Chapter 79: Suppuration underneath the stick terrier, Xu Damao and Silly Zhu fight in the labor camp.

It’s just that what the stick terrier didn’t expect was that he had just eaten half of it, and Lin Yun came back. However, the stick terrier is still very clever, and directly carries the peanut rice in his pocket.

“Lin Yun, you beast, I didn’t expect me to steal your peanut rice”

“Tomorrow Xiaoye will go to your house to steal something”

The stick terrier was very proud in his heart.

Just now, he had already seen that Lin Yun’s family had a lot of delicious food.

Tomorrow, after Lin Yun goes to work, he will go to Lin Yun’s house again.

It was at this time that the stick terrier suddenly felt that his lower body was very painful. And there was a huge smell coming from below.

The stick terrier looked down with a puzzled look.

Soon the stick terrier saw countless pus, dripping on his pants.


“Grandma: Help”!

“I’m in so much pain..”

The stick terrier screamed loudly.

The screams of the stick terrier alarmed the people in the compound.

The third aunt ran to the stick terrier and looked at it, and was immediately startled.

There was more pus in the crotch of the stick terrier than Jia Zhang’s pus a few days ago. And it stinks.

How dare the three aunts manage the stick terrier. She quickly ran towards Qin Huairu’s house.

“Qin Huairu, Qin Huairu, something happened to your family stick terrier”

“Your stick terrier’s crotch is thick”

This shout of the third aunt immediately alarmed all the people in the compound. Especially the three uncles.

They are discussing tonight’s plenary meeting. Qin Huairu and Jia Zhangshi also ran out.

Originally, Jia Zhang was going to stay in the hospital for more than a month.

But Qin Huairu had no money on him, and Jia Zhang was unwilling to take the money out. 617, so Jia Zhang’s only stayed one day and came back.

Soon the two saw a stick terrier rolling on the ground. When pus is seen underneath the stem of the stick.

Qin Huairu and Jia Zhangshi were stunned.

Hasn’t the stick terrier been operated on for several days? How could he still suppurate underneath?

“My good grandson, my good grandson, what’s wrong with you”

“Hello, how can it be suppurated”

Jia Zhang cried loudly.

She didn’t understand at all how her family could be so unlucky. First, Jia Dongxu became a waster.

Again the stick terrier became a eunuch.

She also broke her right hand and lost her left face. Now the underside of the stick terrier is actually suppurated? Qin Huairu’s face was also very ugly.

This afternoon, she just picked Jia Zhang out of the hospital. But in the blink of an eye, the stick terrier was sent to the hospital again.

“What’s going on with this terrier”?

“How come there is so much pus under him”

“Yesterday, Jia Zhang’s left face was also full of pus”

“Could it be that Jia Zhang’s infected the stick terrier?”

“I guess it’s contagious”!

“Let’s stay away”!


The onlookers saw the pus under the stick terrier and stayed away from the stick terrier. I was afraid that the stick terrier would be infected.

When Jia Zhang heard this, he quickly let go of the stick terrier. She also seemed afraid that the stick terrier would transmit pus to her.

“Huairu, hurry up and send the stick terrier to the hospital”

“So much pus, if not sent, stick terriers may be life-threatening”

Uncle Yi stood up from the crowd.

Originally, Yi Zhonghai didn’t want to care about this kind of thing at all. But who let Jia Dongxu be his apprentice.

If he didn’t care, there must be a lot of people in the compound who said about him.

He also didn’t understand why the Jia family had so many things. Why did he accept Jia Dongxu as an apprentice in the first place.

On the side, the bangs on the side are blooming in the center.

Liu Haizhong has always been angry with Jia Zhang’s blackmail of him for 100 yuan. I have always wanted to take revenge on Jia Zhang.

Unexpectedly, he had not yet begun to take revenge on Jia Zhang. The Jia family had problems one after another.

First, Jia Zhang was bitten by a dog, and after being cured, his left face was suppurated. Now the stick terrier has so much pus flowing out of his lower body.

Seeing that the Jia family was so unlucky, don’t mention how happy he was in his bangs. If it weren’t for the fact that there are so many neighbors here.

He wanted to laugh out loud.

Yan Xiecheng came out and said: “Sister Qin, maybe the suppuration of the stick terrier there is because the stick terrier has recovered, not a eunuch, hearing Yan Xiecheng say this, Qin Huairu’s face is full of joy.” ”

If this is really the case, then their Jia family is not desperate. Can a stick terrier marry a daughter-in-law and have children?

Jia Zhang’s face was also full of joy.

Because the stick terrier became a eunuch, she cried several times. He even cursed Xu Damao countless times.

If the stick terrier recovers, then the old Jia family will not become extinct. Even if she dies, she has the face to see Lao Jia.

“Solution: What you said is not true”


“The stick terrier is suppurated because it is good”

Qin Huairu said with a look of excitement.

“I don’t know, Sister Qin: You don’t know if you go to the hospital.”

Yan Xiecheng just said casually.

He also didn’t expect that Qin Huairu and Jia Zhangshi would actually believe it.

“Mom, can you get some money and let me take the stick terrier to the hospital”

Qin Huairu quickly looked at Jia Zhang.

“Mommy is going with you”!

Jia Zhang is also very excited at the moment.

If the stick terrier can really recover, she will definitely pay this money.

Qin Huairu hurriedly ran towards the hospital with the stick terrier. Jia Zhangshi also followed behind.

Uncle Yi didn’t want to go to the hospital at all. But who made him Jia Dongxu’s master.

If you don’t follow the past, you will definitely be told by the people in the compound.


Labor camps.

“During the labor camp, openly fought in the labor camp”

“Xu Damao, silly pillar, the transformation period of the two of you will be increased by half a month”

Officer Yang looked at Xu Damao and Silly Zhu in front of him with a depressed expression.

He also did not expect that Xu Damao and Silly Zhu’s boldness would be so big. Everyone else is actively reinventing.

The two of them openly fought in the labor camp.

One by one, the nose and face were swollen, and they also let the prisoners next to them watch. Xu Damao stood on the side with a gloomy face, his face had already swollen.

“You two don’t eat tonight”

“Don’t hurry up and give me work”!

Officer Yang glared fiercely at Xu Damao and Silly Zhu. Silly Zhu’s face changed slightly when he heard this.

It was because of Xu Damao’s framing at noon today that he did not eat. If he doesn’t eat at night, how can he go to work tomorrow?

“Damn Xu Damao, if it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t have been robbed of my lunch meal”

Silly Zhu glared at Xu Damao with a fierce expression.

If it weren’t for Xu Damao framing him, he wouldn’t have fought with Xu Damao for no reason. Xu Damao lowered his head without saying a word.

He never thought that he would be so miserable in the labor camp.


Six hospitals.

Qin Huairu and Jia Zhangshi found Dr. Chen with a look of anticipation.

“Doctor Chen, hurry up and see, what’s wrong with my baseball terrier”

Qin Huairu came to Dr. Chen with a stick terrier.

Doctor Chen saw Qin Huairu walking over and frowned slightly.

He remembered that Qin Huairu had only taken Jia Zhangshi out of the hospital this afternoon. How could it be that in the blink of an eye, Qin Huairu came to them again?

“What’s wrong with the stick terrier”? Dr. Chen asked curiously.

“Doctor, he has suppuration underneath”!

“Let’s see if it’s restored”!

Qin Huairu looked at Doctor Chen expectantly. The stick terrier is her only son.

Some time ago, the stick terrier became a eunuch, which made her heart like ashes. If this time the stick terrier can recover.

She will definitely go back to the temple to make a wish.

“Suppurated, restored”? Dr. Chen looked confused.

He has been practicing medicine for so many years, but he has never seen anyone who becomes a eunuch and can recover. However, Dr. Chen still looked at the stick terrier carefully.

When he came to the stick terrier, he smelled a stench.

“This: Fast.. Delivered to the emergency room”

After glancing at the lower body of the stick terrier, Dr. Chen shouted loudly. This is where what is restored.

The underside of the stick stalk is full of pus. If these pus are not cleaned up.

Stick terriers are estimated to be life-threatening.

“Doctor Chen, how is my good grandson?”

“Is he restored”!

Jia Zhangshi is also very looking forward to it.

Her old Jia family is such a grandson.

If the stick terrier recovers, then their old Jia family will not have to die.

Dr. Chen ignored Jia Zhang, but hurriedly pushed the stick terrier into the emergency room.

“Huairu, you said that the stick terrier will not recover”

Jia Zhangshi quickly looked at Qin Huairu on the side.

“Mom, it should be restored”!

“Otherwise, there would not be such pus”! Qin Huairu’s mood was very good.

Yi Zhonghai on the side was in a very bad mood.

Originally, he thought that the old Jia family was as desperate as his family.

But I didn’t expect that after only a few days, the stick terrier would recover. More than an hour later, the door to the emergency room opened.

Dr. Chen, with several doctors, pushed the stick terrier out of it.

“Dr. Chen, is my stick terrier recovering?”

Jia Zhang was very excited at the moment, and quickly ran up.


Dr. Chen sighed slightly.

At the moment, he didn’t know how to talk to Jia Zhang. To remove these pus.

This time, they directly cut off the roots of the stick terrier.

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