Siheyuan: Starting From The Conversion Of Technicians

187. Yu Haitang Tore Jia Zhang's Family! Let You Continue To Spread Rumors And Cause Trouble, L

Jia Zhang now finally realizes that she has caused a catastrophe!

Originally, her daughter-in-law Qin Huairu came back and told her that she had spread rumors about Shazhu, which made Shazhu almost lose his job and was punished to go to the workshop to clean up.

What else is there to say, just because the stupid Zhu made rumors and reported Lin Yu and the three of them, all of them alarmed Director Yang of the rolling mill and so on.

In short, although Mrs. Jia and Zhang have said a lot, there will be a general meeting of the whole hospital tonight, and Mrs. Jia and Zhang will pretend to be sick, so don't go out.

Jia Zhang didn't take it seriously either.

That idiot, silly Zhu, actually took the rumors made by my old lady seriously?

But if I refuse to admit it, who else can do anything to me?

Although Jia Zhang was a little panicked, she didn't take it too seriously.

But she never imagined that this time there was a meeting of the whole hospital, Sha Zhu named her by name and made her have to attend.

What else to say, even if she is sick, she has to be carried out.

But Jia Zhang was furious.

The Jia Zhang family holds grudges!

She thought in her heart that she would definitely take revenge on Shazhu in a few days.

But next, the words of the great master Yi Zhonghai frightened Jia Zhang very much.

This incident shocked the street office!

It is also necessary to find out the source of the rumors, otherwise no one in the compound can expect peace!

Jia Zhang finally panicked.

What about Director Yang of the rolling mill? She had no contact with the "830" at all, and she didn't know how powerful it was.

But the street is very good, Jia Zhang knows it!

what to do?

Keep pretending to be sick?

Do you want to play dead?

Jia Zhang panicked.

"Dong Xu, what do you think I should do? That bastard Sha Zhu, and Yi Zhonghai are trying to force your mother to death.

Jia Zhang lowered his voice and asked Jia Dongxu who was lying beside him.

Jia Dongxu smiled wryly and said, "Mom, I don't know what to do? This time you made too much of a mess, and it broke the sky. Even Director Yang was alarmed. Alas, "When do you think you can take care of you?" Open your mouth."

Jia Zhang didn't know the horror of Director Yang, but Jia Dongxu did.

Even the director of the factory Yang personally asked about this matter, and the street office will definitely find out the culprit who spread the rumors.

The three uncles are not even a fart in front of the street office!

If you want to blame this, blame the silly pillar.

You say you are a bastard, are you really stupid or fake?

My mother just made up a rumor, you two fools, you actually took it seriously, you really went to the factory leader to report it.

Why didn't you drag guard Corey to go straight to the target?!

Let you eat the gun, and my mother will be fine.

It's a good thing now, but they still have to track down the source of the rumors.

So after many investigations, can't they trace it to my mother in the end?

Jia Dongxu was also helpless for his mother.

Hearing what Jia Dongxu said, Jia Zhang was even more frightened.

She panicked and said, "Dongxu, how about I pretend to be dead?"

"Or you really die! How do I know what to do with you?"

Jia Dongxu rolled his eyes in disgust.

In fact, he also hated Jia Zhang very much!

That was a pension of several hundred dollars given to him by the rolling mill, but it turned out that she, a good-for-nothing old lady, was handed over to Tornado!

He has worked hard in the rolling mill for several years, so all of them are dedicated to the tornado!

Anyway, Jia Dongxu decided to ignore his old lady this time, let his old lady suffer badly, and let her have a long memory!

outside the house.

In the compound.

All the neighbors are looking at Qin Huairu.

There were also people watching Qin Huairu's house through the window.

Qin Huairu wept and said with distress: "Three uncles, please do me a favor and take pity on my mother-in-law. My mother-in-law is really not feeling well. If you say that if you make such a fuss, you will make her suffer again." Come on, what can I do?"

Liu Haizhong stood up suddenly.

"Qin Huairu, you don't need to make troubles, it's really impossible, our neighbors in the courtyard will go to your house to hold this courtyard meeting!"

"Don't think that if your mother-in-law hides, she will be able to avoid this incident. This incident has become so serious that it will be exposed! The one who spread rumors to slander and slander is the leader of our rolling mill!"

"Do you know what the leaders of our rolling mill represent? That represents the face of our rolling mill!"

"Even if the Heavenly King Lao Tzu comes this time, he won't be able to save your mother-in-law!"

"You'd better let her come out quickly and honestly. It's time to explain the problem, to admit the mistake and to admit the mistake. Our three uncles will also help your mother-in-law say a few good words in front of Director Lin, and try to let Director Lin deal with you leniently." Granny."

"But if your mother-in-law does not repent, she must stubbornly resist to the end!"

"Qin Huairu, let me warn you, it won't be the three of us and the neighbors in the hospital holding this meeting for your mother-in-law. At that time, your mother-in-law will be handcuffed and fettered by the factory security department, and taken to the security department Xiao Hei. Go to the house to hold a trial meeting!"

"Which is more important, you should weigh it yourself, we are helping your mother-in-law, you go back and tell your mother-in-law, let her know what is good and what is wrong."

"If you make a mistake, you have to admit it, and when you are beaten, you have to stand firm. She made rumors with one mouth, and she was happy when she finished making rumors, but she caused our rolling mill to spend how much public resources to investigate this matter? Damn Our Director Lin almost lost his reputation! Comrades Yu Li and Yu Haitang almost lost their jobs!"

"She farted a big stinky fart, which made everyone in the room miserable. After farting, she hid herself?"

"No way! Even if she hides in a rat's hole this time, I will dig her out from my bangs and let her be judged by the benevolent people!"

With a big belly, Liu Haizhong spoke righteously, eloquently, spit on Qin Huairu angrily, and scolded Jia Zhang.

This time, the second uncle's speech level made all the neighbors in the compound look at him with admiration.

I can't see it, the second uncle knelt down and Lin Yu knelt down to a new height.

These remarks were resounding, even if the great master Yi Zhonghai had such a high level, he might not be able to make such a speech that was emotional and reasonable.

"Old Liu is right, Qin Huairu, hurry up and call your mother-in-law, it's useless to escape, it will only increase her guilt." Yi Zhonghai said with a straight face.

"That's right, Qin Huairu, both Lao Liu and Lao Yi are right, go and let your mother-in-law come out, hurry up, don't delay our meeting." Yan Bugui frowned, and waved at Qin Huairu, Tell her to let her mother-in-law come out quickly, and stop the ink.

When Qin Huairu saw that the three uncles had reached an agreement, she knew it was going to be bad this time.

She bit the bullet, walked into the house, and said to Jia Zhang who was lying on the bed pretending to sleep: "Mom, go out, if you don't go out, this meeting in the compound cannot be held."

Jia Zhang Shiteng sat up from the bed, she yelled anxiously: "What's wrong? You bullying people? Yi Zhonghai, Liu Haizhong, Yan Bugui, and you stupid fool, you all joined together to bully our orphans and widows Mother? I'll go out and see what you think of me?"

Jia Zhang Shiju pulled on his shoes, walked out of the house sideways, and came to the courtyard with the posture of a dead pig not being scalded by boiling water.

Shazhu pointed at Mrs. Jia Zhang and said loudly: "Uncle One, Uncle Two, Uncle Three, this morning, it was Mrs. Jia who spread rumors at the door of the toilet, saying that Lin Yu and Yu Li slept in the same room last night, saying that The three of them had an improper relationship between a man and a woman. I just believed her rumors at the time, and I was superior, so I ran to the factory leader to report Lin Yu.

"I was wrong, I am a fool, fully aware of the mistakes I made, in the next month, I will definitely reform, work hard, and strive to return to the cafeteria to work as soon as possible

"Now that the source of the rumors has been found out, I implore the three uncles to act and deal with Jia Zhang!"

Silly Zhu almost gritted his teeth and said these words, he was so disgusted.

But Mrs. Jia Zhang shook her head and laughed at Shazhu: "Silly, you are just a two hundred and five. What happened to the rumors I made? Do you really believe the rumors I made? I told you to die, why didn't you Go to hell?"


Sha Zhu was so angry that he wanted to hit someone.

However, before Silly Zhu could do anything, someone did it first.

I don't know when Yu Haitang got behind Sha Zhu, she pushed Sha Zhu aside, and slapped Jia Zhang twice.



The pumping made Jia Zhang's brain buzz, and little stars appeared in his eyes.

"I can't bear the sight of you, such a shameless and shameless woman who relies on the old and sells the old, you spread rumors, gossip, slander my brother-in-law, my sister and me, what the hell are you?


After Yu Haitang slapped Jia Zhangshi, she glared at Jia Zhangshi's nose and cursed.

The neighbors all around were stunned!

The three uncles were all shocked!

Qin Huairu was stunned!

Sha Zhu was stunned!

Even Lin Yu and Yu Li were stunned!

"Haitang, this girl is simply too fierce. She really deserves to be my Lin Yu's sister-in-law. Give Comrade Haitang a compliment." Lin Yu said with a smile in his heart.

Jiazhang finally came to his senses.

When she saw that it was Yu Haitang who slapped her, she became angry from embarrassment.

"Yu Haitang, you little cousin, you actually hit my old lady?!"

"Who knows what nasty things you, your sister, and Lin Yu did last night, I want you to do it, but I don't want me to say it?!"

"I just said it! I just said it! You three dogs and men and women..."

Before Jia Zhang could finish swearing, Yu Haitang pointed left and right at Jia Zhang's old face.


The swear words that Jia Zhang had already entered into her mouth were abruptly withdrawn by her!

"Your mouth is dirty and smelly, isn't it?! You like to spread rumors, don't you?! Don't you die?!"

"I smashed your mouth!!" 3.7 Yu Haitang was really furious.

Four slaps were slapped down, knocking out several of Jia Zhang's teeth, causing the corners of Jia Zhang's mouth to bleed, and his mouth instantly swelled like two sausages.

"Haitang, stop! Stop hitting!"

Yu Li rushed forward, hugged Yu Haitang's waist tightly, and pulled Yu Haitang back.

"Stinky bastard! If you dare to hit me, I'll kill you—"

Jia Zhangshi was also panicked, her hair was disheveled, she looked like a madman, she was about to rush over and fight Yu Haitang desperately.

"Mom, calm down."

Qin Huairu rushed over, hugged Jia Zhangshi's bucket waist tightly, and pulled her back.

The three uncles couldn't sit still.

There are also three aunts, all rushing over to fight.

It took a lot of effort for everyone to finally pull the two apart.


"Yu Haitang, no matter what, you can't hit someone?"

Yi Zhonghai slapped the table heavily, and shouted in a deep voice.

Yu Haitang sneered and retorted.

"I don't want to beat anyone, but if I don't beat this crazy woman, can you three uncles cure her?"

"Why did she develop such a state of spreading rumors, swearing, and lawlessness today? Isn't it because you three uncles indulged her?"

Hearing this, the three uncles were all dumbfounded. .

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