Siheyuan: Starting From The Conversion Of Technicians

124, Big Oolong! Qin Huairu Asked Shazhu To Write A Review Letter For Her, And The Person Who Signed

Qin Huairu hurried back to the workshop with the self-criticism that Sha Zhu had written for her in her pocket.

Yi Zhonghai and Squad Leader Wang were still thinking hard, racking their brains to write a self-criticism.

Workers in the process are still checking for potential safety hazards.

It is estimated that all potential safety hazards have been investigated, and a few workers are wiping equipment with cotton yarn in their boredom.

In fact, everyone with a discerning eye knows that the other workers in the process were all involved by Qin Huairu.

Can we resume work now?

It all depends on whether the self-criticism written by Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu is profound enough?

Can you pass the level of the workshop director?

After Qin Huairu came back, she came to her work station and pretended to write a self-criticism.

She was waiting for Yi Zhonghai and Squad Leader Wang. After they finished writing their self-criticism, the three of them went to the director's office together to submit the self-criticism.

There were so many people around, Qin Huairu didn't have a chance to take out the self-criticism that Sha Zhu had prepared for her and read it carefully.

Finally, Yi Zhonghai and squad leader Wang finished writing the review.

Taking advantage of the workers' inattention, Qin Huairu quickly took out the self-criticism book that Sha Zhu had prepared for her from his pocket.

"Qin Jingru, have you finished your review?" Squad leader Wang asked Qin Huairu.

"Squad leader, I've just finished writing." Qin Huairu quickly replied.

"Okay, let's go, let's find the director together. 11

Squad leader Wang had no doubts that Qin Huairu did not have a long memory and she did not write down this review deeply after she encountered such a serious education this time.

Yi Zhonghai didn't take Qin Huairu into consideration, he was checking the self-criticism written by himself word by word, and nodded in satisfaction after checking.

"My self-examination is deep enough, and I will definitely pass Lin Yu's test."

Yi Zhonghai nodded in satisfaction.

Then, Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu followed Squad Leader Wang, and the three of them came to the second floor together.

Ringed Lin Yu's office.

"Please come in."

The technician Xiao Ma said.

Xiao Ma was asking Lin Yu a question, when he heard a knock on the door, the conversation between the two stopped abruptly.

The pony said "please come in".

The door opened.

Squad leader Wang, Yi Zhonghai, and Qin Huairu walked into Lin Yu's office one after another.

Squad leader Wang said to Lin Yu: "Boss, Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai's self-criticisms have been written, and I have also written a deep self-criticism. This time, the three of us have deeply realized the mistakes we made. In the future, we will never dare to be sloppy in production work, and we will always tighten the string in our brains about safe production.

Squad leader Wang took their self-criticism letters from Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu respectively, and together with his self-criticism letter, a total of three self-criticism letters were handed over to Lin Yu.

Lin Yu reached out to take it.

He first read the self-criticism written by Yi Zhonghai.

Yi Zhonghai's self-criticism book has put in a lot of effort at first glance, revealing a sincere attitude of admitting mistakes word by word, clear and clear, and there are no typos.

Lin Yu nodded.

Afterwards, he read Squad Leader Wang's self-criticism again.

Although Squad Leader Wang's self-criticism is not as clear as Yi Zhonghai's self-criticism, he is also very sincere in admitting his mistakes.

Although there is still a typo, it is so-so.

Finally, Lin Yu's eyes fell on Qin Huairu's review letter.

With just one glance, Lin Yu saw the problem.

He looked up at Qin Huairu in surprise.

"Qin Huairu, did you write this self-criticism?" Lin Yu asked with a cold face.

Qin Huairu's heart skipped a beat.

She secretly said "no" in her heart!

Could it be that Lin Yu knew Shazhu's handwriting, and Lin Yu saw through my self-criticism?

This can't be!

Lin Yu and Shazhu are rivals, how could he remember what Shazhu's handwriting looks like?

In an instant, Qin Huairu's thoughts changed a lot, and finally dispelled the worries and doubts in her heart.

"Director, I wrote it myself. I wrote it word by word, paragraph by paragraph. I can swear to God!" Qin Huairu swore.

Lin Yu gave Qin Huairu a strange look, and he handed Qin Huairu's review letter to Qin Huairu.

"Qin Huairu, you don't have to swear to the sky."

"Since you said it yourself, you wrote this self-criticism letter word by word, paragraph by paragraph seriously, then you can read it to us word by word, ten paragraphs by paragraph.

Lin Yu said with a straight face.

Qin Huairu was even more uncertain.

But now she is already a duck to be chased, she can't back down at this juncture.

"Okay, director, just study, who is afraid of whom?"

Qin Huairu was angry all by herself.

She read it aloud:

"Review, in today's work and production, I made an extremely serious mistake. Because of my carelessness, I almost broke the machine tool equipment, almost caused an incalculable impact on the rolling mill, and at the same time caused damage to my body. I am deeply aware of the mistakes I made, this is my first mistake, and it will definitely be the last time I make such a low-level mistake..."

...I beg my colleagues to forgive me, I beg the team leader to forgive me, I beg Director Lin to forgive me, reviewer: He..."

At the end of reading, Qin Huairu was dumbfounded.



"Reviewer: What... what? Qin Huairu, is it He Yuzhu?"

Lin Yu looked at Qin Huairu with a cold face.

Qin Huairu was startled and frightened, and felt ashamed, she wished she could immediately find a crack in the ground and sneak in.


Today this person is thrown at grandma's house!!!

At this moment, Qin Huairu hated Silly Zhu to death.

You stupid idiot! Idiot idiot! Idiot idiot!

I asked you to write the review for me, how can you write the reviewer as your own name?!!

Silly Zhu himself didn't expect that the more he wrote the review, the smoother he wrote it. He was obviously writing the review for Qin Huairu, but in the end he actually wrote the reviewer [who signed the letter] as his own name "He Yuzhu".

For Sha Zhu, it was easy to write.

But to Qin Huairu, that would be embarrassing!!

Squad leader Wang and Yi Zhonghai also saw that something was wrong with Qin Huairu.

"Qin Huairu, let me see your review!"

Yi Zhonghai snatched the review from Qin Huairu.

Qin Huairu panicked and begged bitterly: "Master Yi, please don't look, I'm ashamed..."

As she spoke, Qin Huairu covered her face with her hands.

Yi Zhonghai snatched Qin Huairu's copy of the self-criticism and held it in his hand for a closer look.

Yi Zhonghai was dumbfounded.

"Old Yi, what's going on? Is Qin Huai's review so problematic? Let me have a look.

Squad leader Wang took Qin Huairu's review from Yi Zhonghai and took a closer look.

Squad leader Wang was also dumbfounded.

"No! I said Qin Huairu, what's going on with you? Isn't this your own review? Why did the reviewer become 'He Yuzhu'?" Squad leader Wang's eyelids twitched wildly. He had never met anyone in his life. This kind of thing is simply ridiculous in the world!

"Squad Leader Wang, Master Yi, Director Lin, I was wrong, I was really wrong this time, please forgive me this time."

Qin Huairu's tears kept falling.

The person Qin Huairu hates the most now is not Lin Yu, but Sha Zhu.

She really hates silly Zhu now, it's all because of the damn silly Zhu, who made her make a big fool of herself, and made her lose her adulthood!

Lin Yu sat on the chair, looked at Qin Huairu, and said coldly: "Qin Huairu, what's going on? You explain it to everyone yourself. With your cleverness, it is impossible for you to write the self-criticism. The inscriber, should you write it as He Yuzhu? Crying alone can't solve the problem, explain the matter clearly and strive for leniency.

Qin Huairu wiped away her tears, and explained with a bitter face: "I'm sorry, Director Lin; I'm sorry, Squad Leader Wang; I'm sorry, Master Yi. Blame me, blame me, blame me, because I can't write the self-criticism, I ran to the kitchen in the cafeteria, I found Shazhu and asked him to write this review for me. I originally wanted to use this review to get away with it, but I never thought that Shazhu...he actually wrote the reviewer as His own name!"

When it came to the end, Qin Huairu's voice came out from between her teeth, and she was already gnashing her teeth.

Gritting teeth with hatred for silly!

Hearing Qin Huairu's explanation, Squad Leader Wang and Yi Zhonghai were once again dumbfounded.

They were both focused on writing their own self-criticism, and neither of them cared about Qin Huairu.

Unexpectedly, Qin Huairu sneaked to the back kitchen of the cafeteria while going to the toilet, and asked Sha Zhu to write a self-criticism for her.

Just a moment ago, Qin Huairu swore to Lin Yu that she wrote this review letter by herself, word by word, paragraph by paragraph, and seriously.

Didn’t you still swear that you wrote the self-criticism? Why is it now that the self-criticism is written for you by a fool?

Isn't this slap in the face too fast?!

"Qin Huairu! You are so confused! How could you do such a thing?"

Yi Zhonghai's nose was crooked with anger.

You, Qin Huairu, dragged our team back by yourself, and now Silly Zhu was also killed by you!

Could it be that you are the legendary broom star?!

Squad leader Wang was also very angry, and pointed at Qin Huairu and severely criticized Qin Huairu.

The matter has lost the control of Squad Leader Wang. Squad Leader Wang is now the same as when Qin Huairu was writing the review just now, with a big head and pain in the brain.

Lin Yu looked out of the window with a cold face, ignoring Yi (the one who got the money) and Zhong Hai and the others.

But the more this was the case, the more pressure the three of Zhong Hai felt.

They scolded Lin Yu badly at them, but this invisible pressure was like a blade that was about to fall on the neck, making people feel the most uncomfortable and frightening.

Xiao Ma, an intern technician, was an eye-opener today. He looked at Qin Huairu dumbfounded, and he also took Qin Huairu's review letter from Squad Leader Wang.

He sniffed it up to his nose, frowned and said: "There is a smoky smell, and there is a little oil stain on the corner of the review book. It seems that it was written by the silly Zhu for Qin Huairu. Qin Huairu, you know Director Lin's Are you working hard? If Director Lin hadn’t turned off the machine tool immediately in the workshop today, you might have died long ago. Fortunately, you have written a self-criticism and dealt with it. Who are you trying to fool? Our director Your eyes are piercing, and the director can tell at a glance whether there is something wrong with your review!"

"The director asked you to write a deep self-criticism. Writing a self-criticism is not the purpose. Writing a self-criticism is just a means to remind you of this safety accident. I also read the self-criticisms written by Master Yi and Squad Leader Wang just now, and their attitudes are very sincere. The director must have forgiven the two of them, but Qin Huairu, you can't do it, you are perfunctory, and you have someone to write a self-criticism on your behalf, there is something wrong with your attitude!"

"You don't need to disturb the director this time. Squad leader Wang and Master Yi take Qin Huairu back. You two supervise her and ask her to write a new review [until Qin Huairu fully realizes the mistakes she made! Both go back Bar."

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