Zhang Ming punched Tang Hai's chest.

However, Zhang Ming felt that his fist seemed to be on a piece of iron, extremely hard.

The fist was instantly broken, and he grinned in pain, fixed his eyes, and was immediately dumbfounded.

He saw that Tang Hai was holding a thick iron bar in his hand.

Zhang Ming was a little confused, not knowing where Tang Hai got the iron rod, he couldn't help but frown, and shouted:

"Boy, you... You don't talk about martial virtue, we are all bare-handed, you even take weapons. It

turned out that when he saw that Zhang Ming was about to punch himself, Tang Hai immediately pulled out an alloy baseball bat from the system.

Tang Hai smiled coldly:

"I said it all, let the three of you go together, I rushed home to eat barbecue, you don't listen, how can you complain about me."

Zhang Ming almost vomited blood when he heard this, glanced at Li Zhi

and Liu Hang behind him, and called: "Li Zhi Liu Hang, since this kid wants to find death, then we will fulfill him and go together." Zhang

Ming saw that Tang Hai had a weapon in his hand, but he didn't dare to go up himself.

Li Zhi and Liu Hang heard this and rushed to Tang Hai together.

Tang Haidan had a weapon in his hand and was not afraid of the other party.

On the contrary, it is the other party, even if it has an advantage in terms of numbers, but it is still a little daunting when it comes to shooting.

After all, the weapon in Tang Hai's hand is still an iron guy, and this must be cut to the bone.

However, no matter how careful the three were, they were still hit by the baseball bat in Tang Hai's hand.

They fell to the ground and screamed.

Looking at the three people rolling on the ground, Tang Hai wanted to pop eggs to get some experience, but think about it.

After all, these three people are not local hooligans, nor do they kill people with murder weapons, and they can't see who exploded whom.

More importantly, Mei Xiaoqian has been grasping the waterfall egg, so she should keep a low profile.

Tang Hai saw that all the roadblockers were beaten down, and called: "Daughter-in-law, let's go home." Hearing

the call, Lin Duo ran over and followed Tang Hai home.

The two went to the kitchen and put everything they had bought.

Tang Hai took out the mutton and washed it while saying,

"Daughter-in-law, I will cut the meat first, you go change your clothes, and you will help me put on the skewers later."

"Good. Lin Duo answered, and went back to the house to change clothes.

And Tang Hai took advantage of this time to take out bamboo skewers and various barbecue seasonings from the system mall.

Then cut the washed lamb into pieces and put it in a basin.

After a while, Lin Duo and Lin Xue came out of the house together.

When I came to the kitchen, I saw Tang Hai cutting a large pot of mutton, and there were bamboo skewers next to it.

"Xiaoxue, let's wear meat skewers. Lin Duo called.


Lin Xue was very happy, thinking that there would be lamb kebabs to eat for a while, and the little gluttonous insects in her stomach began to move.

After cutting the mutton, Tang Hai came outside the house to see that there was no one in the yard, so he took out the barbecue stove and charcoal from the system mall.

Looking at the barbecue stove that was placed, Tang Hai's heart was cool and crooked, it was really good to have a system, what do you want.

Tang Hai put the charcoal into the barbecue and ignited, and then called:

"Daughter-in-law, take out the dressed meat skewers, you can grill them." The

room immediately answered, and Lin Xue ran out with a meat skewer.

Tang Hai was stunned for a moment.

I called Lin Duo, this Lin Xue ran out.

Think about it, Lin Xue is a little hungry cat, and she is more positive than anyone who hears about eating.

And Lin Xue ran out holding a large pile of lamb kebabs, and was a little surprised to see the barbecue stove outside the house:

"Brother-in-law, where did you get this barbecue stove?"

Tang Hai casually made an excuse.

"Oh. When Lin Xue heard this, she didn't expect that there was such a new barbecue in this pile of debris.

However, she didn't go too far into it, and now she only wanted to eat skewers.

"Brother-in-law, here you go, this is a dressed meat kebab.

Lin Xue handed the dressed lamb skewer to Tang Hai.

Tang Hai took the lamb skewer into his hand and then placed it side by side on the oven for roasting.

Tang Hai was grilling the skewers while brushing oil on the skewers, so that the grilled skewers could be more delicious.

Tang Hai grilled for a while, saw that the meat skewer was almost baked, and called to Lin Xue:

"Xiaoxue, you come and watch the point, I'll move the table." "

En," Lin Xue nodded, took over her brother-in-law's work, and continued to grill the meat skewers.

And Tang Hai returned to the house, picked up the table, saw that Lin Duo was still wearing skewers, and reminded:

"Daughter-in-law, the meat skewers are almost baked, come out and eat, let's eat while eating." Lin

Duo heard this, and followed Tang Hai outside the house with a basin.

Tang Hai put the table next to the oven.

Then asked: "Xiaoxue, how is the meat skewer grilled?"

Lin Xue brought the grilled meat skewer over and said happily:

"It's all baked, you see, golden cancan."

Tang Hai glanced at the meat skewers, then at

Lin Xue, frowned, and asked: "Xiaoxue, are you stealing food?" Lin Xue

panicked when she heard this, and hurriedly said:

"No, how can I steal it, you see, there is not a single meat skewer missing." Tang

Hai saw that Lin Xue did not admit it, looked at her mouth full of oil, and shook his head helplessly.

This meat skewer is indeed not missing, that is, there is a piece of meat missing on each meat skewer.

"Xiaoxue, look at your mouth full of oil, quickly wipe it.

Lin Duo said as he handed over the tissue.

Lin Xue felt embarrassed when she heard this, and hurriedly took the tissue and wiped her mouth.

It's all a family, even if you steal food, it's nothing, no one will care.

Tang Hai took the newly dressed meat skewers and came to the oven:

"You two eat first, I'll grill some more."

Saying that, Tang Hai continued to grill the meat skewers.

And Lin Duo and Lin Xue tasted the grilled lamb kebab.

I felt that the taste was really delicious, oily but not greasy, melted in the mouth, and the

two ate several bunches in a row.

And the taste of this roast lamb is fragrant.

It soon spread to every household in the courtyard.

The neighbors smelled this alluring fragrance and couldn't help but stick their heads out to find out.

When I found that it was Tang Hai roasting lamb in the yard, I couldn't help but drool.

In my heart, I am envious, jealous and hateful, and I say everything.

"This Tang Hai family's life is too moist, it's really enviable. "

Tang Hai, this guy, is it deliberately roasting meat in the yard and eating others, it's simply too hateful."

"That is, he eats and drinks a lot every day, what kind of family can withstand such a build, I see that his family just eats the last meal and does not care about the next meal, and does not think about the future life at all." "

There are still some people who really want to go to Tang Hai's house and ask for a few skewers of mutton to eat, but they can't wipe their faces.

And those with big faces are not at home now.

Jia Zhang is still squatting in the bureau.

Liu Haizhong and Yan Fugui both worked in the countryside.

When Yi Zhonghai was working, his fingers were clamped by the machine and he was still treated in the hospital.

Xu Damao also squatted in prison.

The Stealing Stick Terrier and Silly Pillar are also in the hospital.

This Qin Huairu

naturally took care of the stick terrier in the hospital.

And Xiaodang and Huaihua also followed Qin Huairu.

There were so many fewer people in this courtyard at once, and it felt much quieter.

This was a good thing for Tang Hai,

he didn't want to be annoying guys all day.

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