Siheyuan: Starting From The Conversion Of Technicians

192. Our Director Lin’S Eyes Are The Ruler, And His Ears Are The Stethoscope Of Mechanical Equipment

In fact, from the moment Lin Yu entered the workshop, Sun Weiguo, Director Niu and others were secretly watching Lin Yu.

They all wanted to see what Lin Yu would say in the workshop meeting every morning.

But the result disappointed them.

Lin Yu just walked past the workers without saying a word.

If this were left in another workshop, which workshop director would miss the morning meeting to establish his prestige?

Any workshop director can speak eloquently and speak well to the workers in his workshop.

But Lin Yu is an outlier.

In the early regular meeting of the workshop, he actually just walked through the scene without saying a word.

Sun Weiguo and the others were surprised to find that it seemed that the workers in this No. 1 workshop, as well as the monitors who assigned tasks by name, had gotten used to their director Lin being like this.

It's really strange how Lin Yu manages his No. 1 workshop.

Was it done on purpose for them to see?

Sun Houzi and others were very puzzled.

After the squad leader called the roll and assigned tasks, the workers took their positions and went to work.

Before learning, Sun Weiguo leaned in front of Xiao Ma and asked for advice with a shy smile: "Teacher Ma, I have a question to ask. Does Director Lin do this in the morning meeting every day? You don't even say a few words to the workers. ? Give the workers encouragement, so that they will be more enthusiastic about "seven-nine-three" and put into production?"

Around a dozen other workshop directors also gathered together, wanting to hear Xiao Ma's explanation.

Xiao Ma smiled slightly, pointed to the wall behind the directors, and asked, "Everyone, have you seen the slogans on the wall of our No. 1 workshop?"

"I see."

Sun Houzi quickly said: "Stop bragging and work more, keep your feet on the ground, and be diligent."

"That's right, what our director Lin should say to our workshop workers is here. Less bragging and more work, down-to-earth, hard work is more important than anything else."

"In addition, I can also tell you that our workshop has an unwritten rule that is different from other workshops.

Xiao Ma laughed and played tricks.

All the directors were whetted.

"Teacher Ma, what are the rules in your workshop that are different from ours?" Director Niu asked impatiently.

All the workshop directors stared at the pony without blinking.

Xiao Ma said with a smile: "The first ten minutes after work is the time for workers to go to the bathroom. After ten minutes, all workers must go to production."

"What?! Your workshop still has such regulations?" Director Niu clicked his tongue.

"Won't this delay ten minutes of work time?" Director Qiu asked with a frown.

Monkey Sun asked in puzzlement, "Teacher Ma, may I ask why? I believe that Director Lin will never make such a rule for no reason."

Xiao Ma laughed, and said: "You really asked, I really know. Because I was thinking the same as you now, full of puzzles and questions, but after I asked our Director Lin, I suddenly understood .”

"Our Director Lin said: Most of the workers are old and young, and they rush to work in the morning because they are afraid of being late, and they don't even have time to eat, let alone go to the toilet to defecate. If the workers finish ordering When returning to work, there is no time to defecate after defecating in the stomach, which will not only affect the work mood of the workers, but also seriously affect the quality of production. Workers who defecate and go to work will not feel flustered If you don't have to worry about the future, you will naturally increase the production quantity, and if you feel better, you will naturally increase the production quality."

When Xiao Ma said these words, the workers in the workshop came back from the toilet, talking and laughing, with a relaxed expression, which just verified Xiao Ma's words.

The twelve workshop directors were all stunned.

Fuck! Lin Yu is a genius!!

Such a bad idea can come up with.

In the first ten minutes after work, it is unheard of for the workers to pick up the stool collectively.

Today, they have learned a lot.

Soon, a boom sounded.

The workers put into production labor on time and on time.

Sun Houzi and the others paid special attention to the expressions on the faces of every worker they saw beside them.

All looked focused and devoted.

At this moment, they realized that Lin Yu is such a tall man.

He even took care of every worker in his workshop, the first stool in the morning.

No wonder people support so loudly in the workshop.

Xiao Ma led twelve workshop directors to continue their studies.

Before I knew it, half an hour passed.

Sun Houzi yawned quietly, and suddenly he caught sight of Lin Yu standing in front of a machine tool in the aisle not far ahead, talking to a female worker.

"Report! Teacher Ma, Director Lin seems to be instructing a female worker. Would you mind leading us to visit and study?" Sun Houzi asked tentatively.

Xiao Ma turned around and also saw Lin Yu talking to a female worker.

He nodded.

"Everyone, come with me, you are so lucky, the moment for you to open your eyes has come."

Xiao Ma led the workshop directors over quickly.

Lin Yu drank a lot of tea in the office on the second floor, and went downstairs to put some water.

After returning from the toilet, he passed by the machine tool Qin Huairu was working on, and he immediately heard something wrong with the sound of the machine tool Qin Huairu was operating.

He asked Qin Huairu to stop the machine tool.

Qin Huairu was taken aback, she thought she had made some mistake again.

"Director Lin, please criticize me for my inappropriate operation." Qin Huairu said to Lin Yu in fear.

At this time, Xiao Ma led the workshop directors over.

"Hush! Everyone must keep quiet, and no one is allowed to speak."

Xiao Ma turned around and warned all the directors.

In fact, without pony's advice, none of the twelve workshop directors would talk nonsense at this time.

They all widened their eyes and pricked up their ears to hear what Lin Yu said to the female worker.

Lin Yu said to Qin Huairu: "Qin Huairu, you don't have to be too nervous. You did not make any mistakes in the operation just now. I just came here to remind you that a helical gear in your machine tool broke a tooth. Go and repair it. The worker called and asked the maintenance worker to disassemble this machine tool and replace the gear, and you can use the spare machine tool at the back to continue to complete your production tasks.”

"Okay, Director, it's my negligence. I didn't find out that the gear of my bed is broken. I'm going to call the maintenance worker to come over and replace the gear now."

Qin Huairu turned off the power of the machine tool, and hurried to call for the maintenance worker.

Around a dozen workshop directors all looked at each other in blank dismay.

Sun Houzi asked puzzledly: "Director Lin, how did Tao know that the gear of this machine tool is broken?"

Without waiting for Lin Yu to answer, Xiao Ma said first: "You don't know this, right? The eyes of our Director Lin are the rulers of the measuring equipment, and the ears are the stethoscopes of the mechanical equipment. No matter which mechanical equipment in our workshop fails, as long as As soon as Director Lin passed by, he would definitely be able to hear that there is something wrong with the equipment."

More than a dozen workshop directors were all stunned.

"No way? Director Lin, do you really have such good ears?" Sun Houzi asked with a click of his tongue.

Lin Yu smiled and said, "Director Sun, don't listen to Xiao Ma's nonsense, how can my ears be so good? I just predicted that this machine tool broke a gear based on the experience accumulated over the years, but there is nothing special about it." Godless..."

"By the way, Xiao Ma, you must lead the directors to study hard, and at the same time pay attention to safety. I will ask you if something happens to the director."

Xiao Ma smiled and said: "Director, don't worry, I will treat all the directors well."

"That's good."

Lin Yu turned and went upstairs.

Sun Houzi and the others were inexplicably frightened.

They don't know if Lin Yu exchanged some secret words with this dog-legged pony?

Lin Yu, that smiling tiger, probably came up with some bad idea again? Let Xiao Ma deal with them?

Not long.

Qin Huairu came back with the maintenance worker, Master Li.

"Master Li, this is my machine tool. Just now our director said that a helical gear of my machine tool broke a gear tooth, and asked me to go to the spare machine tool at the back to continue to complete the production task, and asked you to help me dismantle the machine tool , Replace the broken gear. Qin Huairu said to Master Li.

Master Li nodded.

"Since Director Lin said that a gear was broken, it didn't run."

"I'm going back to get the tools now, don't worry about it, go and do your work.

Master Li went back to get the tools.

Qin Huairu pushed her cart of rough parts to the back of the spare machine to continue working.

Each process and each production team has one or two spare machine tools. Compared with the machine tools that the workers are using, the spare machine tools are very old, but they can still be used.

That is to say, after the machine tool operated by the workers fails, in order not to delay the production task, the workers have to use the spare machine tool to continue working.

Soon, Master Li, the maintenance worker, brought the tools.

Then proceed to dismantle the machine tool.

The twelve workshop directors gathered around, wanting to see if it was true that, as Lin Yu said, a helical gear was broken in this machine tool?

"Everyone is idle, and they all help Master Li."

Xiao Ma greeted the directors.

What else can the directors say?

Why don't you just help the master maintenance worker in Workshop No. 1 and work together.

Who would have thought that this group of workshop directors, who have been out of production for a long time, did their own work for the first time in so many years, and it was actually a master maintenance worker in No. 1 Workshop 5.7!

People have to bow their heads under the eaves!

With the help of so many people, Master Li quickly disassembled the machine tool.

Open the gear box, release the lubricating oil inside, and take a look at the gears with a professional gear picker.

All the workshop directors were convinced.

as expected!

Lin Yu actually hit the mark!

It turned out that a helical gear broke a tooth!

Master Li took the bad gear and smiled at the group of workshop directors: "Everyone, I advise you not to doubt the judgment of our Director Lin. If he said that there is a problem with the equipment, there must be a problem with that equipment. He said that the The bearings of the equipment are broken, the gears are broken, the sleeves are severely worn, and the gear box is out of lubricating oil. Everyone, I advise you not to argue with our director. Our director's eyes are the ruler for measuring mechanical equipment, and our director's ears are the machinery. equipment stethoscope, his judgment will never be wrong."

Facing Master Li's somewhat proud explanation, the twelve workshop directors were all convinced.

"I didn't expect you, Director Lin, to be so powerful. We're ashamed of ourselves." Director Niu said with a wry smile.

"I just found out today that compared with Director Lin, I, Lao Qiu, have been separated from the workers for a long time." Director Qiu said with a self-deprecating smile. .

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