Siheyuan: Starting From The Conversion Of Technicians

120. What? Are You Qin Jingru Going To Be My Woman? But There Is No Shortage Of Women Around Me, Lin

After a meal, there are only fish bones and fish bones left on the table.

Qin Huairu fed Jia Dongxu enough, and when she was eating, there was only half a bowl of fish soup and a little green vegetables left.

There was no fish left for her, let alone sliced ​​meat.

The ten white flour steamed buns were all eaten up.

Qin Huairu had no choice but to eat corn bread.

Qin Jingru saw all this scene, she felt so sorry for her cousin.

What kind of life do you think her cousin is living?

After marrying a husband, the blessings will not be enjoyed all day long, but in the end, they will have to serve a large family.

Where is her brother-in-law her cousin's husband?

Is this obviously a grandfather?

Her cousin has to take care of eating, drinking and Lazard alone.

Her cousin's mother-in-law, who is as fat as a pig, doesn't share the burden for her sister at all.

By the way, during the meal just now, Qin Jingru saw that Grandma Banggen ate the most. She ate three white flour steamed buns in one go, she also ate the most sliced ​​meat, and she also ate the most fish.

No wonder the body is as fat as a pig, this is too edible, right?

What's more, she only picked good food, she didn't eat any of the wowotou.

It should be said that Qin Jingru sympathized with her cousin when she first came to her cousin's house, but now after tonight's meal, she feels a little pitiful for her cousin.

You said that it would be great if you married Lin Yu back then, and followed Lin Yu to eat hot and spicy food.

It's a good thing now, you're married to a paralyzed husband, and you're alone in charge of eating and drinking, and in the end you can't even have a bite of hot food yourself.

Cousin, cousin, this is the retribution for marrying Jia Dongxu when you were blind!

Qin Jinggu couldn't stand it anymore, so she took He Yushui out of the house and went to the backyard.

Silly Zhu was talking nonsense to Qin Jingru, but suddenly Qin Jinggu took her sister away, making a fool of herself.

"Yu Shui, take good care of Jingru, she is coming to the city for the first time, she must not be used to it, you take care of her." 140

Looking at the back of Yushui and Qin Jingru, Shazhu specifically reminded Yushui a few words.

"Brother, I see."

He Yushui responded and led Qin Jingru into the backyard.

"Sister Qin, do you think my cousin and I are on a blind date?" Silly Zhu turned his head and asked Qin Huairu with a smile.

Qin Huairu smiled and nodded.

"I think eight times are close to ten."

Silly Zhu was immediately happy.

"Hey, that's fine, that's fine."

Silly Zhu was so happy that he could hardly find Bei.

Suddenly, Bang Geng came over and reached out to ask Sha Zhu for money.

"Silly uncle, give me twenty cents. I'll take Xiaodang and Huaihua out to buy candy. I've never bought candy for my sister because of the good wine."

Stick can also read his face, he saw that Shazhu was in a good mood, he hurried over to ask Shazhu for pocket money.

Silly Zhu laughed, took out money from his coat pocket, counted out two cents and handed it to Bang Geng.

He also stroked the stick's little head.

"Bang Jing knows how to love his sister, and knows how to buy candy for the two sisters. He is becoming more and more like a brother. It's great. Let's take the two sisters to buy candy."

"Thank you silly uncle."

Holding the twenty cents pocket money given by Sha Zhu, Bang Geng happily ran out of the house.

Qin Huairu, who was eating Wowotou fish soup, saw so much money in the pocket of Shazhu's jacket, she suddenly said: "By the way, Shazhu, today I will take the car back to my hometown in the countryside to pick up Jingru's fare. Haven't given it to me yet?"

Silly Zhu is in a good mood now, what Qin Huairu says is what.

"How much did you spend, Sister Qin, tell me." Silly Zhu smiled generously.

"It cost two yuan and fifty cents in total. If you round it up, you can give me three yuan." Qin Huairu opened his mouth wide, and opened his mouth to ask Sha Zhu for three yuan.

But in fact, Qin Huairu didn't even spend a dollar for the round-trip fare on this trip home.

But she doesn't come home empty-handed, can she go back to her mother's house without shopping?

She also bought something for one yuan, and this one yuan was counted on her.

As for the extra dollar, is that still money to Sha Zhu?

Shazhu is not short of money.

Without even thinking about it, Shazhu gave Qin Huairu three yuan.

He was about to put the rest of the money back into his pocket when Jia Zhang suddenly spoke.

"Silly Zhu, why don't you have my share?"

"My daughter-in-law goes back to her natal home by car. It takes a whole day to go. I have to take care of my son for my daughter-in-law in our house. Is it easy for me with old arms and legs? You have to give me two yuan for labor fees Bar?"

"Give me a dollar, I don't think a dollar is too little."

Silly Zhu was a little dumbfounded.

Dare to love Qin Huairu's family is money tuberculosis?

The little one asked him for pocket money.

The big ones ask for fares and service fees.

"Come on, Aunt Zhang, you really hit the mark. I only have one dollar left. I'll give you all of it. Take it."

Silly Zhu also gave Jia Zhang the last dollar in his pocket.

Tonight's blind date cost him ten yuan, one-third of his salary!

That night, in the room next door to Lin Yu, two young girls fell asleep.

But this did not delay Lin Yu's sleep.

When I woke up, the sky was slightly bright.

Lin Yu stretched, yawned, and began to sign in with a heartbeat.

"System, I want to sign in."

"Sign in successfully."

"Reward [3 catties of whole wheat bread]"

"Reward [5 photo tickets]"

"Reward [3 packs of rat poison]"

"Reward [5 catties of milk]"

"Reward [2 watermelons]"

"Reward [money 800 yuan]"

"Reward [10 bags of instant noodles]"

Another sign-in reward of all kinds.

Food and drink, money, and rat poison.

However, this time Lin Yu's attention stayed on the five photo tickets.

These days, you need a ticket for everything you buy, and you need a photo ticket for taking pictures.

He just remembered that after he and Yu Li got engaged, the wedding date had been chosen, and they hadn't had time to take their wedding photos yet.

By the way, let's take Yu Li to the photo studio to take pictures on the weekend.

In this era, even the residents of Kyoto rarely take pictures.

Unless it is an important festival, the family will spend a luxury time, wear decent clothes, and walk into the photo studio with their family to take a photo.

After making up his mind, Lin Yu got dressed and got up, first made cat food and milk for Xiao Bai, and then washed his face and brushed his teeth.

With cow (ccaf) milk warm in the pot, Lin Yu took an old newspaper and went to the toilet outside the compound.

Toilet paper these days is basically old newspapers, or old books that children don't use in school.

In the public toilet outside the gate of the compound, under the wall, someone threw away a Chinese textbook that a child didn’t use, and some of it had already been torn up and used. When Lin Yu went to the toilet this time, he saw the Chinese textbook being torn to pieces "Kitten Fishing".

It is estimated that on this day, the text "Kitten Fishing" will be torn up and used up.

Compared with the textbooks for children to go to school, newspapers are relatively soft.

Crumple up the newspaper, it is much more comfortable to use than the paper in the textbook.

After finishing the work, Lin Yu came out of the toilet and was about to go back to the compound.

He met Qin Jingru head-on.

Qin Jingru obviously didn't sleep well last night, her eyes were red and listless.

After stopping Lin Yu, Qin Jingru said in a pleading tone: "Lin Yu, have you thought about it? Please help me, I beg you, I will never forget your great kindness, I really It's different from my sister. As long as you help me find a job and let me stay in the city instead of going back to my hometown in the countryside to work, I... I can be your woman."

Qin Jingru was completely desperate.

In order to stay and work in the city, and to stay away from the heavy labor in the countryside, she did not hesitate to say such words to Lin Yu.

Lin Yu is happy.

"What? You want to be my woman? But there is no shortage of women around me, and I will get married in a few days. Besides, my future daughter-in-law is taller and much prettier than you." Lin Yu said honestly .

Qin Jingru was hurt.

She made up her mind to go all out and don't want to, even at the expense of being Lin Yu's woman, only begging Lin Yu to help her find a job in the city, but Lin Yu despises her.

"Woooo... Lin Yu, I really have nothing, I have no money, and I don't have any precious things, I'm the only one left, Lin Yu, please help me This time, just this time, I will obey you in whatever you ask me to do in the future."

Qin Jingru cried in despair.

She doesn't want to go back to the countryside to do heavy physical work, and she doesn't want to marry Shazhu. She can't trust her cousin at all now, and she pins all her hopes on Lin Yu. Lin Yu is so hard-hearted.

"Okay, don't cry."

Lin Yu said something lightly.

Qin Jinggu stopped crying immediately, her eyes widened, and she stared at Lin Yu holding her breath.

"Are you willing to help me find a job?"

Qin Jingru's voice was trembling, it was her last hope to stay in the city.

Lin Yu said lazily: "Out of this alley, take the No. 21 trolleybus to the Palace Museum, get off there, and wait for me outside the gate of the Palace Museum.

At this moment, Lin Yu's lazy voice stopped in Qin Jingru's ears, it was the sound of nature.

"Great! Lin Yu, thank you, you are my great benefactor, and I will remember your great kindness forever."

Qin Jingru was so moved that she cried. She was so grateful to Lin Yu that she almost knelt down and kowtowed to Lin Yu.

"You don't need to thank me, I just don't want to see a flower planted in cow dung." Lin Yu said coldly, "Remember, God knows this matter, you know it, I know it, and one more person knows it. should know the consequences.

"I know, Lin Yu, don't worry, I will never tell anyone. I will not tell anyone about my cousin or my family." Qin Jingru promised seriously.

"That's good."

Lazily leaving a word, Lin Yu stepped into the courtyard.

Qin Jingru looked at Lin Yu's tall and handsome back, which was called admiration.

At this moment, she was finally relieved.

Then, Qin Jingru hurried into the toilet.

Worrying about work all night, as soon as she heard Lin Yu's door opened this morning, she immediately got up from the bed. She saw Lin Yu coming out of the backyard through the window, and she immediately put on her clothes and chased him out. She stood at the gate of the compound, waiting for Lin Yu to come out of the public toilet.

The hard work paid off, and she finally made her wait until Lin Yu.

Also got a positive reply from Lin Yu.

Qin Jingru's mood at this moment is called a high spirits.

Lin Yu didn't take Qin Jingru's matter seriously at all, and the reason why he helped him depended entirely on his mood.

Back in the backyard, after entering the house, Lin Yu washed his hands and ate.

He packed the leftover braised pork into two lunch boxes from last night, and he will go out early later, wait for Yu Li at the gate of the food factory, and deliver a box of braised pork to Yu Li.

There is a box of braised pork left over, and I plan to have lunch in the cafeteria at noon.

For breakfast, I ate slices of bread with lunch meat and a cup of hot pure milk, which was nutritious and healthy.

After eating and drinking, Lin Yu pushed his bicycle out the door. .

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