Chapter 116 Yi Zhonghai was detained, and the stupid pillar got acquainted with the great leader.

“Old Yi? Old lady, do you see Lao Yi? ”

Because the eldest aunt did not agree with Yi Zhonghai to continue tossing, Yi Zhonghai avoided the eldest aunt to go to the street this morning. I thought I would be able to come back soon, but I didn’t expect that the person was detained.

The eldest aunt found that Yi Zhonghai had not seen anyone for a long time, and she was immediately anxious, and quickly looked for people everywhere. I’m afraid he’ll do something again.

“Huairu! Is the silly pillar at home? Old Yi didn’t know where to run in the morning, and he couldn’t find him anywhere! You guys help me find it! ”

“Stupid Zhu, he went out, said that he knew some kind of leader, had a good relationship with people, and went to help with cooking.”

“Auntie, don’t worry, Uncle is such an adult, it will be fine, if you don’t worry, I’ll look outside with you.”

“Okay, good, let’s look for it together, somehow, my eyelids keep jumping, and I always feel like something is going to happen!”

With a bad premonition, the eldest aunt went outside with Qin Huairu to find Yi Zhonghai.

After inquiring outside for a long time, I finally heard that someone saw Yi Zhonghai go to the street in the morning. The eldest aunt quickly took Qin Huairu to the street to ask about the situation.

The street office is investigating Yi Zhonghai under the guise of ideological education!

While letting people talk to Yi Zhonghai, go to check the files of Yi Zhonghai and the deaf old lady! Although because of the age and incomplete information, no problems were found in the archives, but through the conversation with Yi Zhonghai, the staff still found a trace of suspiciousness!

During the conversation, Yi Zhonghai said anything else, he could say one, two, three, nothing to avoid, but when talking about his youth and his father, he was vague and his eyes were evasive.

This coincides with the message in the anonymous letter! Director Zhang felt more and more that Yi Zhonghai’s identity was problematic! Naturally, you can’t let people go, and you have to continue to investigate!

Therefore, he said that Yi Zhonghai maliciously reported something, and only promised to let his aunt see Yi Zhonghai, and then Yi Zhonghai still had to stay on the street to do it, and wait for the ideological education to pass.

When the eldest mother heard this, she almost didn’t faint.

“Old Yi! You’re confused! Say don’t report it! Stop reporting it! Why are you still biting this point! Can’t you just have a peaceful birthday? Stop tossing around? ”

Yi Zhonghai actually regretted it in his heart!

He never expected that the street would not only not arrest Lin Fan, but would also clean him up! But while regretting it, he was also very unconvinced!

I think that the street must also be biased towards Lin Fan, that’s it! In the face of the accusations of a big aunt, Yi Zhonghai was even more angry!

“What do you call me blind? It was obviously Lin Fan who was bullying! Isn’t what I reported true? It was Lin Fan who covered the sky with one hand, and they didn’t dare to move him! ”

The couple broke up unhappily.

The eldest aunt was helped home by Qin Huairu in tears, and as soon as she arrived home, she covered her heart and lay down with tears.

But sadness is sadness, in the end it is a husband and wife, although the eldest aunt complains that Yi Zhonghai is restless, but Yi Zhonghai is now detained on the street, and she can’t just do it and watch it!

Looking at the attitude of the street office, I don’t know how many days it will be closed! You still have to find a way to quickly fish people out!

After the eldest aunt eased up, she took the bowl of noodles and went to the backyard.

“Old lady, Lao Yi he was detained by the street office! What do you say you can do! ”

The eldest aunt said things with red eyes, begging the deaf old lady to find a way, and the deaf old lady was also dumbfounded,

He didn’t expect Lin Fan to be so able to endure so much, even the street protected him!

In my heart, it is called a envy, envy, and hatred! Why is Lin Fan doing so well!

“Zhonghai daughter-in-law, don’t worry, let’s think of a way, we will definitely save Zhonghai back!”

The two were talking, and the stupid pillar outside came back!

When he knew that Yi Zhonghai was detained by the street, the stupid pillar immediately came to the backyard,

“Old lady, Auntie, how did I hear that Uncle was detained by the street? Is this true? What the hell is going on here? ”

“It’s not because of Lin Fan’s little rabbit cub!”

The deaf old lady gloomy face and said the matter again,

“Bully people and cover the sky with one hand! Fighting for his own little right, even the street begged him, for him, detained Zhonghai! It sounds good to say that it is called ideological education, and it is not good to say, is it not killing chickens and monkeys and cleaning up Zhonghai? ”

As soon as Silly Zhu heard the anger, he rolled up his sleeves and wanted to go to Lin Fan to fight,

“Reverse him! How can there be such! No, I’ll look for him! ”

“Don’t go! Silly pillar, don’t make a mistake! ”

Aunt hurriedly stopped the stupid pillar, she was really afraid!

“If you even go in, it will be bad!”

“Harm! Aunt, don’t be afraid, Lin Fan is not the only one who has connections and knows the people above! ”

The silly pillar raised his head proudly,

“I’m stupid, it’s related now! Seriously, I don’t know who is big and who is small! I’m not afraid of him! ”

“Good grandson, when did you meet the person above?”

The deaf old lady was pleasantly surprised!

I didn’t expect that Silly Zhu could actually know the leader above, and, listening to his tone, it seemed that he had a good relationship with people!

“Just recently met!”

The silly pillar began to appear,

“Some time ago, I went fishing over there in the reservoir, and then I ran into a big leader!”

“Oh, that card, but it’s a barbar! Not to mention the car, there are two guards with you! It’s not easy to look at this identity.”

“The big leader is also here to fish! His fishing skills are very good, one fishing is accurate, but this can fish, he can’t do it! ”

“A good silver carp, grilled black and black, can’t be eaten!”

“I can’t stand it, the cook, I can’t see anyone spoiling the ingredients, so I told him that I will help get it, I am the cook and I will make fish”

“As soon as we came and went, we got acquainted! The big leader is from Sichuan Province, and I happen to be able to cook Sichuan food! No, today he specially invited me to his house to help with cooking! ”

Auntie was also shocked!

“Silly pillar, you really have yours 173! What a big leader! How big is that leader? What kind of official is it? If the official is very big, then Lao Yi, can’t he come out? ”

“Yes, silly pillar, what kind of official is he?”

The deaf old lady was also very anxious to ask!

If only it were a great official! Didn’t they also have backers? If you want to clean up Lin Fan, then it’s simple!

“I don’t know what kind of official this is, how can I inquire about this!” But ah, this official must be big! Do you know why? ”


The stupid pillar did not answer directly, but sold a lawsuit,

“Old lady, aunt, do you know where the big leader lives?”

“Where to stay?”

“Stay in the compound! Outside, there are soldiers with guns standing guard! You said that the big leader who lives in this kind of place, can he be small?”

“This is definitely a big leader, a big official!”

The silly pillar is very proud,

“I have a good friendship with the big leader! After eating, the big leader still played chess with me, and let me use that gramophone to play records! If I have anything, the big leader will definitely help! So let’s not be afraid of things now! No matter how big Lin Fan is, can he be bigger than a leader? That can’t be! ”

“Good, good, good! Good grandson! I will say that you are a blessed person! Look at you, you have become friends with such a big leader! Good! That’s nice! ”

The deaf old lady smiled so hard that she couldn’t see her teeth,

“Now, your uncle must have been saved! Lin Fan’s little rabbit cub is also unlucky! ”

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