Chapter 108 People’s hearts are floating, and the birds feel that they can do it again!.

Not only the rolling mill, as the wind outside became stronger, the thoughts of the birds in the courtyard also came alive.

Yi Zhonghai specially asked his aunt to buy half a kilogram of meat and cabbage, cooked a pot of cabbage meat stuffed dumplings, and carried the dumplings to the deaf old lady’s house.

“Zhonghai? Why are you free to see the old lady and me today? ”

The deaf old lady’s tone was full of dissatisfaction.

Since Yi Zhonghai became critical, her life has become uncomfortable.

Usually it’s just that, hanging Yi Zhonghai’s mutton fat jade pei is gone, she can’t say anything, I’m afraid that she really turned her face, Yi Zhonghai doesn’t care about her, but now, see Yi Zhonghai take the initiative to come and see her, and also brought a bowl of cabbage meat stuffed dumplings, the deaf old lady still doesn’t understand, Yi Zhonghai This is using her again,

Then you have to take the opportunity to vent your dissatisfaction in your heart, take the opportunity to pinch Yi Zhonghai, and improve your life. Yi Zhonghai can also flex and stretch, and simply lowered his head,

“It’s mine, no, old lady, you’re tired. Come, I’ll help you up, and we’ll eat some dumplings. This is the meat I asked my daughter-in-law to buy today, fresh. ”

Seeing that Yi Zhonghai lowered his head, the deaf old lady did not take Qiao, and sat up obediently,

“Oh, I haven’t eaten dumplings for a long time, old lady, I’ll eat this bite, bring it over and I’ll taste it.”

The deaf old lady put down a bowl of dumplings and asked Yi Zhonghai with satisfaction,

“I heard that during this time, there was a lot of chaos outside, what’s the matter, what are your plans again?”


“Still old lady, you know me. Thirty years of shaking the east of the river for thirty years, feng shui takes turns, before Lin Fan was proud everywhere, and there were leaders behind him, we have no power and power, naturally not his opponent! ”

“But now it’s different, it’s all changed outside! Aren’t we waiting for this day all these years? ”

“Old lady, you are well-informed and experienced, so I thought, come to you to get an idea, is there any way, can you cure Lin Fan”

Yi Zhonghai’s eyes were fierce, and he obviously hated Lin Fan to the bone. In the past two years, I have not made a move, not because I have forgotten my hatred, but because I know that I am not an opponent, and I am just dormant waiting for an opportunity! Now, isn’t it his chance?

Now outside, how many big people have been pulled off their horses? No matter how powerful Lin Fan is, can he still be powerful over them?

As long as they find an opportunity, they can still be pulled off the horse! At that time, it will be time for Lin Fan to be unlucky!

The deaf old lady also came to the spirit!

“This is indeed an opportunity, but if you want to use your identity to take down Lin Fan, it’s still a little worse, don’t forget, Lin Fan’s parents are martyrs, and he is a martyr with red roots.”

Yi Zhonghai was anxious,

“Fierce family? Old lady, you mean that we can’t take him? ”

“Who said there is no way?”

The deaf old lady laughed,

“There’s no way to take Lin Fan, we can find his family to attack!”

“Family? His family has a wife and children… Wait, old lady, you mean, take Lin Fan’s wife Bai Lusi? ”

“That’s right!”

A hint of malice flashed in the eyes of the deaf old lady,

“Isn’t Bai Lusi Lou Xiao’e’s cousin? The Lou family, that is a big businessman, who can be in-laws with the Lou family, the Bai family’s business will not be small! ”

“Even if you marry, the blood relationship is there, it’s not so easy to get rid of! Bai Lusi, how about she is Lin Fan’s daughter-in-law, the daughter of a big businessman, the daughter of a big businessman! ”

“As long as we bite her identity is wrong, report it to the above, and the report is accurate!”

“Even if Lin Fan can protect a Bai Lusi, what about the Bai family? His old man and mother-in-law can’t escape! ”

Hearing this, Yi Zhonghai’s eyes suddenly lit up!


Yi Zhonghai slapped his thigh,

“Old lady, sure enough, ginger is still old and spicy, or your idea is good!”

“If the Bai family goes in, Lin Fan can’t leave it alone! Forget it, he will also be involved! When the time comes, it will not fall well! ”

“No matter, the old man and mother-in-law don’t care, Bai Lusi will definitely have to mess with him!” It’s best to make a fuss about you and me, and it’s best if the family is broken! ”

It’s just that after being happy, Yi Zhonghai was a little apprehensive,

“Old lady, what exactly should we do here?”

Don’t look at his words, but in his heart, it is impossible to say that there is no shadow for Lin Fan!

Calculated so many times, every success does not say!

In the end, he also lifted a stone to shoot himself in the foot, and he was unlucky and half dead, but Lin Fan didn’t have anything to do, and he was promoted and raised, becoming a winner in life!

This time, he reappeared, finally found an opportunity, and found a way to do Lin Fan, and for a while, he was a little nervous!

“We have to sum this up well, in case something goes wrong, it’s over!”

Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady were pondering how to hit the blow immediately, report successfully, and pull Lin Fan down! At the same time, Xu Damao returned from the countryside to show movies, thinking about all the things that happened outside during this time, and a trace of ambition also ignited in his heart!

For so many years, he has been thinking that he can find a way, rise one liter, and become the head of the propaganda section!

It’s a pity that the times are not good, and after tossing for so long, there is no use at all!

But it’s different now!

As far as his brothers in the textile factory, he was obviously a small elementary school apprentice before, and he followed behind his ass when drinking, and Brother Xu was almost short!

Now he actually relies on daring to fight and fight, takes the lead in studying, and has changed his body and become a cadre! This cadre, fucking easy!

Xu Damao pondered while wondering if he could also learn and raise this position by one liter! While pushing my bike to the backyard.

When passing by Liu Haizhong’s house, through the light window, I just saw Liu Haizhong, sitting at the dining table with a big belly, shaking his head and looking at the news quotes on the radio!

Xu Damao’s eyes suddenly lit up!

Hey, there you have it!

This learning is self-motivated, a person is inevitably risky, alone, it is not a thing! I don’t have a helper!

That’s not it!

As far as the crazy nature of wanting to be an official in the bangs, as long as you blow the wind for him and add fire! Isn’t this helper in the lead?

Just push him out to test the water, if there is a great prospect, just the IQ in the bangs, he can leave him alone in minutes! If something is not right, he will pick up some cheap in the back and let him be a backer!

The more I think about it, the more I think this plan is good!

Xu Damao parked the car, opened the curtain and entered the house, and said to Qin Jingru,

“What are you doing stupidly? I went to the countryside and brought some eggs and bacon back, you will sauté the eggs and green onions later, then cut some bacon and steam it, and finally fry some peanuts and rice, and then I will invite Liu Haizhong to come to the house for dinner! ”

“Got it! I’ll cook! ”

Qin Jingru went to cook, Xu Damao took out a bottle of wine from the cabinet, wandered to Liu Haizhong’s house, knowing that Liu Haizhong enjoyed the feeling of being an official, Xu Damao threw himself into his favor and called him,

“Second uncle, I have a bottle of good wine here, so I can make good dishes, what’s the matter, go to my house and drink a few sips?”

This sound of the second uncle made his eyebrows smile when he heard it,

“Hey, what’s the name of the second uncle, I’m not a steward uncle anymore…..”

“Then I don’t care, in my Xu Damao’s heart, I will recognize you as the second uncle!”

“Hahaha, good! Xu Damao, the entire compound, you have the most conscience! Drink it, walk around, let’s have a drink! ”

His bangs were full of red light, and he walked to his house with Xu Damao.

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