Siheyuan: Starting From The Conversion Of Technicians

179. Waste! What A Bunch Of Trash! ! I Don't Treat You As Human Beings At All! (Please Customiz

Director Qiu quickly leaned down, helped up the iron stool that he kicked down from the ground, and talked to the pony with a smile on his face. His attitude towards the pony was completely different from the attitude he had just treated the pony.

What a mouthful!!

The other dozen or so workshop directors have learned a lot today.

Even if Director Qiu said good things to Xiao Ma with a smile on his face, Xiao Ma didn't give him a good face.

Xiao Ma took out a notebook, and the names of twelve workshop directors had already been written on it.

After the name of director Qiu in No. 11 workshop, he drew an x ​​[and subtracted 5 points.

Director Qiu was very nervous, he asked in puzzlement: "Comrade Xiao Ma, what do you mean?"

Xiao Ma put a serious face on his face and said with a serious expression: "I have made a file for each of you twelve, and each person has 10 points per day. If you make a mistake, you will deduct 5 points, and if you make two mistakes, you will get 10 points. Buckle up, make a third mistake, and clean up in the workshop for an hour. If anyone dares to make a fourth mistake, they will be sent directly to the public toilet to dig out the cesspit

Hearing what Xiao Ma said, all the workshop directors were dumbfounded.

Isn’t this pony too ruthless?!!

He even made a study file for the twelve of them. Points will be deducted if they make a mistake. If all points are deducted, they will be punished for cleaning and even asked to dig out the latrine.


It's so stupid!!!

"Besides, I don't care how much authority and respect you have in your own workshop, but now that you come to our No. stand up!"

"From now on, I will address you all before your surnames, adding an old character, like Lao Qiu, Lao Sun, Lao Niu...

"Here, you are all elementary school students with zero mentality. If anyone dares to blow up his hair, be prepared to be punished!!"

"Of course, you can also quit now, but I can guarantee that Yang Guangchang's call has already reached your office before you return to your workshop.

Holding a small notebook and touching a pen, Xiao Ma explained clearly to the workshop directors the rules that Xiao Ma made for them.

These directors are so angry!!

Today is really a tiger falling into Pingyang and being bullied by a dog!!

These directors can be pissed off.

But even if they were so angry, they didn't dare to show it on their faces.

No way, this is on someone else's territory.

Just like Xiao Ma said, if it’s a dragon, you have to coil up honestly, if it’s a tiger, you have to pinch your tail.

If anyone dares to blow up his hair, Director Qiu is a lesson from the past.

After giving the directors a little time to digest, Xiao Ma asked in a deep voice, "Did everyone hear clearly?"

"Listen up!!!"

The twelve workshop directors roared in unison.

Feeling unwilling but can only let Xiao Ma handle it.

Pony finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In the confrontation with Director Qiu just now, he was actually very uncertain. Fortunately, he was able to hold Director Qiu.

Otherwise, if he can't manage a director Qiu, how can he manage other directors?!

He didn't want Director Lin to be disappointed in him.


A very interesting scene occurred in Workshop No. 1.

Twelve well-known workshop directors lined up neatly and followed Xiao Ma, honestly learning from Xiao Ma.

Wherever the pony went, they followed.

Xiao Ma told them to go east, but they dared not go west.

Even if someone needs to go to the bathroom urgently, they must report to Xiaoma, and only after obtaining Xiaoma's consent can they leave the team and go to the bathroom.

Seeing this scene, the workers who were working in the workshop were all secretly amazed.

They discovered for the first time that Xiao Ma actually has such a strong management ability.

In fact, how did they know that this is the result of Lin Yu supporting Xiao Ma in the back, and it is also the few words Lin Yu instructed Xiao Ma, which inspired Xiao Ma to learn and use it flexibly

It really made him control these workshop directors to death.

Xiao Ma couldn't help sighing in his heart, Director Lin, you are tall!!

You said that these workshop directors must not be regarded as human beings. I followed your instructions, and the effect is simply miraculous.

When Xiao Ma led twelve workshop directors to pass a fire hydrant, Xiao Ma pointed to the fire hydrant and asked Sun Weiguo: "Old Sun, what kind of fire hydrant is this~"?"

Sun Weiguo cheered up and replied, "Indoor fire hydrant."

"The answer is correct, then I will ask you again. How many types of fire hydrants are there? What kinds of fire hydrants are there?" Xiao Ma asked.

Sun Weiguo has done his homework long ago. The fire hydrant caused trouble in his workshop yesterday, which made the district and factory leaders all drowned. If he doesn't have a better memory, he is not Sun Monkey!!

"There are five types of fire hydrants, namely: indoor fire hydrants, outdoor fire hydrants, ground fire hydrants, underground fire hydrants, and a rotating fire hydrant." Sun Weiguo said loudly.

Pony nodded.

"Very good, the answer is correct, so how often do you need to inspect different fire hydrants, and how often do you need a comprehensive overhaul? What should you pay attention to during the overhaul?" Xiao Ma continued to ask.

Sun Weiguo felt a little guilty. He did some superficial work, but he didn't do it too carefully.

In other words, he didn't have a deep understanding of how to overhaul fire hydrants.

He bit the bullet and replied: "Fire hydrants need to be inspected once a week and overhauled every six months. Pay attention during the inspection... Be careful not to damage the fire hydrant.

Sun Weiguo really knew the inspection time and service life of fire hydrants, but he didn't know the details of the subsequent inspections.

Xiao Ma stared at him with a straight face, his eyes full of sarcasm.

"Everyone knows not to break the fire hydrant, but why did the fire hydrant in your workshop suddenly break yesterday?!" Xiao Ma asked in a deep voice.

Sun Weiguo was left speechless by the question.

The workshop directors all around watched the show.

In fact, they all hated Sun Monkey.

If the fire hydrant in Sun Houzi's workshop hadn't exploded yesterday, drenching the district leaders and factory leaders into ruins, why would the district leaders be so strict when they changed their clothes and continued to inspect their workshops?

Xiao Ma looked around at all the workshop directors present and "asked loudly: "Who else knows? What should be paid attention to when inspecting fire hydrants?"

The crowd was silent.

"Trash! What the hell are they a bunch of trash!!"

Xiao Ma scolded the directors.

Then he said loudly: "Do you know why the district leaders inspected your workshop and your safety management failed? That's because you didn't take the four words of production safety into your heart at all."

At this time, Director Niu of Workshop No. 9 said loudly unconvinced: "Comrade Xiao Ma, please tell us [what should we pay attention to when inspecting fire hydrants?


Anyone can hear the anger in Director Niu's words.

The pony glanced at him and said loudly: "Very good, all of you trash, listen to me carefully, the precautions for overhauling fire hydrants, in our workshop, even a sweeping cleaner He is familiar with the work."

"First, check the fire hydrants and fire reel water supply valves for leaks."

"The second point is to check whether the fire hose, water hose, and all the accessories of the school reel machine are complete and intact, and whether the reel rotation is flexible."

"The third point is to check whether the alarm button, the indicator light, that is, the control circuit function is normal and there is no fault."

"The fourth point is to check whether the appearance of the fire box and the fire-fighting components equipped in the box are damaged, whether the coating is peeled off, and whether the glass of the box door is intact."

"Fifth point, check whether the fire hydrants, water supply valves, fire reels and other rotating parts are well lubricated."

"When overhauling fire hydrants, there are a total of these five points for attention, and you can't say anything at all, thanks to the fact that you are still the workshop director.

Xiao Ma's words made all the workshop directors speechless.

Sun Weiguo was even more ashamed.

Director Niu spoke unconvinced again.

"You are so bold to tell us so much, of course because you have done enough homework, we are all workshop directors, we deal with all kinds of affairs all day long, how can we have time to pay attention to these small things?" Director Niu said angrily.

"You don't have time? Do you still think it's a trivial matter to check and repair fire hydrants?" Xiao Ma stared at Director Niu and the others with a ferocious expression. He was about to continue cursing, when he caught a glimpse of Lin Yu coming down the stairs.

"You all stand here for me, and wait for me!"

Xiao Mapidianpidian ran to Lin Yu and said with a smile: "Director, are you free now? I will take up a minute of your time, please help to answer a question for those directors. Those directors said that they spend all day With so many things to do, I don't have time to pay attention to this little safety issue."

Lin Yu laughed.

You pony is too good at flattering, right?

Before I went downstairs just now, I heard you yelling at these workshop directors as trash, and now asking me to answer their questions is clearly to help me establish a glorious and stalwart image in front of all the directors.

Lin Yu smiled and nodded, "Alright, I'll give you a minute."

"Great, Director, thank you."

At this time, Xiao Ma, when facing Lin Yu, seemed to be a different person, the smile on his face was brighter than the sun.

Lin Yu followed Xiao Ma and walked over, Xiao Ma said to a dozen workshop directors: "I know that everyone is busy with daily affairs, and every day (Nuo Zhao) has to deal with many major issues in the workshop

Our director Lin is also busy with everything, what was the question I asked you just now? Look at my brain, how did I forget it?"

Director Niu said loudly: "What matters should be paid attention to when inspecting a fire hydrant? I will think about it for you."

"That's right, director, that's the problem. Just now, it troubled all the directors present, especially Director Sun, who was so hard that he almost grinned." Xiao Ma said to Lin Yu with a smile.

Sun Weiguo was so angry!

You pony, you are not authentic, are you?

I have no objection to you flattering Director Lin, why did you pull me out and step on my feet?

At this moment, all the workshop directors looked at Lin Yu.

Of course Lin Yu knew that these guys wished that he couldn't answer, or that his answer was completely different from Xiao Ma's.

But they were wrong!!

Lin Yu straightened his face and said with a serious expression: "There are five points to pay attention to when inspecting a fire hydrant. The first point is to check whether there is any leakage in the fire hydrant and the water supply valve of the fire reel.

"Second point, check the fire hose..."

"Third point, check the alarm button, indicator light...."

"Fourth point, check the fire box and the equipment inside the box

"Fifth point, check whether the fire hydrants, water supply valves and fire reels are well lubricated. 17

When they heard Lin Yu's eloquent answer, which was exactly the same as what Xiao Ma said just now, all the workshop directors present were dumbfounded!!!.

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