No. 71 Open a letter of introduction, bride price, change of words!.

After Lu Cheng returned to the yard room, he fed the dog as usual, drenched water and fertilized the flowers and vegetables, and then played eight dan jin, took a bath and signed in to sleep, but he slept very well.

The object on the other side is different, she is lying in the bed after taking a bath, thinking about what she will do tomorrow, her mood is very excited and expectant, and she can’t wait to come early in the morning and toss and turn on the bed, turning over and over,

“Oops! How insomnia! On such an important day as tomorrow, it’s not good to have dark circles! ”

Reba was a little panicked when she thought of this, lifted the quilt, and her long legs as white as snow were exposed,

The smooth and delicate feet like pearl jade put on her shoes, ran to the bathroom to look in the mirror, and saw that there were no dark circles before going back to bed.

In order to go to sleep as soon as possible, Reba used the method that her godmother taught her to count goats when she was a child. The next morning.

Reba opened her eyes on the bed, bent her long legs, and sat up,

“Huh! Last night’s goat counting method really worked! ”

Reba quickly came to the bathroom again to look in the mirror, and when she saw that there were no dark circles, she was relieved, and began to dress up and choose clothes. Hall.

Godmother Huang Suxian looked at her baby daughter who came out and said with a smile,

“Xiao Di, why are you dressed up and dressed so beautifully today, I remember you said that you were on vacation, were you going to go on a date with Xiao Lu?”

“Yes! Mom, Brother Cheng and I are going to open a letter of introduction today! ”

Reba walked over and put her arm around her godmother Huang Suxian, and said with joy on her face.

After hearing this, godmother Huang Suxian was very happy,

“Good, good! It’s time to open a letter of introduction! ”

The two mothers and daughters chatted for a while, and Reba said,

“Brother Cheng is almost over, I’ll go out and wait for him!”

“Good! Go ahead! ”

Godmother Huang Suxian patted her daughter’s little hand and said with a smile.

When Reba went outside, she saw that her godfather’s jeep was still there, and muttered, “Didn’t Dad drive to work?” Or is it a vacation today? ”

Not long after, Lu Chengcheng rode over.

When Reba saw Lu Cheng, a smile immediately appeared on her face, sorted out her clothes and hairstyle, and greeted him.

“Xiao Di, you are so beautiful today!”

Lu Cheng boasted, seeing that the object was dressed up with his heart today.

And Lu Cheng also changed into a black Zhongshan suit today and put on leather shoes.

Tall, spiritual, handsome, with temperament, it is not an exaggeration to say that he was a wealthy son in the Republic of China.

“You are also very handsome today!”

The more Reba looked at it, the more he liked it, and said with love in his eyes, while sorting out Lu Cheng’s clothes.

“I borrowed a car from your dad last night!”

Lu Cheng took out the key and shook it.

Reba suddenly realized, just now I wondered why my father didn’t drive to work, and it turned out that he left the car to Brother Cheng. Lu Cheng entered the house to say hello to his future mother-in-law and drove out.

In the car, after discussion, first go to the Red Star Rolling Mill to open a letter of introduction. Red Star Rolling Mill gate.

Lu Cheng stopped the jeep and opened the window.

The members of the security section guarding the gate thought that some leader of the higher-level department drove the car to investigate and inspect, and quickly ran over with trembling, and when they saw Director Lu, they were very surprised,

“Oops! Director Lu, it’s you! I said who it was! Startle me, I’ll open the door for you! ”

After speaking, his gaze fell on Reba, his eyes widened, and his face was amazing, but in this era, he was not interested in praising beauty in person,

“You are Director Lu’s object, hello!”

“Hello, comrade!”

Reba said with a smile.

Lu Cheng drove a jeep into the factory, attracting 100% attention along the way. Most of the workers thought it was the car of the head of the higher department.

Only a few workers saw it.

“It’s Director Lu! It was Director Lu who was driving, and the co-pilot was sitting with a very beautiful lesbian! ”

“It turned out to be Director Lu’s car? Where did it come from? Is it because of the meritorious superior’s award? ”

“Probably not, didn’t you see that the license plate of the car is a military plate?” The lesbian sitting in the car should be the object of Director Lu, I heard that Director Lu’s object is the leader’s money, maybe this car belongs to her family! ”

“It’s possible!”

“I wonder what Director Lu and the object are doing in the factory?”

“I have long heard that Director Lu has a very good relationship with the object, and he is about to talk about marriage, so should he come to open a letter of introduction?”

“Isn’t that about to get a license to get married, Lang Cai and Girl’s appearance, it’s really enviable!”


Lu Cheng found a place, parked the car, and took Reba to open the letter of introduction.

Soon, the news that Director Lu drove the car back to the factory to open a letter of introduction flew to the public like a bird with wings, and soon spread.

Five workshops.

“Have you heard? Director Lu returned to the factory to open a letter of introduction, and it seems that he will soon get a license to get married! ”

“Haha! Doesn’t it mean that after tomorrow, I will have one more senior lady!” Wow, I am so happy to think of such a beautiful senior lady! ”

“Don’t be happy so early! Fifty into ten, the success rate is one in five! ”

“One day as a teacher, a lifetime as a father, even if I do not end up in the top ten and become Director Lu’s apprentice, Director Lu is also my lifelong master, master’s daughter-in-law, naturally my master and wife!”

“Huh! You are rubbing the master hard, it’s too shameful! ”

Seven workshops.

“Woohoo! Director Lu opened a letter of introduction, is he going to get a license to get married? I don’t have a chance! ”

Lu Cheng was very popular with women in the Red Star Rolling Mill, and many lesbians admired him, and one of the admirers pouted and stomped his foot.

“It’s impossible for you and Director Lu? Consider me, I’m not bad! ”

“Get out! Wait a minute! Have you entered the second round of Director Lu’s selection of apprentices? ”


“Okay, if you can become Director Lu’s apprentice, I’ll consider it!”

“Really? That’s great! I will definitely succeed! ”

… Four workshops.

“I saw Director Lu and his object, dressed very festive in spirit! Or drive back to the factory! ”

“Driving a car? What a awesome thing! ”

Three workshops.

Master Wang showed a gratifying smile,

“Letter of introduction? All right! Xiao Lu is finally going to get a license to get married! ”

Two workshops.

“I have to prepare a gift and take this opportunity to have a good relationship with Director Lu!”

Pondering in the bangs. A workshop.

“Lu Cheng went back to the factory to open a letter of introduction, it seems that he is about to get married with his partner, I don’t know if he will send me joy candy? If I send it, do I receive it or not? ”

Yi Zhonghai was tangled.

“It must be very happy to marry Lu Cheng!”

Qin Huairu’s heart was sour.


First canteen.

“It won’t! Only nineteen years old, open a letter of introduction to get married? ”

Silly Zhu thought that he was not married at such an age, his face couldn’t help but heat up, and he always felt that his colleagues were not looking at him right,

“Nope! I also hurry up to find a partner to marry, I can’t lose to Lu Cheng’s kid! ”

Advocacy Section.

Xu Damao’s mind flashed Reba’s silhouette, very jealous,

“Lu Cheng, this kid is really a blessing, to be able to marry such a beautiful object with a good family background!”


Lu Cheng’s task today is very tight and busy.

After successfully getting the letter of introduction at the Red Star Rolling Mill, she drove her object to her work unit in a jeep. Originally, Reba just wanted to get the letter of introduction in a low-key manner, and didn’t plan to make too much movement.

Unexpectedly, the news still got out.

As soon as Reba got the letter of introduction and walked out, she was surrounded by colleagues from the literary troupe.

“Squad leader, we heard that you came to the unit to open a letter of introduction, and you are going to get married with Brother Cheng, congratulations!”

“Wow! The squad leader is so happy! ”

“The squad leader is really dressed up today!”

“It’s not just because of dressing, but because people are in good spirits at happy events!”

Reba listened to the blessings of her colleagues, her beautiful face couldn’t help but turn red, her heart was full of happiness, and she thanked her with a smile.

“Squad leader, where is our future brother-in-law? Why didn’t I come with you? ”

Zhang Xiaoyun said with a smile.

“You’re with me! Didn’t come in though, waiting for me at the door! ”

Reba said.

“I’ll just say it! The squad leader and brother-in-law are so loving, how can they not accompany them! Did the brother-in-law’s letter of introduction open? ”


“When will you get your license?”

“Soon, I will tell you when I collect the license!” Okay, let’s go back to practice! The tryouts are about to begin, so you must hurry up and train! ”

Colleagues watched Reba leave, suddenly, Xiaoqing’s face was a little strange, and whispered to a few girlfriends and friends,

“You guys say, we will participate in the tryouts soon, if it happens to be the wedding day of the banxing, I am afraid that the movements are not as flexible as usual, will it have an impact on our dance effect!”


At first, the girlfriends did not react.

When Zhang Xiaoyun was the first to understand, he immediately blushed and scolded with a smile: “Okay! Xiaoqing, you really say everything! If the squad leader hears it, he will definitely not let you go! ”

Xiaoqing smiled and said: “I’m also telling the truth, if there is a problem, let’s talk about it!” ”

“You just owe a beating!”


Lu Cheng sat in the jeep and waited for the object to come out. It took a little longer than expected.

However, Lu Cheng did not think that Reba would encounter problems in opening the letter of introduction, and felt that he was probably dragged by his colleagues and could not come out. After waiting for about half an hour, I finally saw Reba walking out quickly.

“I’m sorry Brother Cheng, I made you wait for so long, I don’t know how the sisters knew that I came to open the letter of introduction, they all came to see me, so they came out late!”

After Reba sat in the passenger seat, she quickly explained.

“What is the relationship between the two of us, we are about to become husband and wife, you are still so polite to say sorry!”

Lu Cheng reached out and touched Reba’s face and said with a smile.

“I don’t mean anything else, just explain!”

Reba said obediently,

“Also, sisters bless us!”

“We have the blessings of such people, and we will be very happy in the future!”

“That’s what I thought!”

Have already got the letter of introduction, the next is to pass the bride price, and then on the day of the chosen day to receive the certificate 0 According to the meaning of the future father-in-law and mother-in-law, the bride price is simple, there is a ceremony.

However, Lu Cheng thought of his future father-in-law and mother-in-law working so hard to raise the object and hand over the excellent daughter to himself, he also has conditions, there is no shortage of money and tickets, and the bride price must definitely be given in place.

Next, Lu Cheng drove the object in a jeep, shuttled through supply and marketing cooperatives and department stores, and spent more than two hours finally buying the bride price.

100 pounds of white noodles, 10 pounds of rice, 10 pounds of fresh eggs, 50 pounds of small sesame oil, 10 catties of pork, 6 hens, 10 catties of sausages.

In addition, Lu Cheng also prepared two hundred yuan and more than thirty tickets of various kinds.

“That’s too much! That’s enough! That’s enough! ”

During this process, Reba kept saying that the distressed object spent so much money.

After all, she also knows that in this era, the bride price for marriage is generally only a few dollars, plus the materials sent, it is only a matter of more than ten dollars.

If the family is really hard and has no money, send some coarse grain, eggs or something, a bride price or two, and also get married.

And the bride price that Lu Cheng wanted to give to his family cost hundreds of yuan, which was too expensive.

“Wouldn’t it be too much?”

Reba said again.

“Not much! Not much! I would love to marry you as a daughter-in-law! Moreover, I have the financial ability to do this! ”

Lu Cheng said. Reba was moved and happy when she heard it.

When he returned to Reba’s house with a cart full of bride price, his future father-in-law pushed his wife Huang Suxian out. Li Xinghui knew that his son-in-law was going to celebrate the bride price today, so he specially rested at home.

“The bride price is too much, it is too expensive!”

Reba’s parents said this, but a smile blossomed on their faces.

They know that the son-in-law has the ability and can make money, so they will not really feel sorry for him to spend this money, they value the sincerity of the son-in-law.

It can be seen from the rich bride price that the son-in-law respects himself and his wife very much, and will not despise him because he and his wife are just Reba’s godfather and godmother, and it can be seen that he loves Reba.

Next, it is necessary to move the bride price into the house.

The whole family was dispatched, even the godmother Huang Suxian put things on her lap and controlled the automatic wheelchair to move things into the house. Seeing that she could help, godmother Huang Suxian was very happy, and her face was full of smiles.

Although he has not yet obtained a license, he has opened a letter of introduction and passed the bride price, even if the two are engaged, they are only one foot away from getting married, and the relationship between the family is closer.

“Auntie, the day after tomorrow, I will help you acupuncture legs!”

Lu Cheng said.

“Still calling auntie? From now on, you should change your name to Mom and Dad! ”

The more Li Xinghui looks at his son-in-law, the more he likes it, he has no son, his son-in-law is half a son, and he can’t wait to hear his son-in-law call him dad.

Reba immediately looked at the object and winked.

“Dad is right, I should have changed my words!”

Lu Cheng said with a happy smile.

“Good, good, good! I, Li Xinghui, finally have a son-in-law, and now I look forward to your early marriage and childbirth, let me and your mother help bring it! ”

Li Xinghui laughed heartily 2.1 and was very happy.

Reba’s face turned red all of a sudden, and she was also looking forward to it, I didn’t know what I thought, and Lu Cheng’s eyes were watery. The mother-in-law is also very happy, and the family is happy.

Li Xinghui has been too busy lately, and half an hour later, he left in the car that came to pick him up.

“How’s the house decorated?”

Reba asked, the house is related to the marriage of the two, naturally very concerned.

“It should be almost renovated! Let’s go over and take a look! ”


More than ten minutes later.

Lu Cheng drove back to the courtyard. In the alley, a few aunts took their grandchildren and let the children play, and they chatted on the side. Seeing that in the alley, there was a car driving, and their eyes widened, and they were very surprised and curious.

“Who is so capable? Can you afford to drive a car? ”

You must know that in this era, bicycles, like cars in later generations, were a luxury. It is not an exaggeration to say that the car is a private jet of later generations.

Not only wealth, but also a status symbol. At this time, the car door opened.

Lu Cheng and Reba walked down.

“Oh, who did I say? It turned out to be Director Lu and his object! ”

“Director Lu, where did this car come from?”

“Is it rewarded in the factory?”

“I don’t know about this, I just know that the director of the Red Star Rolling Mill is also riding a bicycle!”

“Listening to you say this, I am even more curious about where this car came from!”

“You don’t care where this car comes from, if there is a car to drive, it is bullish!”

“That’s right!”


Lu Cheng and Reba chatted with the neighbors for a few words before walking towards the gate of the courtyard. At this time, the residents of the courtyard heard that a car came to the alley, what a rare thing, so they all ran out to take a look.

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