Siheyuan: Starting From The Conversion Of Technicians

198. Yi Zhonghai's Deaf Old Lady Persuaded Shazhu To Get An Indoor Bathroom, And He Yushui Came

"Silly Zhu, how can such a small amount of braised pork be enough? Let me take it home to increase nutrition for the children.

"Silly Zhu, wait for you to buy more braised pork some other day, and we'll share it with your sister."

Qin Huairu walked quickly with Sha Zhu's lunch box, talking to Sha Zhu while walking.

She even missed the braised pork that Sha Zhu bought next time.

Silly Zhu is about to cry but has no tears.

"Hey, why is this person like this?!"

Silly Zhu looked at Qin Huairu's back, crying and laughing again and again.

His current working environment is not the same as before.

He used to be the squad leader in the cafeteria. As long as he wanted to, he could bring back some leftovers every day. It was not a problem to get back some meat dishes such as braised pork.

But now it is different, now he is fined to go to the factory public toilet to dig out the latrine, which has nothing to do with the work in the cafeteria, even he has to go to the cafeteria to buy his own food now.

Today, he spent a dollar to buy this braised pork from a restaurant outside, in order to coax the rainwater and let the rainwater regenerate his anger.

But Sha Zhu never expected that the braised pork would be snatched away by Qin Huairu as soon as he entered the courtyard.

"It's a bad start!"

Sha Zhu stomped his feet regretfully.

But looking at Qin Huairu's enchanting and ample waist, Sha Zhu still took a few more glances.

Whoever asks you to take away my braised pork, I will look at you more.

Silly Zhu thought hard in his heart.

He suddenly smelled the aroma of carp stewed tofu.

This smell is really delicious!

For a moment, silly Zhu's gluttons were almost hooked out.

Silly Zhu raised his head and glanced in the direction of the backyard. No need to ask 22, it must be Lin Yu's grandson who is stewing fish and tofu in his big iron pot again.

At the beginning, when Lin Yu was cooking the big pot in the kitchen of his house in the backyard, Sha Zhu was still full of disdain, and he despised Lin Yu to the extreme in his heart.

But now, he is too jealous of Lin Yu's big pot head.

The cauldron head can not only boil water, but also cook, stir-fry, stew and steam steamed buns.

As long as on the way back from get off work, I picked up a few sticks by the side of the road as firewood, and even saved coal.

How did Lin Yu's grandson come up with such a good idea, insisting on cooking a big pot head in his kitchen.

I heard from people that some time ago, the weather was quite cold. When it was not so hot, I heard that Lin Yu used a large iron pot to boil water every day and took a hot bath every night.

Now that the weather is hot, it's time for Lin Yu to take a warm bath, and he still uses his big iron pot to boil hot water.

Now, among so many neighbors in the compound, no one does not envy Lin Yu's big iron pot.

Even Shazhu himself wanted to make a big iron pot in his room, but unfortunately he couldn't.

"Zizhu, are you back? Come to my room."

Sha Zhu was standing there in a daze, Yi Zhonghai went out and waved to Sha Zhu.

"Master Yi, what do you need from me?"

Silly Zhu followed Yi Zhonghai into the house and asked with a smile.

The old deaf lady was there too.

Aunt Yi is serving food outside.

"Haven't you eaten yet? Zhuzi, sit down and eat something together." Yi Zhonghai said to Shazhu.

"Hey, you really hit the spot, Uncle Yi, didn't I just buy something delicious for my sister, didn't I just get snatched away by Qin Huairu as soon as I entered the compound, this person is really, Steal everything from me."

Silly Zhu sat down on the chair, complaining about Qin Huairu.

Although he was complaining, there was no trace of anger on his face, and there was even a hint of showing off.

In fact, Xia Zhonghai saw all the scene where Qin Huairu snatched away Shazhu's lunch box just now.

While he felt funny in his heart, he didn't take it seriously.

As the saying goes, when you order tofu in brine, you drop one thing.

Who was Shazhu afraid of in the compound?

But he just let Qin Huairu eat to death.

Yi Zhonghai handed Shazhu a pair of chopsticks, Aunt Yi also sat down, and the four of them sat around the dining table and had dinner.

No matter what Yi Zhonghai said, he was also a seventh-level old fitter, and his salary was not low.

Although the living conditions of their family are not so high as to say that there is a lot of fish and meat every day, there is a meat dish on the table every now and then.

This is why the deaf old lady moved from the backyard to the middle courtyard.

The deaf old lady likes to eat meat, and eating with Yi Zhonghai's family is not a loss for the deaf old lady.

"Zhuzi, I plan to wait for this Saturday and the weekend to build an indoor bathroom in my house, and then don't go out to cook." Come and help me.

While eating, Yi Zhonghai said to Shazhu.

"What?! Uncle Yi, you also want to build an indoor bathroom?"

"You are the grandpa in our compound, when did you make Lin Yu's grandson feel so bad?"

"Then what a shitty indoor bathroom, it doesn't work at all!"

"At the beginning, I saw that he was very smart, but after a long time, the sewer was clogged, and the stench must come up. It was the stench coming out of the house. Maybe it was raining heavily, and it would go into the house. It's a runny nose."

"No, that thing definitely won't work."

Sha Zhu waved his hands again and again, anyway, he didn't like that thing.

Yi Zhonghai said very seriously: "Zhu Zi, your worries are unnecessary. Today I went to see the indoor bathroom of Lin Yu's house. The design is very reasonable, the ventilation facilities are good, and the bathroom is also very clean. Moreover, I have also seen the sewer that Lin Yu asked someone to dig outside the wall of Lin Yu’s house. Outside the sewer, a cement pipe was built. He designed the cement pipe into a funnel shape. The waste water and dirt from the bathroom in his house can only go out and not in. There is no possibility of water being poured in. In short, The design is very reasonable, and I think it can be done."

"That's right, silly Zhu, it's right to listen to Yi Zhonghai. You are a cook and you only know how to cook. Lin Yu is a technician in a rolling mill, and Yi Zhonghai is a seventh-level fitter in a rolling mill. Their education levels and skills they understand Isn't it better than a cook like you? You are right, the indoor bathroom must be done on weekends."

The deaf old lady didn't even bother to eat the meat and vegetables on the plate, and started doing silly ideological work.

"That's right, silly Zhu, you have to think about the old lady and me."

Aunt Yi said: "On the day of the heavy rain a few days ago, how did you let me and the old lady go to the toilet outside? And the toilet was filled with water the next day, and the old lady and I were all suffocated." I'm waiting in line for you to clean up the feces in the toilet with a feces spoon, but Lin Yu's family is not affected at all. You said that if our family has an indoor toilet like Lin Yu's, then it should be How wonderful, at least to catch up with the stormy weather that day, the old lady and I went to the bathroom, and we didn't have to suffer anymore.

Hearing what the deaf old lady and Aunt Yi said, Sha Zhu understood immediately.

The old man and the deaf old lady have discussed it, and they are waiting to persuade him.

What else can the idiot say?

"Okay, old lady, Aunt Yi, it's true, I'm stupid and didn't think carefully."

"I actually questioned the decision made by Uncle Yi?"

"Didn't Uncle Yi make that decision after careful consideration?"

"Success! I agree with Uncle One's decision. I won't go anywhere on Saturdays and Sundays, and I won't go out to cook outside. I will help Uncle One fix our indoor bathroom at home.

Sha Zhu patted his chest and promised.

"That's good, that's good, silly Zhu, eat more vegetables, eat more vegetables quickly, don't get cold."

Aunt Yi narrowed her eyes with joy.

The deaf old lady was even happier.

In the future, when Yi Zhonghai's family built the indoor bathroom, she could use it accordingly, and she no longer had to squat in the smelly public toilet outside.

As she gets older and older, the deaf old lady now has to use a cane to walk, and it is difficult to stand up after squatting in the pit for a long time.

She couldn't wait to use the toilet that was said to be convenient for sitting.

I heard people say that it is very comfortable to use.

The deaf old lady can look forward to it.


Lin Yu is also eating.

A big carp, stewed with tofu for an hour.

The ingredients are all put together, and the time of gurgling is long enough, so the taste is not to be mentioned

Lin Yu poured himself a glass of wine, which was naturally Moutai.

As long as he goes to a department store, he will definitely buy a bottle of Moutai and put it in the system space.

But now that he has obtained the Dionysus wine-making skills rewarded by the system, he will drink Moutai again tonight, and he will find that this wine is also perfect.

Although Moutai has always been a model of Maotai-flavored wine, after Lin Yu tasted it, he always felt that it was not interesting.

"It seems that my plan to set up a brewery by myself should be put on the agenda."

"The best time is when I get married, so that all the relatives and friends who come to the banquet can drink the fine wine 607 brewed by me."

"Gays drink white wine, women drink beer and wine."

When mentioning wine, Lin immediately had an idea.

Get up early tomorrow and go to the Pigeon Market to buy more grapes for making wine.

For Lin Yu, making those god-like wines touted by Westerners is a piece of cake for later generations.

Lin Yu was listening to the radio and eating when there was a knock at the door.

Lin Yu looked up and saw that it was He Yushui.

He Yushui's dusty appearance must have just come back from get off work.

"Lin Yu, please let me borrow your bathroom for a while, please?"

"When I came back just now, I saw several stray dogs next to the public toilet outside the gate of our compound. I was afraid of being bitten by the dogs, so I didn't dare to go to the toilet, so..."

Lin Yu nodded.


"Thank you so much, I always give you trouble, I feel very sorry for Sanada."

He Yushui said apologetically.

"It doesn't matter." Lin Yu said with a smile, "I bought some fiberboards today and nailed them to the walls inside and outside the bathroom, specially for soundproofing the bathroom. You should go quickly."

He Yushui was startled, and nodded quickly.

He walked quickly into the bathroom and plugged in the latch from the inside.

Looking at the inner wall of the bathroom, He Yushui really saw a layer of fiberboard nailed on it.

"Lin Yu is really careful. He actually took into account the sound insulation effect of the bathroom. It's great."

He Yushui laughed to himself.

In fact, she had a bad stomach after eating at noon today, and she had diarrhea.

I have already gone to the toilet several times in the factory.

I also took antidiarrheal medicine in the factory infirmary.

But after eating, it doesn't work very well.

Not only did she just return to the compound, she also wanted to go to the public toilet outside the gate of the compound to use the toilet, but there were several stray dogs outside the public toilet, so scared that He Yushui dared not go near the public toilet.

She had no choice but to bite the bullet and run to beg Lin Yu.

She was worried that if she went to the bathroom in Lin Yu's bathroom, if she made too much noise, Lin Yu would dislike or ridicule her.

But now it seems that she thinks too much. .

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