Siheyuan: Start As A Level 4 Welder

Chapter 112 The Feeling Of Juvenile Control Is Unpleasant!

Yi Zhonghai forcibly brainwashed himself more than once.

He said Bangge was a good boy.

But now Yi Zhonghai can no longer lie to himself.

Jia Zhang's loess has been buried up to his neck.

It’s hard to say anything else.

Jia Dongxu is even more of a white-eyed wolf.

Qin Huairu also has no abilities.

There are two younger sisters under Banggeng.

The burden is huge.

Even if Bangge is willing to support Yi Zhonghai in his old age.

But how stable can Yi Zhonghai be in his later years?

As for Silly Pillar.

He has become Yi Zhonghai's second choice.

Yi Zhonghai also discovered it.

The most promising person in the entire courtyard is probably Wang Bing.

Wang Bing has no elders in his family.

Yu Li is also a lively and cheerful person.

So Yi Zhonghai made up his mind.

We need to have a good relationship with Wang Bing.

"Why are you smoking here alone?"

"I heard something happened to Bangge?"

Wang Bing came over.

"Don't mention it."

"Bangge was reported for using fake money outside."

“The security department found a hundred dollars on him.

Yi Zhonghai couldn't help but shook his head.

"fake money?"

"Where's one hundred dollars?"

Wang Bing pretended to be shocked.

"Bangge was taught bad things by his grandma."

"Forget about petty theft in the courtyard."

"Last time I went to the meat factory to steal meat."

"We can also explain that the child is too young."

"But there's no way around it."

Yi Zhonghai felt his head hurt.

"I'm afraid that Bangge will grow up to be a murderer and arsonist."

"Children's education is very important."

"But their family doesn't seem to put education first."

Wang Bing nodded.

"Who says it's not!"

“After all, it was Jia Zhang who harmed Bangge.

Yi Zhonghai was also a little worried.

The two of them chatted for a while.

Wang Bing also returned to the special workshop.

[Ding dong! Congratulations to the host for completing the mission, the reward has been released! 】


[Ding dong! Congratulations to the host for receiving ten boxes of yogurt tablets, ten large unity cards, and ten unified cards!]

Security Office.

"Don't accuse me wrongly."

"I really picked up this money."

Bangge was defending himself hysterically at this time.

Bangge just felt like he had a lot of ups and downs today.

I picked up a hundred dollars on the way to school.

It was originally a happy thing.

I feel like I'm drifting even on the way to school.

When school is over at noon.

He specially asked a few classmates to go to the supply and marketing cooperative to buy canned fruits.

But after trying to be a hero.

It turned out that the money was fake.

It was also reported to the director of the supply and marketing cooperative.

Several classmates who followed Banggan found that they couldn't eat canned fruit.

One by one they immediately turned their backs on each other.

I will cry if I continue.

Bangge is now under investigation by the Security Department.

Although Bangge is a child.

But this matter involves fake money.

Still a large denomination.

Therefore, the security department has to be strict.

Although Bangge kept repeating that he picked up these prices.

The security office still needs to retrieve all Bangge’s previous files.

After a simple investigation.

The security department discovered that Bangge was not only committing petty theft in the courtyard.

He even stole a meat factory.

This provides enough evidence to suspect that Bangge is a habitual thief.

Then the next question is.

Where did Bangge steal these fake money?

Maybe one person can find the fake money stronghold through Banggeng.

Money is not in circulation these days.

Purchasing items is all based on tickets.

Naturally, there will be all kinds of fake money flowing into the market.

Cause very bad effects.

At this time.

The chief of the security department also brought Qin Huairu to the security office again.

As soon as Banggeng heard that Qin Huairu was coming.

It was like seeing a savior.


"A hundred dollars I picked up on the road this morning."

"I didn't steal it."

Bangge immediately yelled.

"Comrade, my boss is just a kid."

"He doesn't understand anything."

"Do you think you can be accommodating?"

Qin Huairu looked at the interrogators with tears in her eyes.

I want to pretend to be pitiful again.

"Even if it's a hundred dollars I found on the street."

"Normal kids want to turn it in."

"Why does your child only think about flowers?"

"Don't you usually educate your children at all?"

"Besides, we've already investigated it."

"Your son often commits petty theft."

"This isn't the first time, is it?"

"The one hundred dollars he had on him was probably stolen."

"Perhaps your son can assist us in detecting the manufacture of counterfeit money."

The people in the security department didn't like her.

Since it is a public matter, it must be done publicly.

No matter how hard Qin Huairu pretends to be pitiful.

The people in the security department didn't want to pay attention at all.

As soon as I heard about fake money making.


Qin Huairu's face turned pale instantly.

The production of counterfeit money is a big deal these days.

"He himself can't explain the money that Jia Gong has."

"Whether it was stolen or picked up.

"We don't know."

"So this matter must be investigated strictly."

The head of the security department looked serious.

To put it simply, it is better to kill by mistake than to let go.

Although Bangge is still a child.

But the Juvenile Correctional Department.

BangGeng must have gone and ordered it.

As for how long it will take to go there.

This is hard to say.

The head of the security department didn't know how much he regretted it.

If I had known earlier, I should have sent Bangge to a juvenile correctional facility.

This time nothing like this will happen.

Qin Huairu, on the other hand, felt deeply powerless.

If BangGeng goes to the juvenile correctional office.


That would be equivalent to being a stained person from now on.

BangGeng will be ruined for the rest of his life.

But Qin Huairu is just an apprentice worker in the steel rolling mill.

She simply couldn't find any connections to help Bangge.

Who can I find?

Yi Zhonghai or Silly Zhu?

Wang Bing is even more impossible.

for a while.

Qin Huairu felt like she had a splitting headache.

Since marrying into the Jia family.

She had a happy birthday in a few days.

Now Qin Huairu has to work in the steel mill during the day.

When I get home in the evening, I have to clean up the housework again.

In Qin Huairu's eyes.

Bangge has always been a good boy.

But this time it didn't make her worry.

Qin Huairu might be worried all night long.

But there was nothing she could do.

Who is not struggling to get by these days?

There are so many people in the countryside.

Qin Huairu is living a good life now.

It was getting dark outside.

Qin Huairu finally walked out of the security office with a tired look on her face.

The results are already in.

Bangge is going to the juvenile correctional office.

It will take about half a year.

If you don't behave well in juvenile correctional.

will be postponed.

Just like Jia Zhang.

Bangge has now gone to the Juvenile Correctional Institution.

This life will be stained.

Get out of the security office.

Qin Huairu felt as if all the strength in her body had been drained.

She couldn't take another step.

I could only sit blankly on the curb.

Qin Huairu's tears fell without warning.

But think about it.

There are two children at home.

Qin Huairu stood up and wiped away her tears. .

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