Red Star Rolling Mill.

Shrouded in majestic rain.

The atmosphere of each workshop is obviously different from usual.

When everyone meets, the first thing they say is

“Are you familiar with it?”

Most of the workers shook their heads in regret and disappointment.


“I’m old, my memory can’t be good!”

“I only memorized a few pages and gave up, it’s too hard!”

“I also only insisted on giving up for one day!”

“More than 10,000 people choose ten people, I know very well that I don’t have this ability to stand out, it’s better to wash and sleep, carry a fart!”

“I don’t feel like the chosen child either!”

Occasionally, some workers proudly say, “It’s familiar!” ”

“Cut! I don’t believe it! ”


Lu Cheng walked into the chief engineer (director’s) office, took off his raincoat, and hung it up.

Next to the office, piles of newly printed books are stacked.

This was printed by Lu Cheng and asked him to go to the printing house.

It cannot be sold externally and is for internal use only.

Lu Cheng walked over, cut the rope on the surface of one of the piles of books with scissors, and took a book to look at.

Quickly flipped through it.

“Hmm! Good print! ”

Lu Cheng was satisfied, then opened his umbrella, left the office, and went to find Director Yang.

Director Yang saw Lu Cheng and smiled, “I just planned to go to you, you came over, it seems that we have a spiritual rhino, everything went well yesterday to Xiao Di’s house, right?” ”

“Very smooth, director you are waiting to eat our joy bar!” Lu Cheng was in a good mood.

“Haha! That’s good! That’s good! ”

Elder Yang laughed, and suddenly his gaze fell on Lu Cheng’s watch, and he couldn’t help but brighten his eyes, a little envious, “Director Lu, the plum blossom watch you are wearing on your hand is really beautiful, it’s just a little expensive!” ”

“Yes, it’s the plum blossom watch, sent by Xiao Di!”

“Ouch! Good luck! Good luck! It takes at least half a year’s salary to buy this, Xiaodi really didn’t say anything to you! Director Yang exclaimed.

“Xiao Di bought a couple watch, she also wears one, it took more than a year’s salary, in fact, I like everything she gives, I know she is good to me!” I will treat her well for the rest of my life! ”

“That’s right! Xiaodi is a good girl, you must treat her well! ”

Lu Cheng repeatedly said yes.

After making small talk, we got down to business.

“The three-day deadline for the first round of selection has passed, and the entire factory workers are talking about this, what are you going to do next?” Director Yang said after helping Lu Cheng pour a cup of tea.

“It’s easy, start the second round!”

“More than 10,000 people, how are you going to test whether they have memorized the Fitter Application Manual?”

“So…” said Lu Cheng.

“Oh, Director Lu, you’re so smart!” After hearing this, Director Yang immediately gave a thumbs up and praised.

About ten minutes later.

Lu Cheng left the director’s office

Director Yang first called, then left the office to find his nephew.

Soon, the radio station sounded Yu Haitang’s familiar voice.

“Dear comrade workers, please pay attention!

Dear comrade workers, please pay attention!

Now broadcast an important announcement.

Please have workers who have registered for the first round of selection of Chief Engineer Lu’s apprenticeship and have memorized the “Fitter Application Manual”, register with their respective workshop team leaders before 2:30 p.m., and wait for the second round of interviews! ”

After the first broadcast, Yu Haitang broadcast it again.

Hearing this news, the whole factory instantly boiled.

Does anyone really memorize the Fitter Application Manual in three days?

Most workers can’t do it, and they’re curious.

Look for the position of the group leader and see if anyone has asked him to register.

Team leader Chen of the first workshop also signed up at the beginning, but gave up on the first day.

Now, he is also curious to see if anyone in his workshop has passed the first round.

About a few minutes after broadcasting.

A worker walked towards Team Leader Chen.


A workshop was noisy.

Because this worker, who has no sense of existence in the workshop, is just the most ordinary comrade worker!

“No, first-class worker Sun Aimin has memorized the “Fitter Application Manual”?”

“Probably not? Is it so bullish? ”


Everyone’s eyes fell on Sun Aimin.

Comrade Sun Aimin did not know it and came to Team Leader Chen.

“Are you going to register?” Team Leader Chen was surprised.

“Registration? Yes! No, I’m about to have diarrhea, I want to take a leave of absence from the toilet with you! ”

“Go, go, go!” Team Leader Chen breathed a sigh of relief, this is normal!

As soon as he said An, someone next to him said, “Team Leader Chen, I’m here to register for the second round of interviews!” ”

“Huh!” Team Leader Chen turned his head and was stunned again.

The person who signed up turned out to be a first-class worker.

“Don, did you really memorize the Fitter Application Manual?” Team Leader Chen couldn’t believe it.

“Sort of!” Don said shyly.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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