Siheyuan: Starting From The Conversion Of Technicians

129. Qin Huairu Asked Shazhu To Compensate Her For The Embarrassing Things Qin Huairu Did On The Rad

"As soon as our director Lin appeared, we rushed to Qin Huairu's machine tool at lightning speed, and immediately turned off the switch of Qin Huairu's machine tool. At the moment of life and death, Qin Huairu's life was almost saved. You said that we Lin Is the director great?"

Liu Cheng beamed and continued: "After Qin Huairu comes back from work later, you will definitely see that her face is covered with gauze, and her face is disfigured by iron filings. But if Director Lin didn't find out in time She operated in violation of the regulations, and turned off her machine tool immediately, maybe Qin Huairu's life is gone!"

After hearing this, the neighbors all gasped.

"Isn't this too scary?"

"Qin Huairu is like walking through the gate of hell."

"Who said it wasn't? What's ridiculous is that after she went on a blind date with Lin Yu, it was time to talk about marriage, but she kicked Lin Yu away and married Jia Dongxu. Look at Jia Dongxu now Silly virtue? Look at Lin Yu, who is now the director of the steel rolling mill, and Lin Yu saved her life today. Lin Yu is called repaying a grudge with virtue, and he has a noble mind."

"That's right. I think that after Qin Huairu was saved by Lin Yu, she was shocked and frightened. At the same time, she must have regretted it. If she married Lin Yu back then, why would she go to the workshop to work as a coolie? It almost cost my life."

The neighbors chattered and said everything.

In short, this time everyone is praising Lin Yu, but few people sympathize with Qin Huairu.

At this time, Lin Yu pushed the bicycle into the compound.

When the neighbors saw Lin Yu came back, they gathered around him one after another.

"Lin Yu, you are really amazing. I heard that you saved Qin Huairu's life?"

"Lin Yu, when will you get married? How many tables will you arrange in our compound?"

"Lin Yu, before you hold the wedding, you must tell me in advance, and I will definitely come to help you."

The neighbors surrounded Lin Yu, all smiling, trying to curry favor with Lin Yu.

Lin Yu thanked everyone for their kindness, and walked to the backyard with his bicycle.

He hated the neighbors!

Now I'm shy to post my cold fart with your hot faces?

Why did you go early?

Back then, with your cruel and mean faces, you all made irresponsible remarks behind my back, and you even wished to drive me out of the compound.

Now how come all the special mothers have become good people?!

I am not rare!!!

Watching Lin Yu pass through the middle courtyard and into the backyard, the neighbors feel that Lin Yu is too mature and stable, and he is not at all arrogant.

In the courtyard, if you change any neighbor, if he saved Qin Huairu's life in the workshop today, he would definitely raise his tail to the sky, dragging him like two to five or eight thousand.

But Lin Yu was the only one who just smiled and didn't say anything, and he pushed his bicycle into the backyard.

Flick off your clothes when it's over, and hide your merit and fame deeply.

He is talking about a mature and stable man like Lin Yu!!

"Hey, hello? Don't leave, I haven't finished talking about Qin Huairu.

Seeing that the neighbors were about to leave, Liu Cheng hurriedly said again.

"Liu Cheng, what else do you have to say? Didn't you already say it just now, w?" asked the third uncle Yan Bugui.

"Third uncle, you don't know this, right? Qin Huairu was almost rescued by our Director Lin in addition to a safety accident. This is just the beginning of today's story. Do you know that Director Lin was so angry that he directly Ask Qin Huairu to stop working on that part of the process, and then let Uncle Yi and Qin Huairu each write a deep review [Did something happen?

"What happened next is truly amazing!"

Hearing what Liu Cheng said, the neighbors who originally planned to go back to their respective houses all gathered around again.

"Liu Cheng, speak quickly if you have something to say, and let go of your fart if you have to, don't keep it up." Uncle Shen said in a bad mood.

"Hey, third uncle, don't worry, what I say next will definitely make you laugh for three days."

Liu Cheng looked proudly at the increasingly curious expressions on the faces of the neighbors around him, and he continued: "If you want to talk about writing a self-criticism, Qin Huairu and his squad leader, Wang, wrote a self-criticism, and Uncle Yi and Qin Huairu also wrote a self-criticism. After writing the self-criticism, Squad Leader Wang took the two of them to Director Lin's office, and guess what? Something happened again!!"

Liu Cheng's pause and the way he acted made the neighbors want to beat him so angry.

"Liu Cheng, if you have something to say, can you finish it in one breath? Don't pause, don't play tricks, or we people will push you down and beat you up." Xu Damao said angrily.

Xu Damao was afraid of Lin Yu and Shazhu, but he was not afraid of Liu Cheng.

Liu Cheng also has a good mouth, with a big mouth, but fortunately he can brag, and when it comes to fighting, Xu Damao can completely crush Liu Cheng.

"Hey, don't worry, listen to me."

Liu Cheng immediately apologized, and continued: "Squad Leader Wang and the three of them each took their self-criticisms, came to Director Lin's office, and submitted the self-criticism to Director Lin, but Director Lin saw the problem just by looking at it."

"Liu Cheng, tell me quickly, what's the problem?" The third uncle asked impatiently.

Liu Cheng said with a smile: "Director Lin asked Qin Huairu if Qin Huairu wrote the self-criticism? Qin Huairu swore that she wrote the self-criticism, so Director Lin asked Qin Huairu to read her self-criticism, but Qin Huairu As I was reading it, something happened, and the person who signed the final review turned out to be He Yuzhu's name!"

The neighbors were dumbfounded when they heard this.

"Who is He Yuzhu? Why does this name sound familiar?"

"Hey! Isn't it silly Zhu?"

"It's a strange thing, Qin Huairu wrote a self-criticism, what's wrong with the person who signed it? Is it possible..."

Liu Cheng nodded with a smile, "That's right, you guessed it right, and later Qin Huairu admitted that Shazhu wrote her self-criticism for her, but she handed it over before she could read it. I gave it to Director Lin, and you said it was messed up? Director Lin saved Qin Huairu's life with good intentions, but Qin Huairu was lucky enough to let silly Zhu write a review for her to perfunctory Director Lin. You said Director Lin had to What mood?"

"Leave me alone, I'm probably going to die of anger."

"Me too, what Qin Huairu did is really too much."

"You all feel angry, but why do I inexplicably feel funny?"

"Hahaha, I laughed so hard, helping others to write a review, and finally writing the result of the payment in my own name, I guess this kind of thing is capable of being done by a fool."

"How else would he be called Shazhu? Hahaha, I have to laugh for a while too, it's so funny."

For a while, the neighbors laughed together.

Everyone is laughing at the silly column.

At this time, Jia Zhang came over from the middle courtyard.

"Third Master, Liu Cheng, what are you all laughing at? Tell me and let me laugh too."

Just now, Jia Zhang fell asleep leaning against the wall with the soles of her shoes in her hands. When she woke up, she heard many neighbors laughing happily in the front yard. She came over curiously.

When the neighbors saw Mrs. Jia Zhang coming, they stopped laughing.

"We didn't laugh at anything, just told a joke and had a good time."

Yan Bugui perfunctory Jia Zhang's words, and led his wife and children home.

Liu Cheng and his wife also went home.

Xu Damao also went back to the backyard.

For a while, Jia Zhang was the only one left in the front yard.

Jia Zhang was puzzled.

"It's really weird. The big guys were still laughing just now. Now that I'm here, why don't they laugh anymore? Are they all gone?"

"There must be something wrong here."

Jia Zhang muttered to himself.

After getting off work today, Qin Huairu purposely lingered and came back very late.

She knew that the mistakes she made today and the embarrassing things she did, must have been known to the neighbors in the compound.

In the courtyard, there is no impenetrable wall.

Not to mention that such a big accident happened to her today, even if there is any trouble in the rolling mill, the neighbors in the compound will know soon.

Moreover, on the way back, she walked slowly, she was waiting for Shazhu.

Today, she made the pattern miserable!

She had to talk about the silly column.

On the way, Qin Huairu was really asked to wait for Shazhu.

"...Sister Qin, why are you leaving get off work later than before?" Silly Zhu asked after Qin Huairu, carrying two lunch boxes.

Qin Huairu gave Shazhu a hard look.

"Okay He Yuzhu! You did a good job! I was hurt by you today!" Qin Huairu gritted his teeth and stared at Shazhu fiercely.

Silly Zhu was taken aback.

"No! Sister Qin, what's wrong with you? I didn't provoke you, did I? Why are you so angry with me?" Sha Zhu scratched his head and asked with a wry smile.

"Why am I so angry? Silly Zhu, it's not because of you!"

"Silly Zhu, how did you write the review you wrote for me? How could you write your name on the signature of the reviewer?"

"You know that today I took the self-criticism you wrote to me and went to our workshop director to do a self-criticism. Our director asked me to read the self-criticism you wrote to me in public. Do you know that I was a human being at that time?"

While talking, Qin Huairu burst into tears.

When she cried, she cried so stupidly.

"Sister Qin, please don't cry, can we not cry? You mean the review..."

"Hey! I'm a grandma! Now that I think about it, I really wrote my name on it. I... Didn't I do it right? I forgot it was for you Written review."

Only then did Silly Zhu recall that he had really written his name on Qin Huairu's letter of self-criticism.

Silly column is called a regret.

"Blame me! Blame me all!"

Sha Zhu waved his hand, (Nuo's) slapped himself.

"Sister Qin, please don't cry. I apologize to you. My mistakes are all my fault. Please don't cry. When you cry, I'm in a panic. I feel worse than you Woolen cloth.

When Qin Huairu saw Sha Zhu's expression, she knew there was something going on.

"Silly Zhu, it's okay if you don't let me cry, but you have to compensate me for my mental loss. You can pay me ten yuan. If you pay me ten yuan, I won't hold you responsible, and I won't cry."

Qin Huairu introduced a partner to Sha Zhu, and she just wanted to hang on to Sha Zhu's long-term meal ticket.

If she didn't take advantage of this opportunity of her being wronged and blackmail Silly Zhu, she wouldn't be Qin Huairu.

"Hey, Sister Qin, it's not impossible for you to ask me to pay you ten yuan for mental damage, but I really don't have that much money on me. I only have five yuan and twenty cents..."

Silly Zhu took out the money from his jacket pocket, and before he could count it, Qin Huairu robbed him of the money.

"First pay me the five yuan and twenty cents, and I will keep the remaining four and eight cents for you, and then pay me back when you pay your wages.

After snatching Sha Zhu's money, Qin Huairu immediately stopped crying.

"Okay, Sister Qin, no problem, anyway, we are not outsiders." Silly Zhu smiled wryly.

"That's right, after you and my cousin get married, you will be my brother-in-law, and of course we will have no outsiders." Qin Huairu laughed through tears.

Shazhu also felt that what Qin Huairu said made sense, but after returning to the compound, Shazhu was dumbfounded.

Qin Jingru, let's go!!.

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