Siheyuan: Starting From The Conversion Of Technicians

165. In Liu Cheng's Commendation Conference, Connivance To Criminal Behavior Is The Greatest Ev

Liu Cheng has never been commended in his life, not even such awards as advanced workers and production models.

Liu Cheng's work is neither good nor bad, neither active nor slow.

If you want to say that he is more efficient than him, there are many workers in the No. 1 workshop.

As far as workers with lower work efficiency than him are concerned, there are quite a few workers in Workshop No. 1.

At work, Liu Cheng belongs to the kind of worker who doesn't stand out, doesn't stand out, and doesn't lag behind.

As far as work is concerned, whether it is Liu Cheng's attitude towards work or his work efficiency, it may be difficult to attract the attention of the leaders in this lifetime.

Normally, Liu Cheng is best known for his big mouth.

Even the most serious things can be publicized by him for a long time.

Moreover, Liu Cheng never tires of it.

No matter how many workers in the workshop ask him, he will repeat the news he just publicized, ensuring that there is no punctuation mark.

The same is true in the compound. Many news were brought back to the compound by Liu Cheng.

No matter whether it is true or not, no matter whether it is good news or bad news, whenever Liu Cheng hears the news, he will definitely publicize it loudly after returning to the compound.

The neighbors have long been used to this.

Anyway, it doesn't cost money to watch the excitement, so Liu Cheng can spread all kinds of news as he likes.

If things go on like this, many aunts and aunts in the compound even treat Liu Cheng like a monkey.

Every time Liu Cheng opened his voice to spread all kinds of news, those aunts and aunts had the right to watch a monkey show and have fun.

But there must be a limit to everything, Liu Cheng has such a big mouth, but he always exaggerates too much.

Sometimes I get into trouble because of this big mouth, either being scolded or beaten.

If you want to talk about failure, you have a big mouth, and you have a big mouth for success.

Liu Cheng's contribution to the workshop this time and his recognition was also due to his big mouth.

What should 003 say about this matter?

In Liu Cheng's own words, he just bluffed a few times, got beaten, lost a tooth, and then made meritorious service and was commended.

In the afternoon, before going to work.

Lin Yu specially called all the workers in the workshop and held a simple commendation meeting for Liu Cheng.

Xiao Ma puts big red flowers on Liu Cheng.

Lin Yu handed Liu Cheng the reward from the workshop to Liu Cheng.

The reward is a brand new lunch box and a certificate of honor.

On the certificate of honor, there are a few large characters neatly written: Comrade Liu Cheng of the No. 1 workshop is hereby rewarded for his bravery in protecting the public facilities of the workshop, as an encouragement.

In addition, according to Lin Yu's instructions, there will be one quota for model workers at the end of this month, Liu Cheng.

The commendation in the workshop is an honor, but the reward for the number of model workers at the end of the month is real money.

Because there are only a handful of model workers in each workshop every month.

Every model worker will receive some daily necessities rewards, and the factory will also give each model worker a bonus ranging from 3 yuan to 10 yuan, which will be distributed together with the wages.

That is definitely real money.

In Qin Huairu's words, as long as there are five yuan, it is enough for their family's living expenses.

And Liu Cheng was commended by the workshop this time, and he could also get a quota of model workers. At the end of the month, he would receive at least three yuan more as a reward.

Three dollars is a lot of money these days.

Three yuan can buy sixty catties of milk, seventeen catties of white flour, thirty-one catties of six taels of stick noodles, three catties of eight taels of pork, and three catties of liquor... …

All in all, it's definitely real money.

Otherwise, when Director Lin gave Liu Cheng a lunch box and an honorary certificate, Liu Cheng just smiled.

But when he found out that Director Lin had given him a quota of model workers, Liu Chengle squinted his eyes, and couldn't find his way out of happiness. (cccf)

"Next, Comrade Liu Cheng, the winner of the award for protecting public facilities in our workshop for his bravery and protection of workshops, will come and say a few words to us all, everyone is welcome.

Lin Yu took a few steps aside, gave up the stage to Liu Cheng, and took the lead in applauding.


All of a sudden, there was thunderous applause in the workshop.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Liu Cheng couldn't control his excitement.

He coughed, cleared his throat, and said: "I, Liu Cheng, never dreamed that one day I would be commended. Thank you Director Lin for your wise leadership of our workshop, and thank you all colleagues for giving me Liu Cheng this opportunity." .Actually, I don’t feel like I’ve done anything big. I just had lunch. I was walking in our workshop. On the way back, I saw two workers from other workshops destroying the tap water pipes in our workshop, so I yelled at them. Make a few noises and tell them to stop, otherwise I will report to the security department."

"Those two guys saw that I was alone and that I was weak, so instead of stopping the destruction, they rushed over and beat me up."

"If you talk about talking, I, Liu Cheng, am not afraid of anyone, but if you want to talk about fighting, I'm really useless. I want to resist, but I can't beat those two guys with two fists. I can't beat those two guys alone. When those two guys beat me, our Director Lin appeared!"

"Director Lin yelled: Stop! Then he said: You two bastards came to destroy the pipes in my workshop, and you dare to hurt my people, I will kill you!

"Then, Director Lin rushed over, kicked Zhang San away, and pulled Li Si away from me, and slapped Li Si's ear, crackling, anyway, I feel old and happy! !"

"Everyone already knows what will happen next."

"How can I, Liu Chenghede, be commended by Director Lin and everyone? I didn't do anything? I just yelled, was beaten up, and a tooth was knocked out by someone. Not shameful enough."

"If you want me to say, this award for bravely protecting the public facilities of the workshop should be awarded to our Director Lin!"

"It was our director Lin who stepped forward in time to subdue the two bad guys who damaged the pipelines in our workshop, and saved me, Liu Cheng. According to the regulations of our rolling mill, let the people from the security department take away the two scoundrels."

"I, Liu Cheng, stand here today to accept the commendation. I really feel ashamed. I suggest that this award for bravery and protection of public facilities in the workshop should be given to our Director Lin. Are you right?"

Liu Cheng was very nervous at first, not knowing what to say in front of so many people.

But when the chatterbox was opened, there was a lot of eloquence.

He actually became self-deprecating, and insisted on pushing all the credit to Director Lin.

And the workers also felt that what Liu Cheng said was right, their Director Lin should be the hero who bravely protected the public facilities in the workshop this time!!

"Liu Cheng is right. I also think Director Lin should be commended."

"That's right, Director Lin is a great hero."

"Director Lin is the best director we have ever met."

Good guy, after Liu Cheng's instigation, the workers responded one after another, demanding that the award be given to Director Lin.

Lin Yu came over, and he said with a smile: "Please be quiet first, and listen to me first."

Lin Yu's prestige in the workshop is not based on it. When he said this, the emotional workers immediately fell silent.

All the workers looked excitedly at their young, handsome and talented workshop director.

Lin Yu looked around at everyone, then lightly patted Liu Cheng on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Liu Cheng, don't underestimate yourself, you are the hero of our No. Indulgence is the greatest evil! And Liu Cheng was able to see the injustice on the road and stop the criminals from destroying the pipelines of our workshop. This in itself is stopping crime. This is a kind of heroic act. Although I happened to meet him , I caught up with this incident, but if Liu Chenglu hadn’t yelled at the injustice, I would never have known that someone was destroying the pipes in our workshop.”

"Therefore, Liu Cheng deserves this commendation and this reward for being a hero for justice! Everyone applauds and encourages again."

Lin Yu's words completely dispelled the workers' previous doubts, and they all expressed their admiration for Lin Yu.

You can see that Director Lin's speech is of a high level.

Listen to the new terms that people say:

Connivance to crime is the greatest evil!!

There is also a roar when the road is injustice!!

These words are simple but deeply philosophical, and they are also very persuasive.

The workers can't help but be dissatisfied!

The workers gave Liu Cheng warm applause again.


He does not mean that.

Yi Zhonghai stood in the crowd and heard what Lin Yu said: Connivance to crime is the greatest evil!!

This sentence made Yi Zhonghai panic and restless.

During this period of time, he has been unable to figure out why Lin Yu is always indifferent to him, neither far nor near?

And the neighbors in the compound, now that Lin Yu returned to the compound, the neighbors welcomed Lin Yu back like stars, and rushed to say hello to Lin Yu.

Even so, Lin Yu always greeted those enthusiastic neighbors in a perfunctory manner.

For another example, Lin Yu's family was engaged in such a big project yesterday, but Lin Yu would rather go outside to find someone to help than ask the neighbors in the compound for help.

In the past, Yi Zhonghai didn't understand why Lin Yu was so indifferent to the neighbors in the compound.

But at Liu Cheng's commendation meeting today, after hearing what Lin Yu said, Yuan Zhonghai completely understood.

Connivance to crime is the greatest evil!

This sentence is clearly Lin Yu's life motto.

At the same time, this sentence is a critical question to all the neighbors in the compound!

A few years ago, because of Jia Zhang spreading rumors everywhere, slandering Lin Yu everywhere, and saying bad things about Lin Yu wherever he met, Lin Yu's reputation was so bad that he almost had no place in the compound. He was about to be kicked out of the compound at one point.

At that time, the three elders in the compound, headed by Yi Zhonghai, could obviously stop this kind of thing from happening.

But Yi Zhonghai and the others did not.

At that time, the three uncles had a great reputation.

In addition, Yi Zhonghai accepted Jia Dongxu as an apprentice, and it was even more impossible for Yi Zhonghai to do the thing of turning his elbow outward.

Frozen three feet is not a day's cold!!

From then on, Lin completely cut off communication with the neighbors in the writing compound.

During these many years, the neighbors in the compound headed by him, Yi Zhonghai, completely broke Lin Yu's heart.

How can a broken heart be warmed up?!

He can't at all!!!

No wonder Lin Yu got promoted step by step. After becoming the workshop director, the neighbors in the compound, including the three uncles, all took the initiative to express their affection to Lin Yu.

Back then, the three uncles clearly connived at the old neighbors and slandered Lin Yu with bad words.

And Lin Yu told Yi Zhonghai today that condoning criminal behavior is the greatest evil!

If this is not slapping Yi Zhonghai in the face, what is it?!!.

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