Siheyuan: Starting From The Conversion Of Technicians

103. Yan Bugui Fell A Dog And Gnawed Mud And Broke His Glasses, And Yu Li Found A Nest Of Wild Pigeo

"Grandma, what's the matter with you? Are you all right?"

Stick stem hurried over and greeted his grandma, Jia Zhangshi.

"Bang, grandma just accidentally fell and knocked out two front teeth. It hurts like hell. Let's stop catching golden cicadas. Let's go home."

Jia Zhang covered her mouth, her words leaked out.

She regretted it now, at such an advanced age, what kind of golden cicada did she take her grandson out of the city to catch?

If she had known that she would have to run so far and enter such a difficult woods to catch the golden cicada, she should have asked her daughter-in-law Qin Huairu to bring a stick.

Isn't she here to seek guilt?!

But when Banggen heard his grandma said that he would stop catching Jin Chan and wanted to go home, Banggen immediately quit.

"No, grandma, I'm going to catch the golden cicada, I don't want to go home."

"Didn't you just knock out two front teeth, and my front teeth were also knocked out, and then they didn't grow out by themselves?"

"Grandma, bear with it. After a few days, your front teeth will grow out. Let's catch the golden cicada quickly, or Lin Yu and the third grandpa will catch all the golden cicadas.

The stick pulled Jia Zhang's arm and kept urging Jia Zhang.

Jia Zhang was very angry, but there was nothing he could do.

"You silly boy, just talk silly things, are your teeth the same as grandma's teeth? You are deciduous teeth, they can grow back after being chewed, and grandma's teeth can't grow back after being chewed off .”

Jia Zhang's words are leaking now, but she can't do without saying 22, she has to let her grandson know her hard work.

"If you can't grow it, you can't grow it. It's just two front teeth. Anyway, you don't need them for eating. You still have a lot of teeth in your mouth anyway.

"Okay, grandma, let's stop talking about teeth, let's hurry up and catch golden cicadas. I saw that Lin Yu and the others have already caught a lot of golden cicadas. We must not catch less than them tonight."

Stick simply pushed his grandmother from behind, pushed his grandmother forward along the grove, even if he couldn't go home, he had to accompany him to catch golden cicadas.

Jia Zhang was very helpless.

She bent down, picked up the two broken front teeth, and put them in her pocket.

I had no choice but to endure the pain, surrounded the flashlight and continued to catch the golden cicada with my grandson.

"Old sister-in-law, what's the matter with you? I just heard you said that you fell and lost two front teeth? Why are you so careless?"

Not far away, Yan Bugui asked Jia Zhang's situation with a smile.

Jia Zhang rolled her eyes and said with a sneer, "Master San, if you don't care about me, I'm fine."

"It's good that it's okay. The ground in this grove is uneven, so you must be careful when walking, and don't trip over it."

Yan Bugui said on his lips, warning Jia Zhang not to trip, but Jia Zhang clearly heard a hint of gloating from Yan Bugui's tone.

"Don't bother Mr. Shen, just now I just accidentally fell, I will walk carefully in the future, and I will never fall again." Jia Zhang replied with a cold face to Yan Bugui.

While the two were talking, Jia Zhang glanced at the glass bottle in Yan Jiekuang's hand next to Yan Bugui from time to time, she wanted to see how many golden cicadas Yan Pugui and his son had caught.

Yan Bugui and Jia Zhang did not speak a few words.

Suddenly, one accidentally tripped over a tree root.


He fell to the ground and fell into the mud.

"Dad, what's wrong with you? Why did you fall down? Are you all right?"

Yan Jiekuang hurried over to help Yan Portui up.

Yan Bugui's appearance at the moment is not to mention how embarrassing it is.

There was dirt all over his body and face, and his eyes didn't know where he went.

"It's okay...I'm fine, Jie Kuang, help me find it, where are my glasses?"

Yan Bugui is highly cautious, without glasses, he can't see clearly at all.

"Okay, Dad, you stand here and don't move, but don't wrestle again, I will help you find your glasses.

Yan Jiekuang took a flashlight and spun around in place, helping Yan Bugui find the glasses.

When Jia Zhang saw that Yan Bugui had also fallen, her depressed mood immediately improved.

"Third uncle, what's going on with you? Why did you fall too?"

"Just now, you told me to be careful when I walk, and don't fall down."

"I didn't expect that you just finished saying this, and you fell down by yourself. You should pay attention to the soles of your feet. y

Jia Zhang gloated.

But Yan Bugui was furious.

"Grandma Stick, you're right, I fell down, and you're still laughing at me?"

"At least I didn't crack my front teeth. Some people have their front teeth cracked, and eating will be a problem in the future.

When it comes to ridiculing others, Yan Bugui's skill is by no means inferior to Jia Zhang's.

"Hey, you Yan Laoxi, how dare you laugh at me for getting my front teeth knocked out? Didn't you also drop your glasses?"

"I curse you for breaking your glasses, making you blind when you walk, and cursing you for not being able to catch a cicada again."

Here Jia Zhang started to quarrel with Yan Bugui.

It's a coincidence.

Jia Zhang's voice did not finish.

There was a click under Yan Jiekuang's feet.

Yan Jiekuang jumped up in fright.

"Dad, that's bad! Your glasses are broken."

Yan Jiekuang picked up the glasses that had been trampled by him from the ground.

Both lenses were broken, leaving only one frame.

"Broken? Why did my glasses break?"

"Third brother, I heard a clicking sound just now. Could it be that you stepped on my glasses and broke them?"

Yan Bugui questioned Yan Jiekuang angrily.

Yan Jiekuang was scared to death.

"Dad, I... I didn't mean to.

"You fell down just now, who knew that your glasses would fall here?"

"I helped you find glasses, and I accidentally stepped on them. "I really didn't mean to."

Yan Jiekuang wept and anxiously explained to Yan Bugui.

But Yan Bugui was furious.

It's a bad year tonight!

Jin Chan didn't catch a few, but put in a pair of glasses instead.

Without his glasses, Yan Bugui was blind, not to mention catching the golden cicada, he couldn't see the road clearly when he was riding a bicycle on the way back.

"Hahaha, Yan Laoxi, I didn't expect you to be more unlucky than me. I just lost two front teeth, but you broke a pair of glasses. I heard people say that glasses are not cheap. You need a pair of glasses." , I’m afraid it will cost several dollars.”

Jia Zhang laughed gloatingly at the side.

Yan Bugui's nose was crooked.

"Jia Zhang, why are you laughing? What's so funny?"

"What's wrong with my glasses? I'm happy, can you care?"

Yan Pugui snatched the spectacle frame from Yan Jiekuang's hand angrily, and clamped it on the bridge of his nose.

Although there are no lenses, wearing glasses frames can provide psychological comfort, right?

"Lin Yu, come over and have a look, I found a nest of bird eggs, I don't know what kind of bird's eggs it is."

In the small forest far ahead, Yu Li's surprised voice suddenly came.

Hearing that Yu Li had found a nest of birds' eggs, Jiazhang immediately regained her spirits and walked forward quickly with a stick, not afraid of falling.

When Yan Bugui heard that Yu Li had found a nest of bird eggs, he also regained his spirits. He grabbed Yan Jiekuang's hand and gave Yan Jiekuang the flashlight. He took the can from Yan Jiekuang's hand and asked Yan Jiekuang to hold the flashlight in front lead the way.

The couple also went straight towards Lin Yu and the others and walked quickly.

With a flashlight on, Lin Yu came to Yu Li's side and glanced at the bushes.

There is really a bird's nest, and there are six bird eggs in the bird's nest.

Lin Yu picked up the bird's egg and looked at it, and said with a smile: "This is a wild pigeon's egg, which is a good thing with high nutritional value.

Yu Haitang also ran over excitedly.

"Brother-in-law, let's take this nest of pigeon eggs home, cook them and eat them." Yu Haitang said excitedly.

Lin Yu nodded.

"Take it home, cook it, or stew it."

Saying so, Lin Yu picked up the nest of eggs and put them in the 140 handbag he carried with him.

If he and Yu Li were the only two sisters in this small forest, he would never kill them all. He took three eggs of wild pigeons home to taste, and left three eggs for the parents of wild pigeons.

But now, Yan Bugui and Jia Zhang are also in this small forest.

It seemed that they were approaching in their direction.

Lin Yu didn't want to leave even a single pigeon egg for them.

Putting away the wild pigeon eggs, sisters Lin Yu and Yu Li continued on their way, going deep into the woods and continuing to catch golden cicadas.

Not long.

Jia Zhang and Yan Bugui arrived at the side of the wild pigeon nest at the same time.

Jia Zhang shone a flashlight on the empty bird's nest, and she gritted her teeth in anger.

"Damn Lin Yu, he is so worthless, he didn't even leave me a bird's egg. I cursed him for riding a bicycle into a big ditch on the way back." Jia Zhang cursed viciously.

Yan Bugui is blind right now, everything he sees is blurry.

Yan Jiekuang took a flashlight to shine on the wild pigeon's nest, and said to Yan Bugui, "Dad, the wild pigeon's nest is empty, and Lin Yu took all the eggs."

Yan Bugui also had some regrets, but he quickly realized it.

"Jie Kuang, use a flashlight to look around to see if there are any nests for wild pigeons. Wild pigeons always build nests in groups. I guess there must be other nests for wild pigeons nearby." Yan Bu Gui said.

"Okay, Dad, I'll lead you, you come with me, let's look around."

Yan Jiekuang held Yan Bugui's hand, and with a flashlight on, he searched in the nearby bushes.

When Jia Zhang heard this, she thought to herself, "It doesn't matter if the golden cicada can't be found, but you have to pick up a few of these wild pigeon eggs. Of course, if you can catch a few wild pigeons alive and bring them home, that's fine." better.

With this in mind, Jia Zhang also searched nearby with a stick.

Needless to say, Jia Zhang really found a nest of eggs!!.

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