Seeing that the workers have opinions.

The silly pillar walked out without hurry.

“Everyone forgive me, I accidentally dropped the hut today, the dish is not my master, it was made by my apprentice Fatty!”

“If the taste is not right, please forgive me!”

The stupid pillar directly sold the fat man.

At this time, the fat people were still confused.

I didn’t do anything!

Just stir-fry the dish twice and serve it.

How did it become your own fault?

Now he found out why Ma Hua and Liu Lan gave him a thumbs up.

It turns out that he has become a black pot by himself?

“Stupid pillar, you mother fooled us, did you go out of the hut alone and eat dung unwillingly, and deliberately got the manure into the pot? Is it so unpalatable? ”

One worker cursed angrily.

I feel that the silly pillar is somewhat psychologically distorted.

“Fart, you less nonsense, manure is bitter, vegetables are salty, what does it have to do with manure?”

Silly Pillar immediately explained.

However, this is fine without explanation.

One explanation.

Some workers laughed no.

It seems that after the stupid pillar fell into the hut, he didn’t drink less manure!

Do you even know what it tastes like?

As soon as these words came out, countless workers looked at the silly pillar with surprised expressions.

Even Liu Lan and Ma Hua looked at him with shocked expressions.

This stupid pillar’s head should not be kicked by a donkey, right?

Can such words be said?

Only then did the silly pillar react and find that he had gaffed.

“Laugh what laugh? Anyway, this dish has nothing to do with me! ”

“It’s impossible to get dung!”

Silly Pillar said impatiently.

This time, he was in a bad mood, and he was laughed at like this, and his stomach was full of fire.

“Can it be okay with you? Even if you let your apprentice take charge, you must not watch from the sidelines? ”

“It’s just that this dish can’t be eaten, everyone complains together!”

“Working so hard, I can’t even eat enough! It’s too much! ”

“Silly Zhu, I see you don’t want to be a chef, you just wait to be punished!”

The mood among the workers is growing.

In the end, the silly pillar is not clear to explain.

Directly to Director Yang and Director Li.

Director Li had to go down to solve it himself.

In order to investigate clearly, whether this dish is fried by silly pillars or fat people.

Director Li called Liu Lan aside alone.

The two men have an improper relationship in private.

“What’s going on with this dish?”

“Is it a silly pillar fried? Or is it fried by fat people? ”

Director Li asked.

Liu Lan hesitated, but still explained truthfully.

“It’s a stupid pillar who fried it himself, how many pounds and taels does the fat man have, can we still not know?”

Liu Lan confessed.

“Okay, I see, you called the stupid pillar!”

Director Li asked Liu Lan to call Silly Zhu over.

After a while, the stupid pillar came out and wanted to quibble, but was scolded by Director Li with blood.

“Silly Zhu, are you still a man? Let the apprentice carry the black pot for you? ”

“Don’t be afraid to do something wrong, have the courage to bear it, and change it next time if you are wrong!”

“Now the workers’ emotions are very dissatisfied, if this crime is attached to your apprentice, it will be directly fired!”

“You have a big memory at most!”

“Aren’t you still honest?”

Director Li scolded sternly.

The stupid pillar who said it in the end was ashamed and could only confess.

“I, I really didn’t mean to! It’s so unlucky today! ”

Silly Zhu was very helpless.

He felt that he had never been as unlucky as he was today.

Not to mention being late in the morning, I fell into the hut.

Now it is even reported by the workers collectively, and it is estimated that it is indispensable to be remembered too much.

If you remember it once, you will deduct ten dollars!

And if you remember it three times, you will be directly expelled.

“Well, if you confess, don’t make such a low-level mistake next time!”

“We have to focus on workers in everything, and we can’t feed the workers with food, can they not make a fuss?”

“Don’t live up to Director Yang’s weight to you! Work hard! ”

Director Li explained and left.

In order to calm the discontent of the workers.

The radio sounded again.

“He Yuzhu, the chef of the No. 1 canteen, caused great inconvenience to the workers due to his dereliction of duty and mistakes in stir-frying, and this is a big note again!”

“He Yuzhu, the chef of the No. 1 canteen, caused great inconvenience to the workers due to his dereliction of duty and mistakes in stir-frying, and this is a big note again!”

“He Yuzhu, the chef of the No. 1 canteen, caused great inconvenience to the workers due to his dereliction of duty and mistakes in stir-frying, and this is a big note again!”

The radio was played three times.

Only then did the troubled workers suddenly feel better.

“Laugh at me, this stupid pillar really deserves it!”

Xu Damao gloated.

The silly pillar is unlucky, and I am afraid that he is the happiest.

Fitter workshop.

Qin Huairu’s face was very ugly.

She pinned all her hopes on Silly Pillar, but Silly Pillar was also too uncompetitive.

Yesterday he was reported by Xu Damao, and today he was reported by workers.

In this situation, it is estimated that his position as chef will not last long.



The stick terrier and Xiaodang are playing in the compound, and the youngest locust flower is still sleeping.

Jia Zhang picked up shoes at the door.

While playing, Xiaodang found that there was milk candy in front of the grandfather’s house.

“Brother, look!”

Xiaodang called the stick terrier over and pointed to the milk candy road at the door of the grandfather’s house.

Seeing the milk candy, the stick terrier was suddenly happy.

Immediately cover Xiaodang’s mouth.

Signal her not to make a sound.

And he immediately went over and put all the milk candy on the ground into his pocket.

“This milk candy is so sweet!”

After all the milk candy was put away, the stick terrier immediately ate one.

I found that the taste of this milk candy is a little strange, but it is delicious.

“Brother, Xiaodang also wants to eat!”

Xiaodang said with a broken nose and pulled the corner of the stick terrier.

“Give you one, don’t tell the grandpa, we won’t have to eat by then!”

The stick terrier gave Xiaodang a candy as a hush money.

The rest is all to him.

What he didn’t know, however, was that it wasn’t milk candy.

It was the tooth candy that Zhou Wenbing threw at the door of the eldest master’s house.

The more you eat, the worse your teeth will fall.

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