"Although I bought this bicycle a long time ago, I didn't ride it much when my father was alive. You can see that my bicycle is so new. Uncle, please give me a price and I'll see if it's appropriate!"

Yan Bugui walked back and forth a few steps, took a deep breath and said, "How about 80 yuan?"

Wang Aiguo saw Yan Bugui's gritting teeth and thought he would give a lot. After half a day, he only gave 80 yuan. He couldn't even buy a bicycle ticket for 25 yuan. He really took himself for a fool!

Wang Aiguo ignored Yan Bugui and walked home.

Yan Bugui saw that Wang Aiguo was angry and knew that he had offered a low price. He thought that doing business was just asking for a high price and paying it back. If you think the money is too little, you can raise it. Why are you so anxious!

"Aiguo, don't go, Aiguo, don't go. You can tell me how much you want to sell it for. As long as I can afford it, I will buy it!"

Wang Aiguo didn't want to sell it at first. He shook his head and took Lou Xiao'e home.

As soon as Yan Bugui returned home, he was surrounded by his family.

"How's the old man's bicycle? Did he get it?"

Yan Jie Di said tactlessly, "Mom, why are you asking? Didn't you see my dad's dejected look? It's obvious that he didn't get it done."

The third aunt said in confusion, "One hundred and twenty yuan can't get a second-hand bicycle. Wang Aiguo must be crazy because of poverty!"

Yan Bugui felt even worse after hearing what the third aunt said. He didn't even dare to say that he had offered eighty yuan.

Yan Bugui sat there uncomfortably drinking cold water. The third aunt thought that Yan Bugui was angry with Wang Aiguo, so she ran to the yard and yelled angrily.

"All the old and young men, come out and see, Wang Aiguo is not a good son. My family offered one hundred and twenty yuan to buy his bicycle, but he didn't want to, and he deliberately angered my old Yan. Everyone, come and judge!"

After a while, Wang Aiguo heard the shouting outside getting louder and louder, and came out to see the third aunt saying that she was wrong in the crowd.

Yi Zhonghai saw that his persuasion was useless and hurriedly pulled Wang Aiguo and said, "Aiguo, what's going on? People in this courtyard are determined to make trouble for you today."

Wang Aiguo knew what was going on and said, "It must be because I became famous again that people in the courtyard are unbalanced. They don't care whether what the third aunt said is true or not, so they just follow suit!"

Looking at the angry faces of the crowd, Wang Aiguo felt very funny, especially this Yan Bugui who was hiding in the crowd and looking at him with flashing eyes. It looked like he was not going to explain and wanted to take advantage of the situation to sell his meat.

"Yan Bugui, you want to spend 80 yuan to buy my bicycle. I won't sell it, so you let your wife come out to make trouble. You are really a man! I won't argue with you. The bicycle is mine. I don't need to discuss with others whether to sell it or not. Just wait for a surprise for you tomorrow!"

Everyone looked at Yan Bugui with contempt when they heard Wang Aiguo's words. He wanted to buy someone else's bicycle for 80 yuan, and he used people in the courtyard as a gun. It was really a good calculation.

After everyone left, the third auntie walked up to Wang Aiguo with an embarrassed look on her face and prepared to apologize. What she didn't expect was that Wang Aiguo didn't give her this face at all.

Wang Aiguo ignored the third auntie and went straight back home.

Lou Xiao'e was relieved to see Wang Aiguo coming back. The noise outside just now was too loud.

"Aiguo, why don't we move out? The people in this courtyard are too scary. Didn't Dad give us several courtyards? Why do we have to live here?"

Wang Aiguo touched Lou Xiao'e's hair and comforted her, "It's okay. Don't you realize that they just talk? When encountering such things, we must be right. We can just find an excuse to deal with them."

Early in the morning

Before going to work, Wang Aiguo went to Red Star College and showed his work permit as soon as he entered the principal's office.

The principal stood up the moment he saw Wang Aiguo. As an intellectual, he was not unfamiliar with Wang Aiguo because he had been in the newspaper twice.

"Comrade Aiguo, do you have any instructions for us? How about we go out for a meal and chat?"

Wang Aiguo's expression eased a little when he saw the principal being so polite.

"Hello, principal. I came to work today to talk about the problem of Yan Bugui in your college. Last night he wanted to..."

After listening to Wang Aiguo's explanation, the principal slammed the table. He didn't think a national model worker would lie.

The principal said angrily, "Yan Bugui, as a teacher, actually did such a thing. It's really immoral. I will call a meeting of all the leaders of the school and expel Yan Bugui from the school and never hire him again!"

Wang Aiguo stopped the principal. He knew that it was not so easy to expel him. After all, Yan Bugui's problem was not big and did not meet the conditions for expulsion.

"Don't be so serious. Although Yan Bugui has a bad character and his teaching is average, I think it can be lightened because he is from a big compound.Punish him."

When the principal heard that Wang Aiguo and Wang Aiguo did not make things difficult for him, he felt that Yan Bugui deserved to be punished.

"Comrade Aiguo, don't worry. We will demote Yan Bugui's salary to 20 yuan, and he will never be able to take the exam again!"

Soon after Wang Aiguo left, Yan Bugui was called to the meeting room. The principal criticized Yan Bugui in front of all the teachers and announced the punishment.

Yan Bugui felt heartbroken when he thought that his salary had been reduced from 27.5 yuan to 20 yuan, especially that he could no longer take the exam and felt that his life had lost its passion.

While Yan Bugui was regretting his decision, Wang Aiguo arranged some small jobs for those who had troubled him yesterday in the steel mill.

After get off work in the afternoon, Wang Aiguo rode his bicycle slowly back to the courtyard.

On the way, he heard someone quarreling. Wang Aiguo heard that there was a commotion and hurriedly pedaled his bicycle to look inside. This look scared Wang Aiguo.

Lou Xiaoling originally wanted to go to Wang Aiguo's house in the courtyard, but she didn't expect to see someone halfway. The thief dared to use a knife on her.

Lou Xiaoling was very scared when she saw the knife, but she was still stubborn.

Wang Aiguo looked at Lou Xiaoling's appearance. It was the first time he saw Lou Xiaoling's character. She dared to intervene in things that others did not dare to intervene. Compared with those who just watched the excitement, she was really different.

Just when the thief was about to hit Lou Xiaoling, Wang Aiguo finally squeezed in front of the crowd and kicked the thief to the ground with a strong kick, making him roll several times.

The victim was relieved to see that he was fine. He took the wallet from Lou Xiaoling who was being crazy and left.

After everyone dispersed, Lou Xiaoling suddenly threw herself into Wang Aiguo's arms and kept asking for comfort.

"What are you doing, heroine? You were very brave just now. Everyone else was watching the excitement and you were meddling in other people's business. Look, you helped others with good intentions, but they left without even saying thank you. Do you feel it is unfair?"

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