Siheyuan: Starting From The Conversion Of Technicians

131. Famous Scene In Courtyard House: Silly Zhu Violently Beats Xu Damao, Xu Damao Begs To Be Hammer

The Jingdu General Food Factory manually produces instant noodles with duck fat. A pack of 2 taels of instant noodles costs 15 cents and is packed in beautifully printed paper bags. Most of the time, children can only imagine the taste of convenience through the packaging bag. Compared with Yili fruit bread and sweet buns from the food factory, instant noodles are really not cost-effective.

That's why Yan Bugui shook his head again and again when he heard the youngest Yan Jiekuang say that duck oil instant noodles were sold at the Supply and Marketing Cooperative for 15 cents a pack.

In this era of material scarcity and lack of food and clothing, two-packs of instant noodles are definitely a luxury.

According to Yan Laoxi's calculations, he spends every penny really, and never buys luxury goods.

Yan Jiekuang saw that his father Wang Ba was determined to eat the weight, but he refused to buy a pack of instant noodles with duck fat to taste. He felt very frustrated.

Yan Jiekuang simply ran out of the compound to play.

But Yan Jiekuang never expected that he would see a fight scene.

Strictly speaking, it can't be called a fight, it should be said to be the famous scene where Xu Damao was beaten.

The cause of the incident was actually because of Qin Jingru!!!

Silly Zhu learned that Qin Jingru didn't like him, so he packed his bags and left.

But silly Zhu was furious.

Silly Zhu returned to the room, took out half a bottle of loose wine, and poured two gulps into his mouth.

"Good, you Qin Jingru! You actually let my silly pigeons go, you are a country girl from the countryside, and you still think that I, silly, are not good enough for you?"

"You still want to find an educated man?"


"What kind of virtue do you have? Don't you know it yourself?"

"Even if you don't know, you should piss yourself and take a picture.

"It's just you, a country girl, with a rural household registration. If you want to be educated but not educated, and you want to be beautiful, why do you still despise me as a fool?"

"I'm telling you, Qin Jingru, I'm the monitor of the cafeteria in the rolling mill, do you know how much I earn a month? Telling me will scare you to death!"

"Do you think I'm stupid for this salary? Wrong!"

"Big mistake!!"

"I'm a fool, I go out to cook every weekend, plus my salary, how can I earn fifty yuan a month?"

"Qin Jingru, have you ever seen so much money? You are a rural girl who earns work points by digging dirt on rural land. I'm afraid you have never seen so much money in your life!!

"How the hell do you still despise me, despise me for being uneducated, hahaha..."

Silly Zhu smiled and tears flowed out.

As far as Qin Jingru's behavior today is concerned, it is more harmful and more insulting to Sha Zhu.

It was the first time in Shazhu's life that he had a blind date, and he was despised by a rural girl who thought he was uneducated.

Can Sha Zhu not be angry?

Silly Zhu was angry, Yi Zhonghai came to his room to persuade him.

"Zhuzi, drink less wine, drinking too much will hurt your health."

"Isn't she just a rural girl? What's the big deal? If you really marry Qin Jingru, maybe it will be a burden for you to build a family.

"It's better if the blind date doesn't work out. Wait for Uncle One to introduce you to a better one. We're not looking for a rural woman, we're looking for a little girl with an urban hukou."

Yi Zhonghai patted Shazhu on the shoulder, and comforted him with earnest words.

To say that Sha Zhu was really sad this time.

No matter whether he was chasing Yu Haitang or Ran Qiuye, he was already prepared to fail in his heart.

After all, Yu Haitang and Ran Qiuye are both more educated than her, and they are also extraordinarily beautiful.

What does Sha Zhu look like?

He is still very self-aware.

But only Qin Huairu, the cousin Qin Jingru, the first time Shazhu saw her, Shazhu fell in love with Qin Jingru's small appearance.

The little girl is too juicy and charming.

Especially those pair of beautiful big eyes can draw shit out of silly Yu'er.

Silly Zhu has decided on Qin Jingru.

He felt that based on his work in the rolling mill, his urban household registration, his two apartments in the compound, and his good cooking skills.

Qin Jingru can be easily taken down.

Even after dinner last night, Silly Zhu boasted to Qin Jingru about his work, and he could see admiration from Qin Jingru's beautiful big eyes.

In fact, it was because the silly master felt too good about himself.

In fact, at that time, Qin Jingru hated Shazhu so much.

But Sha Zhu thought how much Qin Jingru admired him.

So, silly Zhu went to work in the rolling mill today as usual, and didn't take Qin Jingru seriously at all.

He just felt that Kendi was absolutely sure of the blind date between him and Qin Jingru.

Qin Jingru still sleeps in the same room with his sister Yushui this night. If Qin Jingru is dissatisfied with him, his sister Yushui will definitely say something nice to him.

It was originally a matter of catching fish in the washbasin and touching the inside, but in the end, it was a chicken and egg beating, and the bamboo basket fetched water in vain.

And let Shazhu take in more than ten yuan!

Grandma is a bear!

That's my silly hard-earned money from cooking outside for half a month!

Can Sha Zhu not be in a hurry?

But there is no way to worry.

After all, Qin Jingru left and went back to his hometown in the countryside. He wanted to find a young man with culture.

forget it!

It's going to rain, Qin Jingru wants to marry another man, let her marry!

Silly Zhu took a sip of wine, wiped away his tears, and put this matter behind him.

When Yi Zhonghai saw that Shazhu was thinking about it, he no longer worried about him.

Yi Zhonghai went back to his room to drink tea.

Silly Zhu drank half of the enamel bottle of water again, put down the wine bottle, got up and went to the latrine.

After leaving the courtyard, Sha Zhu walked out of the hut reeking of alcohol, and bumped into Xu Damao at the gate of the courtyard.

Xu Damao looked at Shazhu contemptuously, and sneered again and again.

"What's the matter? Silly Zhu, did you get dumped by Qin Huairu's cousin? I'll say you deserve it."

"You don't know what you look like? You still want to marry Qin Jinggu?"

"How is it? Are you stupid? What's the matter? Why am I still crying when I look at it?"

"Hey, I said silly Zhu, you big fool, don't you know that Qin Jingru has already found a job in the city? He doesn't like you at all, I advise you not to dream, if you If she really married Qin Jingru, she would be an idiot, it would be like a flower stuck in cow dung.

As soon as Xu Damao and Sha Zhu met, they were deadly.

In the past, Shazhu bullied Xu Damao a lot, but now Shazhu was dumped by Qin Jingru, it was out of luck for Shazhu, if Xu Damao didn't laugh at Shazhu, he wouldn't be Xu Damao.

But Xu Damao's words completely angered Shazhu.

Silly Zhu rushed over and beat Xu Damao.

"Silly Zhu, you bastard, you really dare to do it."

"Stop hitting, Zizi doesn't use his hands."

Xu Damao turned around and ran away.

But how could he outrun the extremely angry silly Zhu?

Silly Zhu caught up with Xu Damao, stomped Xu Damao to the ground with one kick, punched and kicked Xu Damao on the ground.

"Xu Damao! You bastard! You bastard! Tell me, where did you hide Qin Jingru?!"

"I knew that Qin Jingru would not leave the compound for no reason, you must have hidden her, right?"

"How dare you bite me? I beat you to death!"

Sha Zhu held down Xu Damao, crackling, beating him so viciously.

At this time, Yan Jiekuang came out of the compound, just in time for him to encounter the scene just now, Shazhu chased Xu Damao and beat him, stomped Xu Damao to the ground with one kick, and holding Xu Damao was a burst of hammer.

...asking for flowers...

Xu Damao was beaten so badly that his mouth and nose were bleeding.

But Yan Jiekuang was terrified.

Yan Jiekuang hurried back to the courtyard and called his father.

Xu Damao didn't expect Sha Zhu to strike so hard this time, he felt his bones were broken by Sha Zhu's beating.

"Stop hitting, silly Zhu, please spare me, I really didn't hide Qin Jingru..."

"I just came back from a movie this afternoon, and I happened to bump into Qin Jingru at the gate of the compound.

"Qin Jingru was carrying a burden and was in a hurry. I asked her why she was going? She didn't want to tell me just now. I chased her a few steps and asked her again why she was going. Qin Jingru told me, saying Because she found a job in the city, she didn't have to go back to the countryside to work anymore, and then left in a hurry.

"Silly Zhu, I, Xu Damao, swear to God, that's all I really know. I really didn't hide Qin Jingru. If I tell a lie, let Xu Damao hit me with a thunderbolt."

With a hoarse voice, Xu Damao assured Shazhu firmly.

Silly Zhu was taken aback.

Qin Jingru actually found a job in the city?


This is impossible!

Xu Damao's grandson must be lying.

Sha Zhu talked about fists, and he wanted to continue beating Xu Damao violently.

"Pillar, stop!"

At this time, Yi Zhonghai hurried over.

There are also the second uncle Liu Haizhong and the third uncle Yan Bugui, both of whom are here.

Yi Zhonghai rushed over, grabbed Sha Zhu's wrist, and said anxiously: "Zhu Zi, you are crazy, you want to kill Xu Damao? Hurry up and stop!"

"Uncle One, Xu Damao, that bastard, he hid Qin Jingru."

Silly Zhu was pulled up by Uncle One and Uncle Two, he pointed at Xu Damao and said angrily.

"I don't!"

"Three uncles, don't listen to silly Zhu farting, I didn't hide Qin Jingru."

"Besides, I just said hello to Qin Jingru yesterday, and we became familiar. Even if I want to hide her, she has to be willing to let me go. Do you think this is the reason?"

Yi Zhonghai helped Xu Damao get up from the ground, Xu Damao wiped away the blood from his nose and the scum from the corner of his mouth, and defended himself angrily.

Lin Yu also came out. He stood at the gate of the compound and watched the farce in front of him, laughing to himself.

Just now, Lin Yu heard what Xu Damao explained to Sha Zhu.

It seems that this afternoon, Qin Jingru ran back to get her package, and met Xu Damao at the gate. Under Xu Damao's repeated questioning, Qin Jingru couldn't help feeling a little proud

Secretly told Xu Damao that she found a job in the city.

And Xu Damao only knew such a little information, and it was ridiculous that he used the little information he knew to ridicule and laugh at Sha Zhu, but in the end he completely enraged Sha Zhu, and finally got Sha Zhu to beat him severely.

This is exactly what you want to be hammered to get hammered, and what you want to be hit to get hit.

Qin Huairu suddenly questioned Xu Damao: "Xu Damao [you said you met my cousin Qin Shuru in the general election news this afternoon? She also told you that she found a job in the city? Did she tell you? Where did she find it? Job? Who helped her find it?"

Xu Damao cried and laughed again and again, shaking his head again and again.

"Qin Huairu, you said, if I knew where your cousin found the job? If I knew who introduced him to the job? Wouldn't I have told Silly Zhu all about it just now? Would I still be beaten up like this?" Xu Damao wrinkled asked back with a frown.

Qin Huairu felt that what Xu Damao said made sense.

But Xu Damao quit, he was beaten by Shazhu for no reason, he went to the street office to sue Shazhu! Beg!.

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