Chapter 20: Bang Geng shifts the blame and tricks He Yuzhu!

"Well, first of all, let me make a statement in advance"

"If there are any problems during the communication later, you are not allowed to fight!"

Liu Haizhong coughed, lowered his eyebrows and took a sip of tea. His voice was neither hurried nor slow, just like the speeches of the factory leaders.

However, everyone was used to Liu Haizhong's tone.

""Jianguo, tell me first, what exactly is going on?"

Liu Haizhong looked at Li Jianguo.

Li Jianguo squatted down and cast his eyes on Xiao Xin.

"Xiaoxin, tell me what happened just now."

In fact, based on the situation just now, Li Jianguo could basically deduce the process of Banggeng throwing feces on the cotton.

However, Xiaoxin and other witnesses still had to tell the story first.


Xiaoxin told everything that happened just now.

And with the testimony of other children in the courtyard,

Banggeng had no chance to defend himself.

After Xiaoxin finished telling the story of Banggeng, it was Li Jianguo's turn to talk about the matter between him and He Yuzhu.

The whole situation immediately became three-dimensional in everyone's mind.

As for who was right and who was wrong in this matter, everyone already knew it.

"Okay, so that's what happened."

"From this perspective, Banggeng and Shazhu should bear the main responsibility for this matter."

"It is understandable why Jian Guo hit someone just now."

"But Silly Zhu, you said you are the same, why are you always angry with the child? You also said that he has no parents. If you say this to anyone in the yard, wouldn't you be beaten if you hear someone say this to their own child?"

After hearing the whole situation, Uncle Er Liu Haizhong took a deep breath and made a summary.

At the same time, he looked at He Yuzhu with a face full of reproach.

And obviously.

Liu Haizhong's words also deeply understood the feelings of everyone in the yard at this time

"That's right, this adult is competing with a child, isn't this a mess? I think Jian Guo did nothing wrong!"

"That’s true, and what Banggeng did was really bad. He messed up other people’s new quilt like this. Xiaoxin was angry and gave him a lesson, and I think there’s nothing wrong with that!"

"In my opinion, although Shazhu did something wrong in today's incident, Banggeng is the one who should take the main responsibility. Is it possible for a human being to throw feces on someone's new quilt for no reason?"

"That’s right, Banggeng is a kid who steals a lot, and I’m afraid there’s something wrong with him mentally. If he’s not properly disciplined, what will happen to him when he grows up?"


For a while, everyone started to speak up, echoing Liu Haizhong, criticizing Bang Geng and He Yuzhu. He Yuzhu and Bang Geng, who became the target of public criticism, dared not vent their resentment even if they had it in their hearts.

Especially He Yuzhu.

After listening to the whole thing, Bang Geng was a traitor!

Throwing feces on people's quilts for no reason, isn't that a humiliation?

Originally, I thought that Bang Geng was bullied, so he would behave well in front of Qin Huairu and justice would come.

But Bang Geng was the cancer.

Not only did he get beaten up by Li Jianguo, but even Uncle Yi Zhonghai was implicated.

Then there was Uncle Er Liu Haizhong.

Usually, he couldn't stand Liu Haizhong's official tone, and he often went against Liu Haizhong.

Now, Yi Zhonghai's prestige has declined, and Liu Haizhong has directly taken over, and criticized him like a big official.

Of course, the most infuriating one is Li Jianguo.

Before Li Jianguo came to the courtyard.

He and Yi Zhonghai teamed up, one with the red cop and the other with the white cop, who in the whole courtyard dared to disobey?

But now.

How can they still have such prestige?

Even his bangs were dancing.

At the same time.

Qin Huairu also frowned and looked ugly.

Banggeng was usually a little naughty.

But today's incident was really a bit big.

Being blamed by everyone was a small matter. The most important thing was.

This quilt is not easy to compensate!

At a glance, you can tell that the cotton used by Li Jianguo for these two quilts is not cheap.

The situation at her home is already very bad.

How can there be extra money to compensate for the quilts?

For a moment.

Qin Huairu's heart was already a mess.

"Okay, okay, everyone, please be quiet for a moment."

"Now the whole matter has been made clear by Jian Guo, but for the sake of fairness, we cannot just listen to Guo's opinion."

""Shazhu, Banggeng, you two can also say something, is there anything wrong with what Jianguo said just now?"

Liu Haizhong took a sip of tea and looked at He Yuzhu and Banggeng beside him.

He Yuzhu looked grim at this moment, and hesitated to speak.

He wanted to say something, but he didn't know where to find a way to defend himself. He didn't know where to vent his anger.

"Uncle Er, I have a question!"

At this time, Bang Geng, who had been silent all the time, suddenly stood up.

""You kid, stop talking nonsense!"

Qin Huairu hurriedly grabbed Bang Geng.

It's already this late, why are you still making trouble?

But just as she grabbed Bang Geng, Qin Huairu saw the look in Bang Geng's eyes.

Bang Geng glanced at He Yuzhu at the side.

Could it be that he was going to push the responsibility onto He Yuzhu?

Qin Huairu didn't have time to think too much, Liu Haizhong's words rang out

"Huairu, don't stop me, we want fairness."

"Let Bang Geng speak."

"If Bang Geng has a reason, we can't wrongly accuse him."

After hearing Liu Haizhong's words, Qin Huairu did not stop him.

Then, Bang Geng stepped out, and a trace of grievance gradually appeared in his eyes.

"In fact, it was Uncle Shazhu who asked me to throw the feces!"

Banggeng said loudly, and then quickly hid behind Qin Huairu, looking very scared.

Such acting skills.

Really good!

As Banggeng said this , everyone was stunned and extremely surprised.

Was this mess instigated by He Yuzhu? For a moment , everyone's eyes were on He Yuzhu.

At this time, He Yuzhu was also a little confused.

When did he instigate this matter?

Isn't Banggeng clearly wronging him?

"Bang Geng, what are you talking about? Don't spit blood on me!"

"When did I order you around?"

He Yuzhu was furious and pointed at Bang Geng, ready to beat him up.

However, at this critical moment, he was stopped by Liu Haizhong.

""Sha Zhu! You stop right there!"

Liu Haizhong's face was obviously a little gloomy.

It was said before the meeting that we should not get impatient and take action. Wasn't Sha Zhu challenging his current position as the number one uncle?

"Don't scare Bang Geng with threats. I want to ask you, did you instigate this Bang Geng incident?"

Liu Haizhong stood up, glared at He Yuzhu, and said loudly.


He Yuzhu was about to reject it.

But then he met Qin Huairu's pitiful and pleading eyes.

After a pause

, he gritted his teeth and spoke slowly.

"That's right, I ordered it!"

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