Siheyuan: Starting From The Conversion Of Technicians

56. People Gave Me The Nickname Regret Chess Eleven Lang, And I’M Willing To Gamble And Lose My Swee

"That's right, Lao Zhao, it's you and Lao Zhou who cheated."

Old Kang said bluntly.

The big leader also smiled and echoed: "Lao Kang and I were defeated by Xiao Lin in the chess game. If we don't cheat you, Lao Kang and I feel really sorry for ourselves."

Old Zhao was very speechless. He waited for the two of them with contempt, took out a cigarette from his pocket, and was just about to light it for himself, when he suddenly paused again.

With a cigarette in his hand, he reached out and handed it to Lin Yu.

"Xiaolin, do you smoke?"

Lin Yu shook his head.

"Thank you, I don't smoke."

Old Zhao smiled and said, "A good comrade is one who doesn't smoke. Then you and Lao Zhou take your time. I'll go out to smoke a cigarette first to refresh myself, and I'll fight with you when I come back."

Saying so, Lao Zhao took the cigarette and ran outside to get addicted to it.

At this time, Lao Zhou and Lin Yu were already fighting on the chessboard.

To say that this old Zhou did have two brushes, and when he came up, he was a three-axe, but after the three-axes, the chess path began to be a little messy.

In addition, Lin Yu deliberately guided him several times, which eventually led to Lao Zhou's defeat.

But this old Zhou refused to admit defeat, and always regretted his moves.

The big leader and Lao Kang looked at each other, and they couldn't laugh or cry.

"Old Zhou, this stinky chess player, has committed his old problems again. How old are you? You still regret playing chess with Xiao Lin. How shameless are you?" the big leader sneered.

"When will Lao Zhou face off on the chessboard? If he doesn't regret his moves, he is not Lao Zhou." Lao Kang also followed with contempt.

After being despised by two old friends, Lao Zhou lost his face a little bit.

Simply spread out your hands and throw the chess pieces into the chess basket.

Lao Zhou admits defeat.

"I'm talking about Lao Liu and Lao Kang, you two old guys can't expose my old background. Don't I just like to regret a few moves? Are you so sarcastic and run on me?" Lao Zhou took a big sip of strong tea, dissatisfied I complained about two old friends.

"How many moves have you regretted? You can pull it off. I'll count it for you. By the time you give up completely, you've ruined eleven moves in total." Old Kang said with contempt.

The big leader laughed, "Why don't you say that Lao Zhou's nickname is Huiqi Eleven Lang, and I don't regret eleven moves, I am really sorry for his nickname."

Lin Yu's stomach ached from laughing.

These old friends of the big leader are not ordinary old friends, they are simply a group of bad friends.

"Okay, okay, Lao Liu, Lao Kang, I'm not as knowledgeable as you."

Lao Zhou waved his hand, calling Lin Yu to continue playing chess.

"Xiao Lin, let's ignore them, they must have had a lot of drinking last night, or maybe their heads were squeezed by the door this morning."

"Let's continue to play our chess game, Xiao Lin, let's discuss something, can you let me walk twice in this game of chess?"

Lao Zhou smiled at Lin Yu and begged Lin Yu in a low voice.

Lin Yu couldn't laugh or cry.

Dare to feel that this old Zhou who is watching the gate is not only the eleventh man who regrets chess, he can also play bitter tricks.

Lin Yu nodded, "Okay, no problem."

"Hey, Kobayashi, thank you so much."

Lao Zhou was in a good mood, dropped two chess pieces in a row, and made a gesture of invitation to Lin Yu.

"Little Lin, it's your turn."

There was no suspense in this game of chess, and Lao Zhou lost again.

This time, Lao Zhou behaved well, perhaps because two old friends teased him and mentioned his disgusting nickname in front of Lin Yu.

Lao Zhou unexpectedly did not regret his move this time.

"Hey, Xiao Lin, you have won two games of chess in a row, you have two brushes."

"Let's play another game. If you can win three games in a row, I will give you one or two good Longjing teas."

Lao Zhou challenged Lin Yu again, and he even took out the lottery.

Lin Yu smiled and said, "Okay, I'll give it a try. I really want to taste the excellent Longjing tea that Leader Zhou has treasured."

"Don't call me a leader, I'm not a leader, just call me Lao Zhou."

Lao Zhou began to place pieces on the chessboard.

Lin Yu followed closely behind.

ten minutes later.

The battle is over.

With great pain, Lao Zhou took out a tea bottle from his jacket pocket and stuffed it into Lin Yu's hand.

"I'm willing to bet and admit defeat. I'll give you one or two of the best Longjing teas."

This scene was signed by Lao Zhao, who had just returned from smoking outside.

Old Zhao was surprised and asked: "What's going on? Old Zhou, why did you give Xiao Lin your sweetheart?"

"I would like to bet and admit defeat. Xiao Lin won three games of chess in a row. What else can I say?" Lao Zhou smiled wryly, "From now on, my darling will belong to Xiao Lin."

Old Zhao was taken aback again.

Compared with Lao Zhou who reluctantly parted with him and gave Lin Yu his beloved tea bottle, he paid more attention to Lin Yu's consecutive wins of Lao Zhou's chess games.

Lao Zhou is a notoriously stinky chess player, nicknamed "Repentant Chess Eleven".

It can make him willingly admit defeat and admit defeat, so it can be seen that Xiao Lin's chess skills are not ordinary!

"Okay, old Zhou, you can rest in peace, and I will avenge you." Old Zhao said seriously.

Lao Zhou rolled his eyes, pointed at Lao Zhao and cursed with a smile: "No, Lao Zhou, I will not die with peace in my eyes. I am still waiting for you to come to me. We are good companions on the way to Huangquan."

These two hurt friends, hurting each other, it's called a ruthless mouth.

Old Zhao took a sip of tea, sat in front of Lin Yu in a serious manner, and said with a smile, "Xiao Lin, we both killed three games in a row. If you can win three games in a row, I will give you a box of Daqianmen."

These days, Daqianmen is the best cigarette.

Thirty-nine cents a box.

It is not available in ordinary department stores and supply and marketing cooperatives.

Old Zhao is addicted to smoking, he would rather not eat for a week than not smoke for a day.

Let Lao Zhao cut his flesh and come up with a box of big front doors, which shows that Lao Zhao is extremely sincere.

But Lin Yu shook his head.

"Sorry, Leader Zhao, I don't smoke."

Old Zhao scratched his head.

"Then what should we do? Are you reading a book?"

Lin Yu nodded.

Old Zhao's eyes lit up immediately.

"That's great, as long as you can win three rounds in a row, I will give you a random book in the school library." Old Zhao promised.

Lin Yu agreed without thinking.

The big leader and Lao Kang couldn't help but look at each other.

While Lao Zhao served as the president of China University, he also served as the director of China University Library.

In the past, the big leader and Lao Kang often went to the big library under the jurisdiction of Lao Zhao, but this Lao Zhao was very stingy and never gave them a book as a souvenir.

But today, he actually promised Lin Yu that he would win three chess games in a row, and asked Lin Yu to choose a book at random in his library, and he gave it to Lin Yu.

This made the big leader and Lao Kang very dissatisfied with Lao Zhao.

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