The 77th major project, 2,000 R&D funds, the technical department began to operate!.

As soon as the news of the establishment of a technical department in the factory and Lu Cheng as the director came out, it immediately caused a sensation in the whole factory, and there were many discussions: “This technical department sounds very awesome, I really want to go in!” ”

“Of course, it is obvious that this technical department was specially created by the factory for Director Lu, and with a genius like Director Lu serving as the number one in the technical department, I am afraid that it will not be long before the technical department will become the most promising department of our factory!”

“yes! I really envy those ten who can become Director Lu’s apprentices, but I am afraid that they will all be absorbed into the technical department and become the team of the technical department, which is a promising luck! ”

“I also have to work hard to become Director Lu’s apprentice next year through the examination, and then enter the technical department!”

“I’m going to come on too!”

Yi Zhonghai looked shocked and muttered: Lu Cheng is the director of the technical department, in charge of the product design, research and development of the whole factory, especially the selection and transfer of the workers of the whole factory, this power is too great!

“I’m under his jurisdiction!”

Although Yi Zhonghai was very unhappy, he had to accept reality. Two workshops.

“04 I will give a gift to see if I can enter the technical department and serve as a small leader!”

The official fan Liu Haizhong began to ponder again. Hearing this, the most happy was Lu Cheng’s ten college apprentices.

After all, they were Lu Cheng’s apprentices.

The higher Lu Cheng’s position, the higher his status in the factory, the greater their future and the more benefits. And they are all smart, immediately thought,

“Now that the technical department has been set up in the factory, this technical department definitely needs people, will we people be recruited into the technical department?” If you enter the technical department, it will definitely have an immeasurable future, much better than in the workshop! ”

Soon, they knew the answer. Lu Cheng Laboratory.

In addition to Lu Cheng, the ten university apprentices, Zhang Xiaojun is also there. Meetings are under way.

At the meeting, Lu Cheng officially announced the establishment of the Ministry of Technology entity.

Everyone present was absorbed into the technical department and became a member of the technical department, but everyone had a three-month inspection period, and only after passing the inspection could they become regular.

It was exactly as expected. Everyone was happy.

The base camp of the technical department is naturally Lucheng Laboratory. Of course, don’t listen to the name of the laboratory, but the space is also very large, no smaller than any workshop. Finally, Lu Cheng announced an exciting news. The first task of the technical department is coming,

Design and development of new rolling mills.

“New rolling mill?”

Colleagues from the technical department listened, surprised and delighted. Happily, the technical department has something to do so quickly.

Surprisingly, it is necessary to develop and design a new rolling mill! It sounds tall, but it’s obviously hard for them. The average engineer can’t do it, right?

Can they develop it just by ordinary workers?

However, fortunately, there is a genius like Director Lu, so there is still a high chance that the new rolling mill can be developed and manufactured, which is the benefit of following the boss with skills, and I am full of fighting spirit when I think of this.

Lu Cheng saw everyone’s reaction in his eyes, and saw that although the members of the team were shocked, their fighting spirit was high, and they were satisfied in their hearts.

It can be seen that when selecting talents, the quality of the individual, the importance of believing in, believing and not giving up is important.

Lu Cheng continued,

“The factory has agreed, within three days, allocate 2,000 yuan of research funds, and the follow-up results will be produced, and will continue to increase the additional funds according to the actual situation, requiring that the production capacity of the new rolling mill be increased by at least ten percent, which is considered successful, and the period is two years!”

“Two thousand dollars?”

The audience was in a commotion, and the two thousand yuan of this era was very valuable.

It can be seen that the factory attaches great importance to the newly established technical department and the new rolling mill. As for two years.

This time is not too generous, but also a little urgent.

After all, for most R&D personnel, designing and developing new devices requires a long cycle. Except, of course, certain geniuses.

For example, Lu Cheng has already designed all the drawings of the new rolling mill, and he can take them out at any time. In short, everyone was full of enthusiasm and shouted to start working immediately.

“Work heart available!”

Lu Cheng was very satisfied.

“Now, ten of you will form teams in pairs and set up five teams, and I will arrange specific tasks for you!”

Lu Cheng began to read the name as he spoke.

These teams are not arbitrary.

Lu Cheng formed a team according to each person’s strengths and weaknesses, with the purpose of complementing each other’s advantages. After announcing the list of teams, Lu Cheng immediately began distributing tasks to the team’s workers.

The workers who received the task screamed and worked passionately.

“Director Lu, what about me! You haven’t assigned me a task yet! ”

Zhang Xiaojun, who was watching from the side, was anxious, and he also wanted to play a role, not wanting to be seen by colleagues as coming in through the back door.

He was also a hot-blooded young man with dignity.

“You have tasks, responsible for passing my orders and arrangements, coordinating the work between the various team members, etc., it is very important!”

Lu Cheng patted Zhang Xiaojun’s shoulder and said.

Zhang Xiaojun was very happy when he heard it. Soon.

The news that the newly established technical department was going to develop a new rolling mill spread in the factory. A workshop.

“The technology department developed this play? Aren’t these all imported? ”

Qin Huairu looked at the rolling mill in front of him and muttered.

“This machine is not easy to design and develop! It seems that this technical department does not eat white rice, it really works! ”

The old worker on the side exclaimed.

“Whether it’s eating white rice or not, I don’t know yet! This is imported high-tech machinery, which can be designed, developed and manufactured casually! ”

Yi Zhonghai sneered, but in his heart he hoped that Lu Cheng would fail and lose face.

“It’s hard for ordinary people to say, but Director Lu is a genius engineer, maybe he can really develop it!”

“Genius is genius, but it is not so easy to develop a new rolling mill, and it is necessary to increase the production capacity by more than 10% by 310%!”

“Lao Yi, you don’t seem to be optimistic about the Technology Department and Director Lu!”

“Because I am more pragmatic and eat more salt than most people eat rice, I will not be blindly optimistic, knowing the difficulties of developing new rolling mills, naturally it is impossible to be blindly optimistic like a group of yellow-haired boys!”

“What Lao Yi said also makes sense, I think the technical department should invite you over, maybe it is easier to develop successfully!”

“Hmph! Please don’t go either! In short, I am not optimistic! ”

Yi Zhonghai raised his chin proudly.

When he said this, he was expecting Lu Cheng to personally invite him, but Yi Zhonghai wanted face, and this kind of words would not take the initiative to say it when he was killed. Office of the Chief Engineer [Director].

“I heard that you have started research and development now! That’s fast! ”

Director Yang said with a smile.

In fact, this time he actively applied to the above to develop a new rolling mill project, even after approval, the pressure is very great. After all, it costs a huge amount of money for research and development, and if it fails, he will also have to bear the consequences.

However, despite the pressure, he withstood the pressure based on his trust in Lu Cheng.

Director Yang’s pressure, Lu Cheng also knows,

“Don’t worry, our technical department will not let you and the factory down!”

“Haha! That’s good! I believe in you! Just do your job, don’t stress too much, I’m on the page for everything! ”

Director Yang said.

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