a smile on his face

“Haha! Director Lu, I guessed that you may still be in the factory, to tell you the good news, your house application has been approved, and the good house with the yard is yours! ”

“So soon?” Lu Cheng was also very happy when he heard it, knowing that Director Yang must be very attentive in this matter, and in addition to expressing his gratitude, he said that he would invite Director Yang to dinner another day.

Director Yang readily agreed.

“I’m going to see my future father-in-law and mother-in-law in the afternoon, are you nervous?” Director Yang said with concern.

“It’s okay!” Lu Cheng smiled.

“What are you going to give to your future father-in-law and mother-in-law?”

Lu Cheng said the prepared gifts.

Director Yang said again, “Oh! I almost forgot to tell you, your future father-in-law likes calligraphy and painting very much, I have a famous calligraphy and painting at home, your future father-in-law asked me for several times, I didn’t give it, I didn’t think that a month ago, this calligraphy and painting made my grandson broken, and it hurts to think about it! ”

“My future father-in-law likes calligraphy and painting?” Lu Cheng’s eyes lit up when he heard this.

In his previous life, as a top expert in military enterprises, he also liked calligraphy and painting like those astronauts, practiced every day when he had time, and was about to win a national award, and colleagues said that he was a calligrapher who was delayed by the military industry.

Moreover, the other day, I signed a master calligraphy and painting skill card, and my ability has further leaped qualitatively!

“How? Can you calligraphy and paint? ”

Director Yang was pleasantly surprised.

“It will be a little bit!”

“Great, I also like calligraphy and painting, I have pen, ink and paper in my office, go, go over to communicate!”

Director Yang’s office.

Director Yang looked at Lu Cheng’s calligraphy and painting, and his face was shocked, “Director Lu, you are too modest, your calligraphy and painting level, not only a little, is simply a master level!” ”

After Director Yang finished speaking, he asked Lu Cheng to help him write the four words of Houde Zaiwu.

Lu Cheng readily agreed, and soon waved his pen.

“Good, good, good! That’s great! I’m going to frame it and hang it in the office, and when I leave later, I’ll take it home and collect it! ”

Director Yang bent down to look at the calligraphy and painting carefully, his eyes shone, and the more he looked at it, the more he liked it, and he was very happy.

“Director Yang, what do you say my future father-in-law will like?”

“Are you going to write a picture for your future father-in-law? Genius, your future father-in-law must like it! ”

The two studied for a while, and at the suggestion of Director Yang, Lu Cheng wrote a picture.

Director Yang said excitedly, “Director Lu, when your future father-in-law sees your calligraphy and painting, he will definitely like it, if he doesn’t like it, my name will be written upside down!” ”

Lu Cheng saw that the director was so confident, and also laughed.

Director Yang really liked Lu Cheng’s calligraphy and painting, and as soon as Lu Cheng left, he left the office and framed the calligraphy and painting.




Middle Court.

Yi Zhonghaijia.

At this time, the aunt was very panicked.

Because Yi Zhonghai broke his leg, he naturally couldn’t go to work and recuperate at home.

But at noon, Yi Zhonghai’s injured right leg was swollen like a leg.

“Lao Yi, your legs are so swollen, you have to go to the hospital quickly!” Auntie persuaded again.

“Last night, because of the stupid pillar, I slammed the cart into Xu Damao’s bicycle, causing me to fall to the ground again, I vaguely heard the sound of fractures, could it be that my legs were swollen like this, is this the reason?”

Yi Zhonghai looked at his swollen thighs, and his heart was fake.

If it is not cured, it is inconvenient to walk and trivial, I am afraid that I will have to amputate.

The more Yi Zhonghai thought about it, the more panicked he became, and said in a muffled voice: “Why are you still stunned here?” Borrow a car to take me to the hospital! ”

About seven or eight minutes later, the eldest mother borrowed a scooter.

With the help of neighbors, lying on the scooter.

The neighbors were surprised to see Yi Zhonghai’s legs swollen like this.

The eldest aunt tried to pull the scooter, because her legs were not conducive to the rope, and she had just been seriously ill a while ago, and she gasped wildly and sweated profusely without pulling a few steps.

Yi Zhonghai asked his aunt to find Qin Huairu to help.

Since Jia Dongxu’s death. Yi Zhonghai did not secretly help Qin Huairu, the purpose is to retire.

Qin Huairu felt that pulling the scooter in the daylight would definitely be watched by many people along the way, and it was a little embarrassing, but it couldn’t get in the way, so he had to agree.

Qin Huairu pulled the scooter, and the eldest aunt pushed the cart next to her and left the courtyard.

Qin Huairu’s body is plump and flesh, and the clothes she is wearing are purchased many years ago, and they are a little tight.

When pulling the car in front, the back and butt were clearly seen by Yi Zhonghai.

Yi Zhonghai showed a strange face.

Turning his face away, he suddenly looked at his wife again, saw that the eldest aunt didn’t pay attention, and peeked again.

I don’t know what’s going on in my mind.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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