Lou Bancheng saw that the workpiece made by Wang Aiguo was qualified, and hurriedly called the leader.

After being praised, Lou Bancheng happily gave everyone a reward of 50 yuan and said, "Everyone has worked hard these days, 50 yuan per person, go home and spend two days off to spend time with your family. Wang Aiguo, you have made the greatest contribution. What reward do you want?"

Wang Aiguo did not hesitate at this time. It is not his character to pretend to be noble when the opportunity comes.

"Director Lou, I want to participate in the eighth-level worker assessment. Please give me a chance!"

Everyone stopped after hearing Wang Aiguo's words, because the eighth-level worker assessment requires their supervision and inspection to see if it is qualified.

Two hours later

Everyone gasped when they saw Wang Aiguo passed the assessment easily. It felt that this was too fantastic. How could such a young child have such high skills? It takes time to practice from the womb!

When Lou Bancheng saw the results, he hurried to the broadcasting room and asked the announcer to inform everyone about Wang Aiguo's promotion to the eighth-level worker.

Everyone was shocked to hear that Wang Aiguo not only passed the eighth-level worker qualification, but also received the top-level salary of 108 yuan per month among the eighth-level workers.

This is an honor that can be obtained by talents who have made great contributions. Everyone remembered the incident in the special workshop a few days ago and understood that Wang Aiguo was lucky.

When Wang Aiguo returned to the yard, Yi Zhonghai dragged Wang Aiguo home. Before he entered the door, he shouted, "Boss, hurry up and buy a chicken. There should be no pork at this time. So buy some cooked food and a bottle of wine. There is a big event in our family today!"

Yi Zhonghai's loud voice was heard by everyone in the yard. The deaf old lady has suffered a lot these days. Usually, she has meat and noodles that stick to her teeth. Recently, she eats coarse grain steamed bread with pickles every day.

Since she saw the evil ghost that night, she has been much quieter. Wang Aiguo has not been in the yard these days, and the evil ghost has not appeared. She is now 100% sure that Wang Aiguo is the evil ghost.

Thinking that Liu Banxian not only did not help her solve the problem but also cheated her money, when she went to look for him again, Liu Banxian had already run away. This made the deaf old lady very angry. If the street office had not built a small house for her temporarily to give her food, she would have starved to death.

Now that she heard that Yi Zhonghai's family wanted to eat meat, her mind became active. Anyway, she was so miserable now, why should she think so much? She walked slowly to the outside of the courtyard and waited for the aunt to come back from buying vegetables.

She waited for more than an hour. At this time, everyone was off work. Seeing the deaf old lady standing at the door, they simply greeted her.

Banggeng heard from his classmates at school today that he got a bag of candy after sending an old lady home today. He was afraid that everyone would not believe it, so he gave everyone a piece.

Banggeng saw the deaf old lady. Isn't this an opportunity? Usually, she eats the best in this courtyard.

The deaf old lady was shocked when she saw Banggen running to her. This kid would not want to hit her, right? This is not okay. She turned around and walked to the street side, so that she could wait for the aunt to come back from buying meat earlier. .

Banggeng didn't know about this, so he hurriedly helped the deaf old lady to the backyard, and sent her to the cabin despite her resistance. When the deaf old lady saw that she was sent back like this, she took her crutches and beat Banggeng to vent her anger.

"Old lady, I wanted to take a walk outside, why did you pull me back? I'm so angry, I'll beat you to death!"

After Banggeng returned home crying, Jia Zhang was screaming at home, but she didn't dare to go directly to the deaf old lady to reason.

Yi Zhonghai and Wang Aiguo walked into the yard and saw that everyone was holding steamed bread outside to watch the fun. While everyone was there, Yi Zhonghai boasted and said, "Since everyone is here, I will tell you a good news. Today, Wang Aiguo passed the eighth-level worker assessment. Let's all applaud and encourage him!"

Liu Haizhong felt uncomfortable. Yi Zhonghai used to suppress him, and now there is another Wang Aiguo. He felt that he had no chance of success. Looking at the two silly sons who were still applauding, Liu Haizhong grabbed their ears and said, "Look at others and then look at you. Go home immediately!"

Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu asked for help from everyone and finally looked at Yi Zhonghai. At this time, it was natural for the father to beat his sons. No one could interfere with other people's family affairs.

After Liu Haizhong returned home, he took out the Seven Wolves and beat his two sons. The second aunt watched with relish. Usually, Liu Haizhong and his two sons often played this tune.

Just when the deaf old lady wanted to go outside the compound again to block the aunt, the aunt had already bought the meat and came back.

The deaf old lady saw the closed door of Yi Zhonghai's house, and she was so angry that she poked the ground with her crutches and went home to eat the steamed bread.

Half a month later

When Wang Aiguo saw the system asking him to go to Wangjiazhuang to find prey, he bought it in advanceTwo hundred kilograms of cornmeal, rode a bicycle to Wangjiazhuang.

Because Wang Aiguo gave them one hundred kilograms of cornmeal last time, they were all happy for a long time. This time, when Wang Aiguo saw Wang Aiguo coming again, he hurriedly pulled Wang Aiguo to his home to drink.

Wang Aiguo patted the cornmeal on the back seat and said, "Last time I was too hasty. This time I brought two hundred kilograms of cornmeal. Whether you catch prey or not, it's all yours. After all, Wang Aiguo is hunting in someone else's territory. If they don't let you take it away, you have no place to complain."

The village chief looked at Wang Aiguo and said, "Okay, since the little brother thinks highly of our Wangjiazhuang, you can come to our place to hunt at will in the future. Do you need me to find a few people to go up the mountain with you? There are tigers on the mountain! You'd better not go too deep, otherwise getting lost can cost you your life!

Wang Aiguo smiled and rejected the kindness of the village chief Wang, took the hunting rifle given by the village chief Wang and went directly up the mountain. Following the system instructions, he soon saw a big bear. Wang Aiguo swallowed his saliva excitedly, took the hunting rifle and went up the mountain. The gun was aimed at the bear's eyes and a shot was fired. The bear slapped the ground with both hands and rushed over vigorously.

Wang Aiguo took out the pistol from the space, aimed at the bear's eyes and kept shooting until the magazine was empty and the bear lay on the ground without moving.

The villagers heard so many gunshots and hurried to the mountain. This kind of continuous shooting sound would only be so urgent when encountering danger.

When everyone saw Wang Aiguo bleeding the bear, they all felt relieved. Everyone admired Wang Aiguo when they saw such a big bear. This was not something that could be done by luck. If ordinary old hunters were lucky, they would have to spend a lot of effort to catch a bear with a trap.

"Village Chief Wang, I have to trouble you again this time. Find someone to help me send this bear to the city!"

Village Chief Wang gave his son a look.

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